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I was just wondering, what if a mod commits some sort of bannable offense, what would happen then?

I hope this is not a controversial thing, i was just wondering, considering this is my first forum experience so far.
Personally I can only speak for the forums I've administered, but we would look over the offense and discuss it. Depending on severity it would either result in a loss of rank or an outright ban, if it were deemed to be an actual offense. The same thing would probably happen here...
I can't answer that - we've never had a mod to do something that warranted a ban (in the opinions of all the mods as a collective, that is). We don't always agree on everything but we generally discuss these issues in detail until we all reach a decision. We also question our actions...we ask advice from each other on how to handle things and also (on occasion) bow out of a particular confrontation if we think we're too close to the issue. A lot of conversation goes on in the background of the forum between the mods.
I know this doesn't directly answer your question (as there hasn't been a time - yet - that the issue has come up) but I hope this provides some understanding at least.

Edit: To Rosebolt - bless you for not putting this thread in the Up For Debate section.
Couldn't you have just PM'ed a mod about this??
Alright, thanks Dissident and Eve for the well thought out replies, i understand now. And yeah Mike, i was thinking of that too, that it would be better to do so, but decided against it for multiple opinions.
EveWasFramed said:
LoneKiller said:
Bjarne puts the offending mod on a timeout.

Actually, Bjarne has never disagreed with any of the current mod staff. (hmm)
Forgive me Eve. I was just kidding.:)

This thread just reminded me of something. Don't some forums have what are called "Super Mods" who are responsible for dealing with this particular issue before it gets kicked up to the admin?
Any member can call me brown noser if they want, but we really do have good mods here. Far better than others I've seen online.
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