Movie Quotes

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Wonderful buddies all quotes are awesome. My favorite is
" No arrest, no FIR, decision on the spot"
It always inspired me to join police department.
-You're like, the coolest person I know and you don't even have to try. Juno MacGruff
-I try really hard, actually. Pauly Bleeker
0CI355A said:
-You're like, the coolest person I know and you don't even have to try. Juno MacGruff
-I try really hard, actually. Pauly Bleeker

Oh I like this movie. very witty lines. including this :)
'Benny...bring me everyone.'
"What do you mean, 'everyone'?"

Fantastic film. :D
Don't mean to offend with this one, but it's one of my favorite Homer Simpson quotes

"You know me Marge, I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my homosexuals flaming."

"Remember that postcard Grandpa sent us from Florida of that Alligator biting that woman's bottom? That's right, we all thought it was hilarious. But, it turns out we were wrong. That alligator was sexually harassing that woman. "

"Oh, so they have internet on computers now."

"To start press any key. Where's the any key?"

"I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone says they have to work a lot harder when I’m around."

"Oh Mother Sea, giver of fish, taker of boats, toilet to the world. The Greeks call you Poseidon! The Romans…Aquaman!"

"I’m normally not a praying man, but if you’re up there, please save me, Superman."

"When will I learn? The answers to life’s problems aren’t at the bottom of a bottle, they’re on TV!"

And one of my all time favorites :D From the monorail episode, Homer is the conductor of Springfield's first monorail, when everything goes horribly wrong and the monorail goes out of control. Marge finds a man who might be able to help him.

Marge: "Homer, I’ve got someone down here who can help you."
Homer: "Is it Batman?"
Marge: "No it’s a scientist."
Homer: "Batman’s a scientist."
Marge: "It’s NOT Batman!"
"You're not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other. That's the whole deal. That's what initimacy is all about. Now you can know everything in the world, sport, but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot. You certainly won't learn from an old ****** like me. Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell a piss ant like you." -Sean, Good Will Hunting

Had to google that one. I also like the one with apples.

"You like apples?"
"I got her number. How you like them apples?"
"You and your boys didn't just roll a star market over in Malden for a box of quarters. No, you decided to bang it out on the North End at 9 o'clock in the morning with assault rifles. You ******* dummies shot a guard! Now you're like a half off sale at a Big & Tall - every cop is in line. Fortunately though, for you, this guard, who is two-thirds of a retard, has miraculously clung to life. Now, if it were up to me, and they gave me two minutes and a wet towel, I would personally asphyxiate this half-wit so we could string you up on a federal M1 and end this story with a bag on your head and a paralyzing agent running through your veins. This isn't ******* Tommy Hopscotch anymore, Doug. But I did wanna say one thing: You're here today so I can personally tell you that you are going to die in federal prison. And so are all your friends. No deal. No compromise. And when that day comes when you start trying to be my hero collaborator so hard that I have to slap you to shut up, and it will come, despite your pitiable, misguided, Irish Omertà. When your code of silence finally gives way to fear of trafficking in cigarettes to prevent sexual enslavement, I just want you to know that it's gonna be me who told you to go **** yourself."-That one awesome Fed-The Town
"The worst thing in the world is not being alone, but being surrounded by people who make you feel alone." - World's Greatest Dad

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