Just start changing your routine. Get yourself out of the rut.
It might take more then several attempts to break out of this rut.
Having people to encourage you will increase your chances of breaking the habits.
Okay...you have writting the liablities in your life. Now make an asset list..
Do educate yourself wheather you return back to school or not.
At 17 i couldn't consentrat worth a ****..At 22-23 my mind became like a spung. I wanted the learn
about everything. Plus some of the things that were complicated to me at 17 were very simple at 22.
Our brain dosn't fully develope until in our mid 20's. Even at my current age I still keep and attitude of
stay willing to learn.
I dropped out of HS 2 weeks before graduations. I was working part time and going to school part time.
I already had all of my requirements and pionts...never the less i still dropped out.
Of course as always...it would had to be a girl that gave me an incentive to attend summer school.
We became very close ..hung out together and attend classes together.
I worked full time to save money for an automobile. Then went to college full time for as long as I could.
It got better. I wasn't as girl crazy as I used to be. So I could consentrate on my education.
Never the less...I met more women in college, which wasn't really a bad thing. She took me home everyday.
She was a nympho..I really needed that. It eased my mind and body.
Don't worry at 17 I didn't understand girl much either...I don't understand them too much now...it's okay.
Take baby steps...make little changes.
What helped me a lot was doing physical excersize. Not only did it get me into better shap and have a smexy body

it helps combat depression. Plus I was into action and experincing. I notice or observe how my mind and body would
resist changes. Plus I got into self descipline becuase I couldn't bench press 150lb, jog a couple of miles or ride my bike 10 miles at first.
I had to take baby steps...bench press whatever I could and increase the wieght as I got stronger...
It was also excersizing my mind...becuase I mind would say.."hell no...you can't do it...it hurts too much to jog another mile.
No...I counldn't jog another mile...I walked half of it..but I was going to jog or walk an extra mile no matter what it took.
Gradually i was able to jog 5 miles...it wasn't a theory..it was an experinces...my mind and body had to experince it to fully grasph it.
To know it could be done. To know i'm capiable of doing it. To know i have the power within me to change and control my life.
I wasn't competing or comparing myself to anyone...It was my personal goals and self improvement.
Bascailly...I'm applying the same principle in other aspects of my life.