Princess Pink Love
BeyondShy said:TheRealCallie said:I see nothing about snowy volcanoes on that meetup page. Must be an error....
<sigh> You're impossible.
Yes, yes I am. So, how about creating your own meetup?
BeyondShy said:TheRealCallie said:I see nothing about snowy volcanoes on that meetup page. Must be an error....
<sigh> You're impossible.
TheRealCallie said:Yes, yes I am. So, how about creating your own meetup?
BeyondShy said:There was another meetup group over the weekend and I'd like to give a play-by-play of what happened but the truth is I didn't go and what's worse I didn't plan on going. I didn't take the chance of having it turn out like the last time even though there were a lot less people at this one.
I am kind of wondering if meet-up is not for me but then again I could just be saying it to convince myself not to go there anymore.
TheRealCallie said:Sounds to me that you're making excuses. SOME meetups won't be for you, of course, but there is likely at least one out there that is. If you give it a chance, if you go more than once, if you don't sabotage it before you even get there.
TheRealCallie said:If you don't want to do them anymore, find something else to do. If you want what you want, you have to do something to get what you want. What you want won't come to you wrapped in a neat little gift box.
BeyondShy said:Just a quick shout-out welcoming AmytheTemperamental back.
BeyondShy said:Meet-up news:
There's a new meet-up scheduled for the end of next week. It is a get together to gather stuff to send to the troops overseas. It's a very nice idea and so far about twenty people are going. Sorry to say I am not one of the twenty that will be attending. You see, this meet-up is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. and I will have already been at work for a few hours. I have to miss it.
TheSkaFish said:Is there a similar meet-up at a later time on a different day, perhaps?
TheSkaFish said:What kinds of things do you like doing?
BeyondShy said:TheSkaFish said:What kinds of things do you like doing?
With meetups I wouldn't mind going to a coffee get-together or to meet at a cafe. Or maybe go in a group to a movie. You see, I'm not a drinker so I would get pretty bored standing around a bar.
BeyondShy said:And before I forget, thank you very much for asking. I appreciate it.
TheRealCallie said:OHHH, it's like a treasure hunt!!!! You should totally go.
BeyondShy said:Little worried about next week. Crutches and I do not get along so well.
BeyondShy said:I haven't posted in here in over a month but I had to today to share the wonderful news. sent me an e-mail informing me that there are fourteen (14) women who checked out my profile and want me to get in touch with them so we could meet!!
Fourteen???!! Fourteen? What does someone do in this situation? I need advice! All I want is one. I can't handle fourteen.
Then I remembered something....I never signed up for
I hate spam e-mails
Have a good weekend.
BeyondShy said:Little worried about next week. Crutches and I do not get along so well.