The technocrats would have a strict code of contact in favour of the public.
They would only disapprove funding if the idea was pure ****.
We've never heard -that- story before.
Q: Do you have a military?
A:Military would be dismissed and a squad of peace keeping diplomats would take their place.
Peace treaty would be established with every country possible.
That's working well for Tibet. What do you think diplomats do?? Blow jobs only go so far. The only reason ANY diplomat is able to work, ultimately, is because other nations know the alternative to negotiation is war. Outside of the most basic agreements, it is the looming threat of violence. Note that North Korea isn't exactly jumping up and down to engage with us diplomatically? Why is that? What would your 'peace keeping diplomats' do in the face of outright tyranny? Just keep conceding things? They can only say 'no' for so long before the other guy says 'or what?'
I'm not going to sit here and suggest that the whole world is out to get us, but the fact of the matter is that most every major nation has an enemy right now.
Q:But what about loss?
A: No such thing as "loans", "debit" or "credit" in my society.
Therefore it couldn't make a loss all stock would have to be paid for before it was given.
If the enterprise runs out of money then it's bust. Must be reviewed by the technocrats for more funding.
The United States Debt Ceiling Crisis of 2011
A lot of your post is jumbled and difficult to read, for the record.
The only part of your system I like is welfare recipients being assigned work orders of some sort, but it would eventually fall on its face. You effectively remove an entire industrial sector, whether it's just roads or the entirety of the transportation infrastructure. Now, the people who would normally work those jobs as plausible employment (and I will tell you now, those jobs pay rather well and aren't all unskilled labor as you seem to be assuming) are out of a job and on welfare. So you have to put them somewhere else, displacing another set of workers...or you have to arbitrarily place them on existing projects, creating duplication of effort.
I don't like it and I would move or revolt. Oh, let me guess, you're going to disarm me too? Because everyone is nice now. And your new regime will never ever abuse its power.
I guess I just don't like being told I have to take care of other people outside of my community. Humans did fine on a tribal level. I am a proponent, after the world collapses, of a return to such an existence. Perhaps even small nations. But globalism...neh. Don't care for it.
Society is failing, dragged to the depths by the apathetic and the ignorant, blindly following their chosen figurehead and fighting amongst each other for scraps when they should be tearing down the walls in the name of the Constitution. Demanding justice. Making their fates. Instead they watch Jersey Shore, and riot over their soccer/football games, or pretend that things are going their way. It is going to happen globally, and it will be ugly. I await it without fear.
I like taking care of myself and my own. When the country collapses I am going to retreat to an undisclosed location and remain there, self sustained, as long as possible. It may be the family home in the sticks, it may be elsewhere. When that is no longer possible, whether it's the government attempting to seize my assets for the 'greater good' or the fear-driven, glassy-eyed mob pounding down my door, I'm going to vanish; hopefully with a few trusted friends...possibly without.
There are thousands like me. We are 'crazy' to some. In the end, we will live or die. But we will be free then, because nothing else is worth living for.