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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Georgia, US
I'm almost positive I'm allergic to my daughter's pet rat. I'm the one that changes the cage and about two weeks after we got her, I'm having allergy-like symptoms (nose, throat, lots of sneezing and itchy eyes). I did have the flu when we got her, but I was over the flu for a couple of days and then got sick again (with the above symptoms).

Does anyone here have a pet rat or know anyone who has that was allergic to them??

Also, if I AM, I suppose I will have to find the rat a new home. I'm sure my daughter will be crushed. Any suggestions on how to break it to her? I don't want to get rid of her pet, but I can't take being sick anymore. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Without knowing anything about your daughter is there anyway for her to take care of it? Why doesn't she change its cage? If she's capable it would probably be beneficial for everybody.
You could just let your daughter see you suffering from your allergies and hopefully she would ask why mommy seems like she's sick. Then you can explain to her that you believe you are allergic to her pet rat. That way you look like you are willing to suffer for her and hopefully she'd make the choice to give it away.
Not sure if it's an airborne thing but if it's contact then maybe you could wear gloves or something. Breaking bad news is never easy, I'm not sure how old your daughter is but the best way is to speak in a language she'll understand (depending on her age).
I think Sci-Fi made some good points there. I also think you should go to the doctor and get it checked out to see if it would or likely have a relation to the rat and if so, you'd have the doctor's confirmation to share with your daughter as well so she'd also know that you're not just assuming it. She may not have noticed your health reactions in relation to the rat so that's where she might think you're just making assumptions (I think some kids think like this).

Also, get well soon! *hugs*
I read an article just now saying that sometimes the BEDDING is what causes the allergy (especially since you are the one cleaning the cage and if you are cleaning it inside), and advised trying a different kind of bedding first and seeing if the allergies subside.

Getting your daughter to clean the cage would be a good idea (if possible). If you absolutely have to clean the cage wear long sleeves and one of those masks that goes over your nose and mouth.

Also washing the rat on a regular basis with rat shampoo? That was said to have some effect, along with cleaning the cage more frequently and brushing it on a regular basis.

The articles are also suggesting that male rats are more allergenic than female rats so if the rat is male exchanging it for a female one might help.

We touch our faces a hell of a lot over the day without realizing it so try also washing your hands thoroughly immediately after handling the rat or cleaning the cage.

Any of these sound like options? Sadly I'd have no idea how to let her down gently, maybe it will be traumatic no matter what you do.
First, take the allergies-test to make sure if it is an allergy and exactly to what. On the results they usually also say what medicine works against allergies and you could try and take for a period antihistamines and see how you feel. Maybe the allergy will disappear and your daughter won`t have to give up on her pet. Or maybe it isn`t allergy at all, but something related to the flu. Also, if you developed an allergy, your daughter will either develop antibodies to the allergen or like yourself, become allergic. Maybe your immune system is weaker than hers and that`s why you have these symptoms.
I don`t have a rat pet, I have had cat pets for 15 years and never had an allergy. Last winter after both my daughter and I had a cold, I developed pneumonia and shortly I got over it I had asphyxiation attacks with no explanation. Later the doctor said that due to my weak immune system I`ve developed some allergy I`m unaware of because I don`t have a rash or other symptoms, only the asphyxiation attacks, and manifests itself like some kind of asthma. So he put me on antiallergy and asthma treatment immediately (it was too late to take the test to know exactly what kind of allergy it is) and said it doesn`t matter if I never was allergic before, the human body has the genes or whatever to develop an allergy, and at any given moment, like after a cold, flu, stress, when the immune system is down, they start manifesting. Treatment can be temporary and solve the problem, or permanent. I`m saying this because I`m not sure if giving up on the pet will entirely solve the problem. But like the others have said above, precaution measures are good (gloves, maybe a face mask in case it spreads through air, because you still have to get in contact with the pet).
These are the first things that cross my mind right now. I guess there is more information on symptoms and treatment and measures on the web and medical forums.
Hope you get well soon and find a solution that works both for you and your daughter. Hug.
Thanks everyone. I managed to get an appointment for later today.
As far as my dealings with her (rhe rat,lol) cage, I always use gloves and I change it twice a week. I have also changed the type of bedding we use. When I transfer her from her cage to a small box when I clean the cage, I also wear the gloves. I'm not sure if they can test for allergies at my primary doctor's office, but I'm certainly going to ask. This madness has migrated into my lungs now and I've lost my voice from all the coughing. =\
Oh dear :( I really hope it doesn't get worse from here. Please take care, Eve. *hugs*
ladyforsaken said:
Oh dear :( I really hope it doesn't get worse from here. Please take care, Eve. *hugs*

aww...thank you! :)

So, doc has me taking antihistamines and using a steroid inhaler. He said to move Rose (the rat) upstairs for a week (until I've gotten better).
Once Im better, Im to bring the rat back down stairs (where I sleep/hang out).

If I get sick again, then I know it's the rat.
Hopefully, it's not the rat and I wont get sick again. If it is...well...anyone want a cute rat? :p
I was just thinking if you took the allergy-test and how you are feeling.
Yep, just as I thought: antihistamines and inhaler. I hope the steroid inhaler is on short term (because of the side effects).
How are you feeling? How did your daughter react to this change?
I hope you get well without having to give up on the pet, so that everybody stays happy.
^Yeah, hopefully you won't have to use the inhaler much. :S

Did you talk to your daughter about this? And sucks how you have to do this through trial and error and risk being sick again just to find out. :\

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