odd dreams/nightmares?

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
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I know I've had my share..specially when i'm stressed or down. But this one was surreal. One involved me being at my girlfriends place... but no wait. It wasn't her place. It was a secluded beach house. Either way, I was there when I realised that it's become dark. I remembered that I shouldn't be there, and that I should leave. I make a stealthy retreat to the exit, until I was spotted by her... who else but her mother (that I resent). I then make a truly heroic dash to the exit, all the while being fully aware that her mother is wielding a handgun trying to shoot me down. I escape and quickly hide behind a broken wall. I see her come outside... but then i wake up.

She kills me in my next dream though.

pls share your own peculiar dreams or nightmares!
That was sureal! I hope you have a better dream tonight. I had a very strange dream 10 years ago when I was going through my worst time of depression. I never in my life will forget this dream. I was face to face with someone, but his face was not like human atall, his eyes was a bright blue spiral swirl pattern that goes round and round and round kind of like this sign@ @ he had pure white long hair and long white beard and was repeating to me over and over be careful what I say of the consequences, just repeating it. Then as I woke up I to open my eyes I was faceing the wall and his face was still there but faded out. It was so strange and its funny how it effect me because since that day I been greatful for life and Iam careful now as of the consequences.
Rigel said:
I know I've had my share..specially when i'm stressed or down. But this one was surreal. One involved me being at my girlfriends place... but no wait. It wasn't her place. It was a secluded beach house. Either way, I was there when I realised that it's become dark. I remembered that I shouldn't be there, and that I should leave. I make a stealthy retreat to the exit, until I was spotted by her... who else but her mother (that I resent). I then make a truly heroic dash to the exit, all the while being fully aware that her mother is wielding a handgun trying to shoot me down. I escape and quickly hide behind a broken wall. I see her come outside... but then i wake up.

She kills me in my next dream though.

pls share your own peculiar dreams or nightmares!

A dream I had a few years ago...

Walking along a beach on a cold morning, looking down and noticing that instead of sand I am walking on thousands of bones that litter the beach.
It's very unusual for me to remember my dreams for more than a few minutes. It almost never happens unless they are unbearably sad, and I haven't had one of those in a while.

I had one though the other night that was interesting. In the dream, I was here at work when we were called to a house for a CPR in progress. We arrived to find a small infant not breathing with CPR stopped. There was no pulse, but the kid was still pink and warm. I gave a series of compressions and suddenly the kid was breathing and looking at me.

We showed the family the good news and transported the child. But as I was walking out the door with him in my arms wrapped in a blanket, I felt a change. I looked in the blanket after climbing in the ambulance and instead of an infant I was holding a large raven, looking up at me. Not maliciously; a lot of people connect Ravens with ill omens. I felt some sort of connection in the gaze and it was very strange to me.

I thought about it later and analyzed it a bit, and it dawned on me that in Norse Myth, Odin had two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who served as agents and gathered information for Odin throughout the day. Perhaps the dream has a connection to recent revelations in my life.

I keep dreaming the same house over & over & over again. big & scary house. dont know where & who it belongs to. hate it.
for most of my adult life i've had a recurring dream (every few years or so). i live in an old house, it's big and partially dilapidated (the house isn't always the same). i walk through the house, enter a room that's unused and dilapidated. It's like i see it for the first time, even though i'm living there in my dream, and i think of what i could do with it. I love the dream and always wake wanting to know the house.

what's strange is that i now live in a big old partially dilapidated house. alone now, since i'm going through a divorce. it'll be all mine soon. then i can do whatever i want with it.
I'm really interested in dreams, so this is a topic I like.

I've never had a recurring dream in that exactly the same thing has happened in exactly same way in the exactly the same location, but there are certain reoccuring themes. One of the most prevalent ones is that I'm back in high school. I was bullied back then, and I've had dreams about that ever since then. The first couple of years the dreams were more like nightmares, and I was ridiculed and teased in those ones like I was in real life. But in the recent years the dreams have changed, so that usually I'm cool and collected and even make my old bullies laugh with me, not at me.

I like to take that as a sign that my subconscious thinks that I've changed enough in the past 10 years that were I to meet my old classmates again, I wouldn't draw such bad treatment from them anymore. Or else that they've changed enough, grown up.
The only reoccurring dream I've had was when I was five or six, and it was about Ducktales. Had it three or four times that I can remember.

As far as nightmares go, none recently, but I've died in at least half a dozen dreams over the years, and always in a different setting/time period, from modern day as a Special Forces operative (shot in the head) to feudal Japan (decapitated in battle, and I knew next to nothing about Japan at the time o_O). Probably the scariest one though, was where I had my soul drained by a demon in the form of a little girl. That one occurred last summer.
What you can't decide whether it's an odd dream or a nightmare? I would read, but I have a thing against people who are so wishy washy they can't even decide whether they had an odd dream or a nightmare. When you decide maybe it will be worth reading. Call it a typographical fetish.

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