Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

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Ignis said:
Maybe JRPG's just aren't doing what they used to for me anymore? The idea of grinding is putting me off playing the game.

I'm finding this myself... Perhaps best attributed to the "fall" of Squaresoft :( That being said, most Western RPGs I find myself not caring about, either. Skyrim is possibly the most overrated game I've ever played, and I don't really care for the space RPG setting of games like Mass Effect.

*Waits patiently for Witcher 3*
Aihpames said:
I'm finding this myself... Perhaps best attributed to the "fall" of Squaresoft :( That being said, most Western RPGs I find myself not caring about, either. Skyrim is possibly the most overrated game I've ever played, and I don't really care for the space RPG setting of games like Mass Effect.

*Waits patiently for Witcher 3*

Mmm, Squaresoft don't make games like they used to... But I dunno, maybe it's because I feel like I just don't have the time to grind for hours upon hours on end to progress in a game, it's always been a pet peeve of mine with RPG's (Even though they kinda encourage grinding >_>)
I agree with you on Skyrim though, an overly simplistic and easily breakable combat system, hundreds of dungeons to crawl through, all of which are EXACTLY THE SAME and so many of the quests in that game being forgettable. Yet everyone praises it for being the epitome of RPG's and Open World titles.

I'm not normally one for Sci-Fi games either, but Mass Effect is FAR too good to let up on. The story in that is absolutely amazing, it's the only game I've EVER played where at the end of 3 I was actually upset I'd never be able to spend any more time with my squad-mates. They actually felt like real characters, and I felt like they actually cared... As sad as it sounds.

Witcher 3 sounds good too though. As does Dark Souls 2 and Lords of the Fallen.
I bought the game, Tokyo Safari a few days ago but I've been feeling way too depressed to play it. Also bought Don't Starve a few weeks ago but haven't played it either. I have so many games but I don't play them. I always just end up watching Let's Plays instead because it helps me feel less lonely. Anyone feel the same way? Playing games all by myself makes me feel even more lonely so even though I BOUGHT the game, I end up watching Let's Plays on Youtube just so I don't feel so damn lonely. How pathetic, watching Let's Plays just to hear somebody TALK on a youtube video so I feel less lonely. Also I like watching people playing games, I read an article about how watching somebody play a game and winning achievements, you get that same excitement and feeling of accomplishment as if you were the one who did it so maybe that's why I watch so many Let's Plays instead of actually playing the games I own because I get to hear people talk on youtube and also feel their accomplishments in the game they play.
Ignis said:
Aihpames said:
I'm finding this myself... Perhaps best attributed to the "fall" of Squaresoft :( That being said, most Western RPGs I find myself not caring about, either. Skyrim is possibly the most overrated game I've ever played, and I don't really care for the space RPG setting of games like Mass Effect.

*Waits patiently for Witcher 3*

Mmm, Squaresoft don't make games like they used to... But I dunno, maybe it's because I feel like I just don't have the time to grind for hours upon hours on end to progress in a game, it's always been a pet peeve of mine with RPG's (Even though they kinda encourage grinding >_>)
I agree with you on Skyrim though, an overly simplistic and easily breakable combat system, hundreds of dungeons to crawl through, all of which are EXACTLY THE SAME and so many of the quests in that game being forgettable. Yet everyone praises it for being the epitome of RPG's and Open World titles.

I'm not normally one for Sci-Fi games either, but Mass Effect is FAR too good to let up on. The story in that is absolutely amazing, it's the only game I've EVER played where at the end of 3 I was actually upset I'd never be able to spend any more time with my squad-mates. They actually felt like real characters, and I felt like they actually cared... As sad as it sounds.

Witcher 3 sounds good too though. As does Dark Souls 2 and Lords of the Fallen.

You're spot on with Skyrim. A huge deal was made out of the copy and paste dungeons in Oblivion, so Bethesda were quick to put that doubt to rest and claim that every single dungeon in Skyrim is unique... I suppose in reality it is, but the design is absolutely identical. The main story is the most forgettable in any RPG I have ever played through... Tempted to go replay Planescape: Torment, just to remind myself what a real RPG is like :p

Bah, I think I'll give ME another bash then... It's not like I've been playing anything else lately.

Thing about Dark Souls is that it's often claimed to be uber difficult and challenging... No, it isn't. If you want a challenging game, try do some of the Super Meat Boy achievements :club: That game is evil!

echo said:
I bought the game, Tokyo Safari a few days ago but I've been feeling way too depressed to play it. Also bought Don't Starve a few weeks ago but haven't played it either. I have so many games but I don't play them. I always just end up watching Let's Plays instead because it helps me feel less lonely. Anyone feel the same way? Playing games all by myself makes me feel even more lonely so even though I BOUGHT the game, I end up watching Let's Plays on Youtube just so I don't feel so damn lonely. How pathetic, watching Let's Plays just to hear somebody TALK on a youtube video so I feel less lonely. Also I like watching people playing games, I read an article about how watching somebody play a game and winning achievements, you get that same excitement and feeling of accomplishment as if you were the one who did it so maybe that's why I watch so many Let's Plays instead of actually playing the games I own because I get to hear people talk on youtube and also feel their accomplishments in the game they play.

I haven't heard of Tokyo Safari, but Don't Starve looks pretty good. I don't watch LP's personally, but I'm choosing to be on the forum instead of playing a game at the moment, so hey lol. Would be nice to have someone to play games with, but the fact is almost everyone on my Steam list are old traders I never bothered removing :club: I only ever play Diablo & Torchlight alone now (I played D3 with a couple from another forum for a week or two, but meh)... How sad is that? :p

What MP games on Steam does everyone play? Perhaps we could do something together :)
Aihpames said:
Bah, I think I'll give ME another bash then... It's not like I've been playing anything else lately.

Thing about Dark Souls is that it's often claimed to be uber difficult and challenging... No, it isn't. If you want a challenging game, try do some of the Super Meat Boy achievements :club: That game is evil!
Definitely give ME another shot, I don't think you'd be disappointed. Gameplay can get a little difficult at times (Maybe it's because I always play on hardest difficulty :() Definitely one of the greatest franchises of all time for me.
Dark Souls isn't really that difficult, I'm glad someone understands this. It doesn't hold your hand, if you screw up... The game lets you know you screwed up. You don't get many chances and it can FEEL difficult. But it's definitely more challenging than difficult. I've never once felt Dark Souls was unfair in my 400+ hours of playing it.
Super Meat Boy is starting to move from challenging to it's own level of just freaking retarded :p The achievements in that game are the very reason I won't play it on my account. Only other peoples >_>

Aihpames said:
What MP games on Steam does everyone play? Perhaps we could do something together :)
I don't use Steam unfortunately :( I'm a console gamer. I used to be big into PC's, but they're too expensive for me to upkeep. If you have any other console I have them all though so that's no problem.
I play all my games on the hardest difficulty too :) No point spending X amount on a game, and then complaining it isn't long enough because you blasted through easy mode in six hours :D

I think Dark Souls is a very well done game, but it's not really my bag... I can't believe I've found someone who agrees with me about Skyrim AND Dark Souls :D Must be in another world haha.

I still remember when I first found the Dark World modes... Ugh, I don't think I ever finished the light worlds! To top it off, there's an achievement (I believe) to complete the Dark Worlds without dying :( I can't think of anything harder in any game ever...

Ahh :) I play on anything that has good games to be honest... That being said, my 360 died a few years ago, and I gave my PS3 to my younger brother for university >.> D'oh!
I agree about Skyrim. I have Skyrim myself but as you can guess, I haven't played it yet! I couldn't play it when I first bought it (when it first came out) because of all the bugs and annoying controls. I had to wait an entire year just for the appropriate mods to come out to fix all the problems. I end up spending 100 hours installing 100 mods on Skyrim and then when I have all the mods working just right, I play for 2 minutes and get bored. :p I seem to find it more fun just to browse mods and install them and test them out than actually playing the game itself. I installed a lot of mods and I was determined to play the game legit with all the mods that fixed the bugs and added more depth to the game but then the horses kept flying and I have no idea how to fix that bug and so I stopped playing once again.

I think the only multiplayer game I have on Steam is Saints Row 3 the complete edition. I don't usually play those types of games but it was actually really fun playing with my little sister, goofing off, it was a wacky game. Stopped playing because we almost finished the main missions and all that was left were the side missions to steal random cars and buy property but it was the main missions I found most fun and wacky. If anyone wants to add me anyway, my Steam username is "mishifull".

OH, I also have Primal Carnage....I don't ever play multiplayer shooter games but I got that game because it looked like mindless crazy fun. I even bought a skin pack for the dinosaurs. The game was a bit fun but not 2 minutes in and already some kids were calling me a "retard" even though I was just learning how to play. Some people take the game way too seriously, wanting to make groups of people and make some "combat plan" where one person is told to do this while another person is told to do something else but I think the whole point of Primal Carnage is just to have mindless fun, it doesn't even keep score or anything, just have fun and don't take it too seriously but nooooo people insulting and it doesn't make me want to play the game, I'm pretty sensitive to insults. At that time when I tried the game, there wasn't a ban or mute feature. Maybe there is one now.

Like I said before, haven't played games much, just too depressed for it. Also regularly check Playstation Home to get free virtual in-game rewards, that's the most I've played recently.
Haha, I do that :p Install loads of mods, go around Whiterun and River(something) to enjoy the scenery, and then turn it off after tryna kill everyone with God Mode on. As for the flying horses, did you try typing TCL into the console? I think it's TCL... It toggles collisions on and off. If you turn it off, you can fly, and shoot down on everything from 100 ft in the air... It's pretty fun for a few minutes :p

Ahh, I have Saint's Row myself, but I haven't even installed it... You think you're bad, well, 68% of my Steam library was unplayed the last time I checked :p And 30% of those played were less than an hour haha. Oh dear... I'll try find you on Steam :) Should be pretty obvious it's me.

Yeah, I see that with quite a few games unfortunately. Puts me off ever playing something like DotA2 (despite being a WC3 vet)... I wouldn't say I'm sensitive to insults, but I do start doubting myself, and whether or not I should bother playing if I'm just gonna let people down.

PS Home is one of those places that makes me lose faith in the "gaming" community... It's usually just 8 guys crowded around a girl, asking if they're legit and wanna talk in PM >.>

Couldn't find mishifull on Steam, btw. Are you hidden away?
I'm not sure why you can't find my username, I don't think I'm hidden. What is your username on Steam, if you feel comfortable sharing? Maybe I can try finding you. I've used PS Home for about 1.5 years and I've never had that problem. Yeah, some guys approach me and say hi but I always ignore them, I just act like they're not there and do whatever I'm doing and I'm fine. Something I recently noticed is that the trolls seem to really bother you if they see you with another person like a friend, happened to me twice recently which I found strange because when I'm alone, nobody ever bothers me. I guess I shouldn't be ignoring people who say hi anyway, people are just lonely too, but it's easier to just ignore people because I don't feel like typing using my PS3 controller. Overall socially, PS Home has been pleasant because people haven't insulted me and people generally leave me alone (funny that PS Home is a social space but I never socialize)'s not too bad to me, it's not AT ALL like what I experienced in Primal Carnage, being insulted within 2 minutes of being there.
If you ever feel like trying a social game on the PC, you could try Ragnarok Online 2. I know MMOs are generally competitive, but almost everyone I met in my few hours on it were pretty darn nice... Never made it to endgame, but it was fun why it lasted.
Aihpames said:
If you ever feel like trying a social game on the PC, you could try Ragnarok Online 2. I know MMOs are generally competitive, but almost everyone I met in my few hours on it were pretty darn nice... Never made it to endgame, but it was fun why it lasted.

I've played Ragnarok Online 1 and also Ragnarok 2 when it was still being developed and then they scrapped it and re-made it completely over. My little sister is a huge fan of Ragnarok Online and I played it a lot with her in the past. We played a bit of Ragnarok Online 2 a couple months ago (Korean english international server, before it was available on Steam I think) but we stopped playing soon after.
Fair enough. I didn't play the first one, but saw the second one when it came out and thought I'd give it a bash...
I just ordered Dragon's Dogma, should be here in a few days. I also just started Persona 3 FES.
Persona 3? Its the PS2 version. Its pretty cool. Really anime-ish. I've gotten so used to playing western RPGs that I'm not used to grinding.
So I go into the regular store I always go to buy used games. They have around 200 PS2 for sale anywhere from $5-$10. Or so I thought. Today was the first time I've been there in over a month. I'm looking through the games and low and behold a copy of Mega Man Anniversaryfor $30. A copy of GTA:San Andreas for $25, and a copy of Dragon Quest 8 for $25.

They've put the price of these used titles WAY UP, and many more. I couldn't believe it. Either the above mentioned titles are wicked rare, or something is going on that I'm not aware of.
That's crazy, LoneKiller. You can get Mega Man Anniversary and GTA for $20 or less brand new. DQ8 is a little more expensive, but none of those games are rare. Sounds like they're just trying to rip people off.
nothing is jumping out at me so im doing a run of the mass effect series again. ive played the first one so many times that i can do a full run including side missions(minus the collectibles) in like 2 days. im not sure if thats a bad thing or a good thing, lol. im already on ME2 now and the more i play this game the more its story seems almost completely pointless. still a blast though.
Locke said:
That's crazy, LoneKiller. You can get Mega Man Anniversary and GTA for $20 or less brand new. DQ8 is a little more expensive, but none of those games are rare. Sounds like they're just trying to rip people off.
Nice to meet you Locke. What's even worse is our local EB Games hardly stocks PS2 games anymore. I saw maybe 50 PS2 titles last time I went there. Understandable I guess. Whenever new consoles are coming out things like this usually happen.
"Played" some dumb Playstation Home game event thing, was getting into it at first until I realized that the only way to progress is if I team up with a bunch of people or I pay money to make the game easy. At least I got a virtual robotic toilet out of it. Yay. Although the bunny/dog pets are a bit cute but I'm not sure if I wanna spend a few dollars on those, blah.

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