Aihpames said:
I'm finding this myself... Perhaps best attributed to the "fall" of Squaresoft

That being said, most Western RPGs I find myself not caring about, either. Skyrim is possibly the most overrated game I've ever played, and I don't really care for the space RPG setting of games like Mass Effect.
*Waits patiently for Witcher 3*
Mmm, Squaresoft don't make games like they used to... But I dunno, maybe it's because I feel like I just don't have the time to grind for hours upon hours on end to progress in a game, it's always been a pet peeve of mine with RPG's (Even though they kinda encourage grinding >_>)
I agree with you on Skyrim though, an overly simplistic and easily breakable combat system, hundreds of dungeons to crawl through, all of which are EXACTLY THE SAME and so many of the quests in that game being forgettable. Yet everyone praises it for being the epitome of RPG's and Open World titles.
I'm not normally one for Sci-Fi games either, but Mass Effect is FAR too good to let up on. The story in that is absolutely amazing, it's the only game I've EVER played where at the end of 3 I was actually upset I'd never be able to spend any more time with my squad-mates. They actually felt like real characters, and I felt like they actually cared... As sad as it sounds.
Witcher 3 sounds good too though. As does Dark Souls 2 and Lords of the Fallen.