I just started DmC after getting it from PS+. I have mixed feelings:
- I'm not a fan of Ninja Theory. I didn't like "Heavenly Sword", and I hated "Enslaved", so my expectations aren't high.
- I'm not really digging the new "emo" Dante.
- Combat seems easier. I was never great at the original Devil May Cry games. Getting an 'S' ranking was rare for me. I'm getting high rankings constantly in DmC though, and I'm not even trying.
- The story is meh, but the old DMCs didn't have great stories either.
- I can understand why this game pisses off the Devil May Cry purists, but on the other hand, listening to other gamers complain about stuff is boring, and I don't care enough to get as angry as some people. It's an okay game to waste a few days with.
- I wish Capcom would reboot "Onimusha"! Maybe add some "Dragons Dogma" combat elements to it, because climbing on a giant demon and killing it would be awesome. And by Capcom, I mean them, and not Ninja Theory or some other developer. Maybe it'll happen this gen.