I was replaying Tomb Raider Underworld...after play a game like Arkham City the controls and mechanics and glitches in TRU were pissing me off royally. Lara would get stuck in the environment, I'd have to fire her guns and get her to do a back flip to get unstuck. One level I crashed her motorcycle on a lower level, landed hard but it didn't kill me, but the impact knocked the sound out of the game!! Then while climbing a tall rotating tower she kept turning invisible. That made it very hard to navigate, especially when having to climb back down.
Bought Dragon Age II on sale for 15 bucks. I heard it wasn't as good as the first one, so I didn't rush to buy it. I have to admit though, I really like the game. It seems to lack a fluid story or purpose as you go. There's little connection to the first game, it feels more like a whole new game than a sequel. You're basically this character who lives out his days/years helping people. What I have always like about the Dragon Age games is the banter between the people in your party. They chat amongst themselves as you travel, their conversations are very amusing at times.