Once A Day Challenge

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Ledia said:

Looks like you figured me out! :p

Day 10:

I walked today. I didn't give up. Today felt so hard to move at points. I even felt suicidal thoughts today. But I won't give in. I won't give the bastards that continue to hurt me that power. I'll continue to grow to give them the biggest "**** You" I know how!

I'll become happy. I'll move away. No more being around people screaming. Not having to be around people who bitch about everything. Who cry and are selfish. To not be around my family anymore. To be free from all this stress..... To be happy.

My dream. My god it feels good to think about that. If I can help it, I'm going to dream about that tonight.
Day 11:

I volunteered today.
I felt like passing out, but I stuck it out! (cool)
Day 12: I cleaned my room up and I also (Jokingly) asked a girl out. I wasn't serious and she knew it, but the point is, I didn't feel dirty and horrible after I said it. That is HUUUUUGE!
Dark_Poet said:
Day 12: I cleaned my room up and I also (Jokingly) asked a girl out. I wasn't serious and she knew it, but the point is, I didn't feel dirty and horrible after I said it. That is HUUUUUGE!


Yesterday I went out for a drink with my neighbour (who I don't get on with sometimes). I wasn't sure I wanted to, but I enjoyed it afterall.
Took a not so good situation and turned it into some fun. Had a "campout" in the livingroom due to furnace not working.
Day 13. I like that I told my Dad straight up that he wasn't fair with me. (Yay improvement!)

I took out the carpet and tiled my room with my Dad.
I started drawing again. :D And found out I don't suck as much as I thought I would. I'm not ubertalented or anything, but it just feels great to finally be moving forward again. :)
I don't know if I'll be able to find a good thing about myself everyday...

But I value my stubbornness.

We found my cat today after she went missing for over two weeks. Despite my family saying she was a "goner".

Two weeks of persistently putting up flyers (even though school kids kept tearing them down), checking the shelters every other day... I didn't give up on her.

So thankful she's home safe.
Day 14:

I straightened up my room. I've been enjoying myself on my NES. it feels good to actually be able to enjoy things again! :) I'm playing Ninja Gaiden because I am that masochistic (hehe) So close to beating it!

I let some members post something I said that was harmless when I said it, but because I didn't include a comma, it came out dirty. The old me would be freaking out and wanting to cut himself over it. I'm going to just let it roll off me. Or at least try to not let it bug me :)

Go me for trying!
I like that I can honestly say I love myself and most things about me. I don't say that to flaunt but, rather, to express how grateful that I'm not afflicted with self-loathing.
Day 15:

I fixed my computer even though I was scared to. I learned that I'm capable of doing potentially scary things if I try hard enough!
So I learned to like myself a little more today. :)
In a lonely place said:
Me, I was calm and composed at work.

Sometimes being calm and composed is all one can manage. Good on you.

In a lonely place said:
Well, you posted a nice comment about whispers today :)

Oh and thank you, IALP. :)

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