Well I just want to vent this so read it or dont lol. It is 4:25am, First I get pulled over for Speeding on a bridge apparently 29mph is to exessive, then later that day i get pulled over again because my camero is supposed to have a front license plate so I head down to a local hardware shop and by a mounting and spend an hour in the dark putting on my plate, then after hunting an officer down and getting a fix it signiture i loose the ticket and have to start over. Then I was called into work early one morning as the night before my insurance payment on my car did not go through and i had forgotten to send my reg in so was expired by one day and i get pulled over agian on my way to work for my back window being too tinted, so in that 2 hour process and 5 cop cars later i find out my reg was expired, as well as my insurance and not only that but my license was suspended because the date i had on the original ticket I never knew and the copy wasnt turned into the court until weeks after! So there i was calling into work because my car was impounded along with a 3800 dollar ticket and walking down the road dirt early in the morning...Then after my job figures out i do not have adeqate transpertation anymore I get fired....So now I am back to being a loser again when i was finally making some headway the devil mowed me down again... Just my rant