Well-known member
Stretched today. Maybe I can get back on that bandwagon. Feels good to have flexibility.
Good stuff, hope you get the job.I bought a mini-stepper for indoor cardio on rainy days.
It's cheap. Not the most accurate, but affordable. More affordable than thousands of dollars for gym machinery.
I took the time to put the math to it for my carb intake for my diet . Again, not the most accurate, but it's better than total inactivity on a rainy day.
I also really don't have much space to work with, so it helps for that.
Also I'm a month ahead of my job applications for unemployment requirements now.
I'm also waiting for a call from a Regional Manager for an interview for a retail position.
It's more than I used to make, but not really what I want to be making.
However, it's with smaller, lighter weight product.
So I'm willing to go down there for an interview just to scope it out and talk to the Regional.
Also I'm very tired. I think I'm cashed for the day.
Good stuff, hope you get the job.
I enjoy a good game of Scrabble tooCalled my oldest friend, and asked if she was up to a couple games of Scrabble? Went to her house, played the games (we both won one game) as we are evenly matched. Afterwards. we walked around her block, again something we have not done for many years. Exercised our brains and our bodies, which is not that easy when your are 75+ years old.
Sweet, well playedI actually invited someone from work to go to something with me. She actually said yes, wow.
I don't know that it will actually happen since the something is 2 months off, but still, I got a yes.