Online dating, where dreams go to die...

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Solivagant said:
BeyondShy said:
You never would have answered me

And you know that because...?

My terrible luck.

HoodedMonk said:
Assumptions make an ass out of u and me…

*floats away silently*

I get your point but I still have to go with my terrible luck.

And since I am 99.99% sure she does not live near me I can promise her I never will. She deserves better.
TheSkaFish said:
Solivagant said:
The last message I randomly received before deciding to shut everything down was, "You have beautiful eyebrows... and that's about all. Have a nice life!"

Just wanted to say, wow, that's terrible. I don't know why people have to go out of their way to insult others like that, for no reason. It's not like you did something to that guy. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. (hugs)
*********s gonna douche. That's all.
I tried on-line dating for a year and a half. I would email the man several times before we exchanged phone numbers, and then talked about 5 times on the phone. If the man wasn't okay with this and wanted to speed things up, I told him that I wasn't interested in going out with someone I didn't know ENOUGH about. The ones that agreed with my terms, I set up a date with. I dated about 20 men in that period of time. There were some that I thought had potential for me that didn't call again, and some I just didn't like. Over-affection or a pitch for sex on a first date ruled men out completely. I need to really care about someone to be intimate with and have him feel the same. I dated three men for a while. I date one man at a time, because that is how I am, but didn't ask if he was dating someone else. On first dates, I believe in splitting the check. On dates after that, I don't mind paying once in a while or splitting the check. I have an income and don't expect a man to pay for everything. Of the three, one expected me to pay for everything, one man and I found after 5 dates, we really weren't a match, and the one I really liked and I went on many dates and getting along very well. We laughed, we did different things together and I thought it may get romantic. One night, I actually asked him, "why haven't you made a move on me?" Bold, but that's how I am. He told me he had a long-term girlfriend, who had severe depression and wanted to break up with her, but was afraid she'd try to kill herself. I won't bore you with anymore of the story, but there is more. I was really hurt because I really was falling for this guy. I stopped on-line dating after that. All though were not bad experiences, and I recommend online dating as a good way to date, but only if YOU ARE CAUTIOUS!
WishingWell said:
One night, I actually asked him, "why haven't you made a move on me?" Bold, but that's how I am. He told me he had a long-term girlfriend, who had severe depression and wanted to break up with her, but was afraid she'd try to kill herself. I won't bore you with anymore of the story, but there is more. I was really hurt because I really was falling for this guy. I stopped on-line dating after that. All though were not bad experiences, and I recommend online dating as a good way to date, but only if YOU ARE CAUTIOUS!

When I tried online dating, I met a number of guys who were still in relationships. Ironically, the ones that turned out to be in relationships were the ones who were more interested in me than the ones who were truly single. One man I met claimed he was divorced but it turned out he was just separated a few months previously from his wife. Another guy claimed his partner just up and disappeared with their daughter and he had know idea where they were. I met one guy who was an executive at a nearby tech company. We met up a few times and I thought we got along great. But a few months later, I got an email telling me he's married and apologized. The email looked like it was a template or something written by a marriage counselor.
Of course, it's still possible for people to misrepresent themselves when meeting in real life but I think it's much easier to hide things you don't want potential partners to see when you're online.

SofiasMami said:
WishingWell said:
One night, I actually asked him, "why haven't you made a move on me?" Bold, but that's how I am. He told me he had a long-term girlfriend, who had severe depression and wanted to break up with her, but was afraid she'd try to kill herself. I won't bore you with anymore of the story, but there is more. I was really hurt because I really was falling for this guy. I stopped on-line dating after that. All though were not bad experiences, and I recommend online dating as a good way to date, but only if YOU ARE CAUTIOUS!

When I tried online dating, I met a number of guys who were still in relationships. Ironically, the ones that turned out to be in relationships were the ones who were more interested in me than the ones who were truly single. One man I met claimed he was divorced but it turned out he was just separated a few months previously from his wife. Another guy claimed his partner just up and disappeared with their daughter and he had know idea where they were. I met one guy who was an executive at a nearby tech company. We met up a few times and I thought we got along great. But a few months later, I got an email telling me he's married and apologized. The email looked like it was a template or something written by a marriage counselor.
Of course, it's still possible for people to misrepresent themselves when meeting in real life but I think it's much easier to hide things you don't want potential partners to see when you're online.


What you're describing is the fact that relationship people will have and seek relationships, while non-relationship people either won't or aren't good at it. Someone who has experience with dating and/or marriage is more likely to date well, and the fact that they're already in a relationship or married doesn't prevent them from wanting to do it some more. I'm betting statistics would show that a far higher proportion of men who are married or have steady girlfriends cheat on their significant other than the proportion of men who are single and not in any relationship make enough of a connection to get romantic and/or have sex and/or start a relationship. That's just the nature of inclination, experience and our species.
So who's going to be the person with positive experiences in online dating who can prevent this from becoming a completely hopeless thread? haha
Skid Row 89 said:
So who's going to be the person with positive experiences in online dating who can prevent this from becoming a completely hopeless thread? haha

Me! Me!

Fooled you for a minute didn't I?
Ever heard the Zen Koan "Whoever lays hold of it will lose it?" No, it's not a threat to mutilate boys who masturbate. It means that the way to achieve important things is not to try to achieve them, but let them happen. Seeking love on an online dating site is trying. The way to find love is just to live your life and remain open to love happening. Either it does or it doesn't, and, beyond a few basic tricks that _slightly_ increase the chance of it happening, but don't significantly increase it, there's nothing you can do to make love happen if it's not going to.
mickey said:
Ever heard the Zen Koan "Whoever lays hold of it will lose it?" No, it's not a threat to mutilate boys who masturbate. It means that the way to achieve important things is not to try to achieve them, but let them happen. Seeking love on an online dating site is trying. The way to find love is just to live your life and remain open to love happening. Either it does or it doesn't, and, beyond a few basic tricks that _slightly_ increase the chance of it happening, but don't significantly increase it, there's nothing you can do to make love happen if it's not going to.

What do you expect folks to do, then? Just sit back and not care, and let nothing happen?

And.. do you have any better options besides online dating, for someone who is either painfully shy or lacks confidence?
Batman55 said:
And.. do you have any better options besides online dating, for someone who is either painfully shy or lacks confidence?

I am all ears because this has me written all over it.

Skid Row 89 said:
BeyondShy, you crafty devil!

I came across a funny profile this weekend. There was a girl who started her profile out that she is married. She then went on a rant that her husband is constantly cheating on her so why can't she cheat on him.
Batman55 said:
mickey said:
Ever heard the Zen Koan "Whoever lays hold of it will lose it?" No, it's not a threat to mutilate boys who masturbate. It means that the way to achieve important things is not to try to achieve them, but let them happen. Seeking love on an online dating site is trying. The way to find love is just to live your life and remain open to love happening. Either it does or it doesn't, and, beyond a few basic tricks that _slightly_ increase the chance of it happening, but don't significantly increase it, there's nothing you can do to make love happen if it's not going to.

What do you expect folks to do, then? Just sit back and not care, and let nothing happen?

And.. do you have any better options besides online dating, for someone who is either painfully shy or lacks confidence?

people can work on their confidence and become less shy.
blackdot said:
I came across a funny profile this weekend. There was a girl who started her profile out that she is married. She then went on a rant that her husband is constantly cheating on her so why can't she cheat on him.

Wow, that's crazy! I wonder if she got any responses to her profile.

I think if you've never done online dating, it's worth a try just to check it out. But you have to have really thick skin to handle rejections and lots of time to sift through profiles and messages! When I tried it, I found it took a lot of time, mainly because of the sheer number of profiles available.
After awhile, they all started looking the same. Everyone likes to travel, everyone likes the same types of food, everyone likes the same TV shows and music, everyone is just as comfortable with a night out on the town as with a night in with a pizza and a DVD. I also found it really hard to write a profile that differentiated me from the others.
I really think that meeting people offline and in real life isn't just a pipe dream. It's still possible to meet someone without going through all the online websites. It's hard to see otherwise now in the digital and information age but meeting people "the old-fashioned way" still happens all the time.

Update: she randomly reappeared a few days ago. I messaged her just to say hello. She told me things got "a little overwhelming" which made her quit for a while. So I guess that solves the mystery.

We are messaging sporadically... like once a day. To be honest it's starting to feel like she's replying just to be polite. Maybe we don't actually have as much in common as I thought. The stubbornness in me refuses to acknowledge it though. :/
I haven't had much success with online dating, but then again, I haven't given it a very fair try. I never have uploaded any photos, and anyone who was interested in me, I was too picky to give a chance...

I blame myself, or the neighbors cat... Or any cat in general...
From a young lady who used to online date. It probably wasn't you that did it. We get more messages from guys first, than the other way around. And you should see some of the sick stuff guys have sent me. My sister was on the other side of your situation. She was talking to a guy on there, and was kinda building something, then another guy sent her something so crude that it turned her off of online dating and she deleted her profile. If the rude people would stay off there, I think it could work.

That exact situation happened to me! I'd actually start talking to someone decent then some creeper would come around and completely scare me off. women can be funny like that. I don't think the OP should take it personally. Women go into protective mode easily.

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