Experience for me, life is a learning curve, and sometime that curve can be extremely painful.
Funny your grief counseling, I spend half my life, as a Psychologist, working in Psycho wards with mostly serial rapists, murders , violet criminals. But at times I would help out in the O.T department when short staffed, carrying out relaxation classes, and self awareness groups. I also worked as a researcher at the institute of Psychiatry London, with Dr P Fenwick, good friend, researching consciousness, OBE,s and NDE in the area of parapsychology . I did enjoy that time, but its many years ago now. Now life kicked me to the bottom of the snakes and ladders board of life. Lost my wife of 42 years, had a heart attact, which gave a small stroke, speach has had a little hit, but not too bad. but the bad one for me, if I now find ver hard to spell; at times its ok, but others, I cannot begine to try and spell words like ( could, or sometimes, examples) and that very debilitasting for me. Sometime I write something, and HELLO, what as I saying here. Pass I don't know, I see letters that arejust not there, and oftern competely miss reas stuff. What can I do, thats who I am now. Not who I was.