Overworking does not reduce loneliness

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Okay, I've been back to work teaching for a week now, as well as starting my own grad classes. Add to the list, my daughter's dancing schedule of three afternoons a week, running the single-parent household, running on the treadmill, and I'm tired. No, I'm exhausted. You'd think, or at least I would, that being so busy, I don't have time to consider that throughout all of this, I'm still by myself, doing it all by myself, and sadly alone, but it almost feels like I'm standing near a billboard which screams, "I'm lonely!!!!". Sorry, just ranting. Feels good to rant, but still just me. :(
teach said:
Okay, I've been back to work teaching for a week now, as well as starting my own grad classes. Add to the list, my daughter's dancing schedule of three afternoons a week, running the single-parent household, running on the treadmill, and I'm tired. No, I'm exhausted. You'd think, or at least I would, that being so busy, I don't have time to consider that throughout all of this, I'm still by myself, doing it all by myself, and sadly alone, but it almost feels like I'm standing near a billboard which screams, "I'm lonely!!!!". Sorry, just ranting. Feels good to rant, but still just me. :(

Maybe the fact that you're so tired from having to do everything on your own is the thing that is reminding you that you're lonely... I mean, you wouldn't be so tired if there was someone there to help out. Does that make sense?
Hi Diamond,

That's part of the reason I found this forum. It's nice to have someone to share the load, but not a reason for me to be in a relationship. I have to be cautious about that. When I'm done with my day, I don't have the adult companionship which I feel is more lacking than anything else. I do have a boyfriend, but he doesn't live with me, so once the kid is in bed, it's the tv or a book. This site has been a great way for me to have the verbal adult contact I am missing. Hopefully, one day, I'll have the "in person" contact and this loneliness will be gone.
In all my years of being a student, I never realized being a teacher could be such a lonely profession. I may need to rethink my career choice :\

I certainly can't vouch for the time consuming nature of being a single parent, but I can definitely relate to being busy during most of the week, interacting with many human beings, and still feeling lonely. It almost makes me feel worse hanging around in ensembles where everyone seems to be friends with one another, yet I am a complete loner.

On a side note, I used to enjoy talking to my high school English teacher during lunch, but she would always cut our conversations short and say she needed to go talk to grown-ups. I was always deeply offended by that. Now, I think I understand why.
you know, It's kinda funny cause I was planning on loading up my schedule this coming school year so that I could drown my loneliness with work but from what you guys are saying it looks like I may have to explore other options :(

RogueTomato said:
On a side note, I used to enjoy talking to my high school English teacher during lunch, but she would always cut our conversations short and say she needed to go talk to grown-ups. I was always deeply offended by that. Now, I think I understand why.

Even if that is somewhat understandable, I think she could have said it in a less offensive way :p but that's me i guess...
Well just to add my two bits being extremely busy is the only thing that gets me by with being so lonely. I think it helps if your lonely and depressed to atleast feel like you are doing something with your life.[/align]
I agree with josh some what but keeping yourself busy is not a long term solution.
You will eventually run out of things to keep you busy and then the lonliness will come back and you are back to where you started from.

What we really need is that "in person" contact that teach is talking about. Although it maybe so hard to find someone who does sincerly care for you and will want to listen to you and help you, all we can do i guess is hope that one day we will find that person.

Untill then we always have this forum :)
I wouldn't rethink it, just know that you are with kids....ALL DAY!!! :D
It's fun, but you aren't with adults as much as you'd think. I wouldn't trade my job.

RogueTomato said:
In all my years of being a student, I never realized being a teacher could be such a lonely profession. I may need to rethink my career choice :\

I certainly can't vouch for the time consuming nature of being a single parent, but I can definitely relate to being busy during most of the week, interacting with many human beings, and still feeling lonely. It almost makes me feel worse hanging around in ensembles where everyone seems to be friends with one another, yet I am a complete loner.

On a side note, I used to enjoy talking to my high school English teacher during lunch, but she would always cut our conversations short and say she needed to go talk to grown-ups. I was always deeply offended by that. Now, I think I understand why.
I think this is why I do keep busy, but I think I've done the same things for so many years, I don't have to put much thought into the steps, and my mind starts wandering. I also agree that it's not a long term solution.

Josh said:
Well just to add my two bits being extremely busy is the only thing that gets me by with being so lonely. I think it helps if your lonely and depressed to atleast feel like you are doing something with your life.[/align]

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