Bjd--Awww Bjd, You just reguarly warm my heart... Thanks.
I am an optimist by nature, though I do fall through the cracks of my own compassion, due to my flaws, here and there. I've known more folks that I liked rather than hated, and they all had flaws too.
That coma patient, mellow-streak of mine affords me plenty of time to reflect on me in relation to others and I think that brings on a level of awareness and understanding. Mentally walking in anothers shoe's does help you see where and why their toe's get pinched and blisters erupt.
I will try to keep it up, and I have no doubt if I flounder you'll be there to kick me in the butt and put me back on track!!
I've seen you do it with others...
I am an optimist by nature, though I do fall through the cracks of my own compassion, due to my flaws, here and there. I've known more folks that I liked rather than hated, and they all had flaws too.
That coma patient, mellow-streak of mine affords me plenty of time to reflect on me in relation to others and I think that brings on a level of awareness and understanding. Mentally walking in anothers shoe's does help you see where and why their toe's get pinched and blisters erupt.
I will try to keep it up, and I have no doubt if I flounder you'll be there to kick me in the butt and put me back on track!!
I've seen you do it with others...