Pet Peeves

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You know I watch an anime and they'll never admit on it that some super powers are just not fit for society, they pretend that only bad guys go to prison as they made bad choices, they refuse to acknowledge some people were simply born unable to conform no fault of their own. This post made me think of that.

What show is it? It sounds like something I'd want to watch. I LOVE this premise!
It's so relatable, and relevant to the world - at least it seems that way to me.

"Unable to conform through no fault of my own" has been the way I've always felt, from kindergarten to today.
Could I do more to help it? Maybe, probably. But I think I would still always feel this way on some level, nevertheless.
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-my pet peeves.. in no particular order :

people that annoy me.

annoying people.

people that are annoying.
Here's one -
when people have to give you an answer with attitude, instead of just repeating themselves.

Like if you ask a question about something that was already answered a while ago, some people will give you a rude answer out of expecting you to know it already.

But it's like, would it kill you to just repeat the answer again?
People have, you know, lives, with lots of things they think about all day. A few mundane details are bound to get lost in the shuffle.

This again. Especially when it's not a life-or-death situation and it wouldn't kill you or anyone else to just say the answer.

Seriously why the hell is this necessary????
People that answer questions with yet...another...question.

People that talk just to hear themselves talk.. talking while saying nothing at all. As if they can't bear the silence... as if the quiet stillness is somehow more intrusive than talking-just-to-talk. I guess this peeve would fall under: Idle chatter
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People who think they know what you're thinking, then ask you or tell you something really idiotic thinking you'll either find it funny or agree with it. But just come off as ignorant.
people who consume content from youtube or tiktok from questionable creators then regurgitate their teachings/ beliefs
onto everyone around them without thinking for themselves. For example the whole high value man and high value women bs. So sick of that stuff and I usually just shut down and avoid people who do that. Think for yourself and not blindly follow others.
Having to hot rinse through the washing machine every 4th wash because I bought the wrong model.

Spilling coffee over a new white t-shirt.

19 year old girls who say 'like' all the time. 19 year old guy 'bro talk' at the gym.
Language is my pet-peeve; more specifically memetic language that people just pick up unconsciously, and say/repeat without thinking about it; and more specifically, memetic language that espouses or advertises stupidity...

One example is the use of the word, bro, or brah. Bro comes from Brother, which is short for, 'Brother in Christ.' But people don't use it that way anymore; it's rare that they do. (I'm not religious, but I think the idea is noble, that basically we are all familial to something great and magnificent.)

But words, evolve, and their meanings shift...

New age, trendy pop-psychology bullship lingo, really ticks me off though. Everything is becoming clinical these days. Everyone is, 'toxic,' these days, or has some kind of, 'pathology.'

Yeah.. right.. Humans aren't even as well mannered as a lot of animals... What'd'ya expect..
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Language is my pet-peeve; more specifically memetic language that people just pick up unconsciously, and say/repeat without thinking about it; and more specifically, memetic language that espouses or advertises stupidity...
Yes 'bro' is way too common now. Store assistants use it. Complete strangers address each other this way. Even people arguing or insulting each other say it. It's just meaningless verbiage, worse than "mate" used to be (when you clearly aren't mates).
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People who say things like “I hate posh people” but cry if i was to say “I hate poor cheap have nothings”
People who go on and on and on about things they can change. But due to complaining they can't see that and never shut up🙃
The word "gaslighting"

Couples who SHARE social media accounts. Like "Her N Him BlahBlah" Seriously, it's stupid, just get your own, wtf......
Couples who SHARE social media accounts. Like "Her N Him BlahBlah" Seriously, it's stupid, just get your own, wtf......

If it's a business that makes sense. In that context it just makes operations easier.
If it's personal accounts though, okay than that's just weird.
That's "tell me you have trust issues without telling me you have trust issues" level of weird. Ain't nobody got time for that.
I'm not trying to live my life, which will inevitably result in me pushing up daisies rather I like it or not, meandering around like a buffoon with a head full of human emotional drama like a full bucket. I'd rather go empty the bucket and then get back to my priorities seeing as how the result is going to be the same either way.

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