Triple Bogey
Well-known member
Nuzzy Nuz said:Triple Bogey said:
I do not know why but I just love this makes me think of how life just goes on and on without us know what is beyond that horizon..
Thanks. I like it too !
Nuzzy Nuz said:Triple Bogey said:
I do not know why but I just love this makes me think of how life just goes on and on without us know what is beyond that horizon..
Triple Bogey said:Thanks. I like it too !
Triple Bogey said:
Nuzzy Nuz said:Ahh.. that is a distant view of one of your photos right?
Triple Bogey said:
I love this photo too...
Nuzzy Nuz said:Ahh.. that is a distant view of one of your photos right?
Triple Bogey said:
I love this photo too...
Nuzzy Nuz said:Wow.. -mesmerized-♥ You are an awesome photograph.. is this professional or just a hobby?
Triple Bogey said: