Poll: Should I Leave A Lonely Life?

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Hi folks,

I was feeling really depressed because I had some lively debates (some might call them arguments, but people can twist ANYTHING and make it negative. Example: The Sun. Beautiful, warm, life-giving, OR a hot fire ball that causes skin cancer and is gonna explode someday, leaving us all dead! Your choice!)

I was having debates with a couple of Atheists and people who are REALLY hostile toward Christianity. Note: Not *all* religions such as Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. JUST Christians....anyway these people were arguing with me, one ADMITTED to flaming me so I deleted his post calling me quote 'a fool' and suddenly Bjarne deleted my moderator status without warning or notice. Please let me know if you think I should take the hint and leave. If my work here is done (trying to care about other humans and help lonely) and my own ego has gotten in the way, I would leave. Please let me know what you think. No guests or strange new IDS flaming me please. Thanks! :)
lonelygirl said:
Hi folks,

I was feeling really depressed because I had some lively debates (some might call them arguments, but people can twist ANYTHING and make it negative. Example: The Sun. Beautiful, warm, life-giving, OR a hot fire ball that causes skin cancer and is gonna explode someday, leaving us all dead! Your choice!)

I was having debates with a couple of Atheists and people who are REALLY hostile toward Christianity. Note: Not *all* religions such as Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. JUST Christians....anyway these people were arguing with me, one ADMITTED to flaming me so I deleted his post calling me quote 'a fool' and suddenly Bjarne deleted my moderator status without warning or notice. Please let me know if you think I should take the hint and leave. If my work here is done (trying to care about other humans and help lonely) and my own ego has gotten in the way, I would leave. Please let me know what you think. No guests or strange new IDS flaming me please. Thanks! :)

I don't think you should leave I mean you have more rep then anyone here so that must mean you are really helping a lot of people.

I know you have tried to help me many times and pretty much anyone open to help anyone that wants it.

I don't know about your moderatership being taken away maybe its for the best now you can speak as freely as you want again I think really in the end its a good thing for you now you can help more really. I think its kind of good if we have moderators that are less vocal and more just forum police.
Thanks, Josh. That was nice and I really needed some support, still do! Perhaps you are right, we should have Teach who always stays cool and level headed. She is not particularly political nor religious I don't think, so it would be cool. I only wanted moderator status since my eyes were like BURNED by this gross fisting porno some creepy guest published. And there were some threats to women, one guy talked about raping one of our female members here, that was creepy as all hell! I just wanted to delete that stuff, and I deleted ONE count em ONE post when someone REPEATEDLY flamed me after I warned him not to name-call.
lonelygirl said:
Thanks, Josh. That was nice and I really needed some support, still do! Perhaps you are right, we should have Teach who always stays cool and level headed. She is not particularly political nor religious I don't think, so it would be cool. I only wanted moderator status since my eyes were like BURNED by this gross fisting porno some creepy guest published. And there were some threats to women, one guy talked about raping one of our female members here, that was creepy as all hell! I just wanted to delete that stuff, and I deleted ONE count em ONE post when someone REPEATEDLY flamed me after I warned him not to name-call.

I think though the fact that you do have much more open views made it harder for you to be a moderator I think that teach is great for job because of same reasons you said. About spam stuff I think teach does a great job keeping it down so we don't have to worry.
Great! I will just PM teach directly if there is some grody stuff she didn't get to catch. Or just avoid the free and open forum anyway, since that is the only place the pervs can post sexual threats and porno. :-(

Frankly if this were my site, I would REQUIRE registration, period. People can make a fake account and use that so it would be totally anonymous, but it would prevent spam porn and threats as IPs can be traced.
lonelygirl said:
Great! I will just PM teach directly if there is some grody stuff she didn't get to catch. Or just avoid the free and open forum anyway, since that is the only place the pervs can post sexual threats and porno. :-(

Frankly if this were my site, I would REQUIRE registration, period. People can make a fake account and use that so it would be totally anonymous, but it would prevent spam porn and threats as IPs can be traced.

Ya I pretty much just stay away from the open forum or I never ever open something that is made from a guest pretty much insures will never have to see spam. I do wish we required registration but for all the good pages you have to be registared so guess its ok.
Right on, bro.

Anyway even though I was grossed out by the fisting porn, I should not be grossed out by anything. The human body is an amazing machine, even when it's being exploited.
I agree with you on the fisting porn, that is like so how do you call it, disgusting. Hummm Lonelygirl, why don't you stay ya, I mean you have been here for a long while and everyone here is like a family, if you leave us, it would be rather sad.
Hey Sad, thanks for the support.

However, there are some people who really dislike me on this forum. I'm not sure how many. I've been flamed many times, threatened by members (Robin) and non-members posting as Guests (might have been members 'in disguise' though, so I wish Bjarne would eliminate guest posting, period.)

I know there are at least a few people here who really like me. But as one member posting anonymously as a guest said, they don't really hate ME they hate Christians and more specifically, the God whom Christians worship and love.
oh 4 craps sake. if u dont wanna leave then dont leave. if u wanna leave then leave. imo if u even have just 1 friend here its worth staying. 2 hell with everybody else hun
Haha, lonely girl, i agree its rather hard to take the flamings but i mean Bjarne did a guest posting for a reason. There are some of us who might not have the courage to register but needs someone to talk to. Sure we cannot turn them away at a time when they are down. Well, all i can say is lonelygirl, take those critisms in your stride. I mean each person is entitled to their own opinions...I am not wanting to take sides here but I am sure all these internal strife can be ironed out with a better communication =) Besides this is a forum to help people and make them happy, not make them all stressed up and depressed.... so cheers =)
Excellent points, Sad rabbit! And thanks for the kind words.

I don't ask anyone to take sides. This is just whether *I* should leave this forum, not anyone else should leave this forum. If Bjarne really wants me to go he will tell me or ban my IP and I won't be able to come back, period. I hope he is more reasonable than that and if being a Christian and being outspoken are my only 'crimes' then I plead Guilty as Charged. But as Bob Marley says, "I and I not come to be justified...by the laws of men! Wicked may find me guilty..but True Jah plead my innocence!"
I don't think you should leave but I also don't think religion or religous discussion should be allowed here. Religion is such a controversial and volatile subject that more often then not just seperates people without accomplishing anything.
Okay, fair enough, Angry Loner. But if you start banning one sort of topic, then it's slippery slope. I think that religion should be allowed to discuss just as much as politics, sex, or any other potentially 'offensive' topic as these three: religion, politics, and sex--can cause so many troubles for people! But again, I do respect your view point. How about Josh's idea where we have a particular room or area where 'anything goes' in terms of discussion, as long as it's not porno, spam, threats, or DELIBERATE attacks on other humans?
lonelygirl said:
Okay, fair enough, Angry Loner. But if you start banning one sort of topic, then it's slippery slope. I think that religion should be allowed to discuss just as much as politics, sex, or any other potentially 'offensive' topic as these three: religion, politics, and sex--can cause so many troubles for people! But again, I do respect your view point. How about Josh's idea where we have a particular room or area where 'anything goes' in terms of discussion, as long as it's not porno, spam, threats, or DELIBERATE attacks on other humans?

How can you have an "anything goes" room with restrictions? What good has ever come from people discussing religion? ask that question to two people with different religions and guess what, you'll get two different answers, both of which are assumed to be right by either side. It only creates conflict in my opinion just as discussing topics such as pedophilia or abortion.

I understand that you think religion should be an ok subject but in my opinion it is too volatile. Religion is more than an opinion and it is the least likely subject that people will yield any concessions on (if they are truly religious). think of the Atheists vs christians argument. Neither side will ever back down or yield no matter how "valid" the arguments of either side are. its an argument that will never get anywhere and will just frustrate people.

If we were to have a room where one could truly discuss anything they wanted, I would be all for it.
I actually disagree, and here's why. I and many other Christians I know USED to be agnostics, if not Atheists! So I think that many of us ARE willing to really listen to the other side's viewpoints. As long as the attack is on the IDEA and not the person, I don't see where the problem lies. But the anything goes room is for ANY topic including religion, drugs, sex, etc....we've had MANY controversial threads and people can learn to avoid the people who they think might bring up a viewpoint that challenges theirs a bit too uncomfortably, but I for one am WILLING to be open-minded about many things!
lonelygirl said:
I've been flamed many times, threatened by members (Robin)...

You tried to make me seem like the backstabbing person You are by making Your own, no-proof assumptions about my work as a moderator public, which i can't find any other logical reason to than, once again, simply letting Your steam out without thinking first.

If You seriously can't see why a 31 year old woman acting like a hyper-active, ultra-charismatic and almost schizophrenic schoolgirl half her actual age are raising eyebrows and even flames i honestly think You're the least mature person i've ever met, for any age, and sincerely hope that You let enough steam out in here to be the good person You can be, in real life instead.

You are a great person when You want to, but You take way too many of Your thoughts and feelings out on this community to be healthy neither for You or for them. You should start blogging or something to get that **** out. It's like You have ten different personalities. How can You expect to keep anything going steady with someone and be both a helping moderator, one of the worst "cases" of this entire community, can turn into someone completely different from one day to the next and write every single thought You have visible for every person here to see without actually caring about the consequences that not everyone will agree to what You write? It's like You're so frustrated to get someone like Yourself to talk to that You try every method and take every chance You can to get people's attention, which apparently might lead to a friendship as well as to hatred.

You're here too much. There's too much lonelygirl here for some people to bare it, and since You are so different from one day to the next, there's gonna be an equal increase in the amount of that heartwarming adviser as that freaked out school-girl. Something happened to You one day, i remember it well. You got more and more of that little school-girl out of You and less Yourself and it kept going that way.

You're virtually living on this website! Just like a couple can start some argues from spending too much dead-time together, You get into some fights and discussions with people here regularly because You simply are here no matter how You feel. You turn to this place both to share Your love, Your hatred and Your most strong thoughts and feelings in the most absurd way i've ever seen. Do You perhaps think You've got a too high hormone-level? I've heard that's kinda normal and that You should get that checked. A breast exam can do that, for example.

Not even i, who i believe have been treated especially bad by Your worse half, think You should leave this website. You should just calm the hell down and take a break from Your active persona here.
I say just be you! And if religion is a note, the so be it. It has always been and will always be a big part of ppls lives and in turn will conflict to some degree from person to person. I say who cares we are all here to help eachother and sometimes that can be a good thing and sometimes it can be bad, that is the risk u take when u share urself with ppl.As if life was not hard enough as it was:) Personally if I have to worry about what is said then I am in the same boat in here as I am out there, and if that is the case then I would refrain from this site. So I say stay and continue to say what u want and be you, because no body else can be.....
Oh yeah this qoute is for ya Lonelygirl it is one of my favorites!

"Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberties."
Well I think it's completely up to yourself LG whether you should stay or go. You could even write down the pros and cons on a piece of paper and make your decision that way. But asking other members on the forum what they think, well really, it's not their decision to make, it's yours.
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