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Well, lets say that i have been dealing with this sporadic vision blacking out problem and i am not blinking and then my doctor was wondering what i think about and what i go through, and you know i always thought that i was normal you know. People got angry even though was little bit more especially recently when i came back from Afghanistan, when i was in a no **** combat zone. I was planning on seeing a psychiatrist because of my constant anxiety.... but my doctor told me that there is so much more.... I know i have had a rough past... and that i have suppressed a lot in the past... I may have a bipolar disorder and it is really bothering me... cause everything is all making sense now.... not having a perfect medium.... going from happy to angry as anyone can be.... I wonder and fear what this guy is going to uncover...
This is my first time i visit here. I found many interesting stuffs in your article. Well-done!
Merry Christmas, y'all. My 2 sons came into the casino where I work last night. I had spoken to one of them earlier in the day, and asked if one of them could come by as I had a Christmas card for each of them. So they came by, and I gave them their cards with a Walmart gift certificate attached. They stayed for about a half hour, then we said our goodbyes. It was good seeing them, as I don't get to see them often - once in a blue moon. I wish they would call me more often, but you can't make them. Oh well. I suppose it'll have to do. I will spend Christmas with myself, and my 2 cats. Really, it's just another day for me. No Christmas dinners or anything. Just doing some surfing online, and going to bed at about 2pm. Gotta work tonight. It's a lonely life, really. For all the lonely people out there, I hope you make it through the holidays in good spirits. I know I will, but I do think that things could be a little better sometimes. Peace.
Gnome3, Merry Christmas! My family, of which there is only 8 of us left went to Church, had dinner and opened gifts last night.

Today, Christmas Day, was just like any other day. I did some chores, paid some bills, and just hung around as bored and lonely as always. My Mom is here with me, but she was doing her same routine of watching TV all day, and I don't like game shows and she tapes them on the DVR and constantly watches them everyday.

I learned a long time ago not to look forward too much to any holiday, because when the day is over, I would feel down. Now, I just look at holidays as any other day, and if I get to do something nice, like I did last night, I am grateful for it.
I treated myself to a full cooked breakfast this morning, a present to me from me, then went to the children’s home as a volunteer to help out during meal time and keep the kids entertained afterwards. I used the staff computer to come on here during breaks and to see if I had any e-cards from relatives (none) then came home to do chores and check on here to pass the time. Christmas dinner was a microwave lasagne!

Each year I get massively bored at Christmas, even if I could do anything in the world I have no idea what I would want to do. I'm alone but not lonely, just bored. No idea why this happens but my mind just turns to mush on this day.
I still fear that someone i know will stumble upon this forum and find out who i am.
Hey All,

I am new to this forum. I am a 29 year old male who has lived in London all of his life, despite a small period away in mainland Europe. I currently live with my girlfriend (near London bridge) who is from Italy and we are both lonely as we don't have any real friends and our relatives either live in the north of England or in another country. It seems that we cannot find, like-minded people, who enjoy going for a drink or two :), having a nice chat and are not solely interested in drinking!

I think London is a cold place, where many people are more like acquaintances and are quite shallow. It seems all my partner and I do is work, and we are often bored at the weekends. If there are any couples who are experiencing similar issues please feel free to contact us.

One thing I have noticed: If I am away from my Facebook page for a week or so, I can post pert near anything on it, and I'll get quite a few responses - whereas if I post something on a daily basis, I'm lucky if anyone even hits the "like" prompt.... Just sayin.
hi there.
im also new here.
maybe you people can help me.
First of all, im a girl, 20 years old and from portugal, and dont know why i feel lonely from times to times.
I go out with people, go to faculty, but i never fell attached no anyone. Not even my brother and sister, and sometimes to my parents. I really dont have reasons to be sad or something, but then why I get sad so often? Its like I dont believe in other people anymore. Its like I try the hardest to be friendly to others, and others just dont care.
Its hard to make friends for me. I see everyone as cynical or liar, but still I try to see the best in people. In conclusion, I feel like im no one and want to change my way of looking at people.
I wonder sometimes if I learned of having a learning disability at an early age, if my mom would have stopped calling me stupid. I wonder if, I saw a therapist when I was being bullied at school or if someone listened to me, would I have been stronger.

From time to time, I think of these moments in my life, these critical moments where my life could have ended up where I am now, or would it have ended. I believe as hard as these moments in life are, there is a reason that we go thru them. When my dad passed away when I was 23, it was the worst period in my life. My dad, my rock, my dad who loved me unconditionally, who told me that no matter what I decide to do with my life, so long as I'm happy then that's all that matters. I've always done what my parents wanted to a certain extent but, with my dad gone I was scared. I could barely take care of myself as I was falling apart on the inside but, I had to stay together because I had to take care of my mom and my sister. I finally broke down on Christmas 5 years later. It was really bad at work, my manager, my staff, the gm and other managers and even head office believed the lies my manager was telling them. Everyone was telling me to quit and all I could think of was but what I'm doing to right according to their policies and the law!! I told my boyfriend (now husband) all he could say was quit and snap out of it.

Never had I really felt so alone. I told him that I needed some air, so I went out to the balcony. As I was out there, I looked over the railing and down at the ground below. That day I seriously thought of ending it all. I felt so sorry for myself at what was going on in my life, and then I stopped thinking just for a minute and looked at the snow falling. In that minute I realized that I am a strong person, a good person, a smart person, a person who controlled their own fate and destiny. In that moment I realized that all those people who believed my manager were sheep and weak. So I decided that I wasn't going to fight those people anymore, I was demoted. People talked, pointed and stared the next couple of weeks but, I kept my head down and just did my job and went home. Within a month of my demotion, my manager was under fire for all the bad decisions that she was making. She even tried to blame me for poor sales even though I wasn't even in the country!! In the end she was demoted and let go and I was promoted back again with a good manager on my side.

These moments happen to us for a reason. It's how you react, or the decisions that you make at the time that either push you forward or keep you held back.

My apologises for the long ramble
Lonely is only our current situation! I lost my life and fatherhood Ive walked thruogh hell and now Im back. To what? Deep breath! Lonely wow. I dont feel like its my current situation but my ****** life just moesying along with its same sad rythem:( I think our eyes are open and the truith could make any soul mourn. But is there a way from this current state of mind? Ive searched and searched and I hate to say it but ,,,,, This Is It!:( I think we could try to find a new happiness but it would only last as long as you can fool your self. We should take note of all the sad songs ever written and what they say, Hank Williams! Im So LOnely I Could Cry! Well he died alone in the back seat of his buick! I wish we could all hug:) JD
If you say you love me, why won't you let me win for once? I let you all the time. >.>
A note to someone I know in real life, simply posted in vain since he will never read it:
I wish you were more accessible to talk to. I really enjoy talking with you, but you are always with your (jerky) friends, or sitting by yourself in your office where I think you don't wish to be bothered. :(
bjarne said:
This is the open "rant" forum, where you can, anonoymously, express how you feel.

Feel free to post as you like, but please try and keep somewhat to the overall point of the forum.

How I feel, terrified, well that might be to strong a word, but I am finding that the older I get the less manageable that terrible feeling of loneliness gets, in a nutshell, lonely and fearful, and getting sick of it but don't know a way out of it.
If I can freely type anything here, I am going to post something that I am in great fear of--Homelessness. If something were to happen to my Sister and my Brother-in-law, in whose home is my apartment, with the long lists of people waiting (me, included) on low income housing, I wouldn't have a place to live. I would have to return to the City, where it is not safe at night, and probably end up dying. I believe in God and shouldn't be so afraid of this, but it is a reality.

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