Best MSN convo ...ever
- Van Hooligan X - says:
what else is around me?
SqR Moogle says:
Your shadow
Rory says:
4 walls, a GUN and a pile of LINT
- Van Hooligan X - says:
- Van Hooligan X - says:
on the gun
Rory says:
what gun?
SqR Moogle says:
that is a key
Rory says:
All you can see is 4 walls, a KEY and a pile of lint
- Van Hooligan X - says:
why the gun you said was in the 4 walls silly ^_^
SqR Moogle says:
told you....
- Van Hooligan X - says:
Rory says:
*4chan happy smiley*
SqR Moogle says:
Rory says:
What is your next action?
SqR Moogle says:
*summon moe*
Rory says:
you summon moe
SqR Moogle says:
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i wanna read the streaking tutorial for saints 2 plox
Rory says:
take clothes off
double tap down on d pad
run in front of people
Rory says:
streaking gives no rward
Rory says:
Moe is disappoint
SqR Moogle says:
Streaking IS the reward
Rory says:
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i wanna try get signal
SqR Moogle says:
We get signal....
Rory says:
main screen turn on
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i want to view the main screen
Rory says:
you view the main screen
Rory says:
It's so beautiful and pixel perfect from top to bottom
Rory says:
you seriously feel like watching porn on it sometime, it'd really get
the giblets going
Rory says:
or star wars, youa ren't sure yet
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i wanna turn to my phil mitchell
Rory says:
I'm sorry but i don't think i can do that with my phil mitchell
- Van Hooligan X - says:
why not
- Van Hooligan X - says:
and whats happened to this LINT
Rory says:
it's still there, below the SCREEN
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i pick it up, joey l
- Van Hooligan X - says:
*weler zelda style
Rory says:
you pick up the LINT
inside it was a DEAD RAT
Rory says:
"Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeeeeeeeeeh"
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i pick up the dead rat oblivion style
Rory says:
you go all cyrodillic on the ************ as you pick it up... you're very sure no-one has ever picked up a dead rat in such a ******* awesome way before and you'll be damned if they ever try to
Rory says:
in your inventory you now hold LINT and a DEAD RAT
You have no idea where your inventory is but decide not to question that and just accept the benefits of being able to carry so many useful items
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i want to go to all my base
Rory says:
you don't have enough VANITY SHARDS in your IMPORTANCE ARTIFACT to go to all your base
Rory says:
Nor do you have enough PUNDS to pay for a cab to take you there in the first place
- Van Hooligan X - says:
can i go to the your mum festival in your pokemon game?
Rory says:
You could were you not trapped in a dreaded FOUR WALLED ROOM
Rory says:
You need to find a way out of this blasted place so you can go visit YOUR MUM before it's over
- Van Hooligan X - says:
hmm, can i get 1 of those trilby clues, i unfortunatly HAVE NO ******* CLUE WERE I'M GOING!
Rory says:
maybe you should try the DOOR
- Van Hooligan X - says:
but its locked and everytime i try looking at it it says i can't use the door
- Van Hooligan X - says:
oh wait...i see it....wrong button
Rory says:
Nope the door is still LOCKED
a SPIDER crawls out from underneath it
- Van Hooligan X - says:
I EAT THE SPIDER! and try to survive off anything that enters
Rory says:
you defEAT the spider, you gain 1XP
Sadly, no family have come for it... or friends... or colony or whatever the **** kind of related social stigmata spiders have.
Must have been exiled by it's tribe for some reason, perhaps you should ask it wh- Oh...
Suddenly that GUN looks tempting, you may need it to kill yourself if you're stuck in here much longer
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i start to think i'm in a saw situation but in the 6th movie
Rory says:
You feel a slow acting poison coursing through your veins...
Or maybe a spider in your stomach... it's hard to tell
Did you even chew that damn thing before you ate it? You can't remember.
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i noticed a cheap wristwatch on my wrist aswell
Rory says:
your left hand feels a tad sticky too
- Van Hooligan X - says:
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i try getting the ****** watch off my hand
Rory says:
the ****** WATCH is on your WRIST fool
- Van Hooligan X - says:
Rory says:
Needless to say you manage to lather your other hand in HONEY
- Van Hooligan X - says:
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i look for a way out of everything we said
SqR Moogle says:
off to bed now...night dudes
Rory says:
night dude
- Van Hooligan X - says:
night mate
SqR Moogle has left the conversation.
Rory says:
You eat the HONEY.... that'll teach that spider
As for the wristwatch you decide to leave it on it's handy knowing the time.
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i wait for 13:37 o 'clock
Rory says:
this would be so much easier if your watch wasn't stuck on 13:38
Wait... the watch is made of sweets
it truely was a cheap watch
You also slightly ponder how an analogue 12 hour watch could display 13:37 in the first place
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i open the locked door
Rory says:
Sadly it is LOCKED... unlocking it first would be a good way to start
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i unlock the locked door
Rory says:
With what?
- Van Hooligan X - says:
a cup of sht the **** up
- Van Hooligan X - says:
the kidn that does the exactly what it says on the tin
Rory says:
you forgot to pack that in your LUNCHBOX this morning
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i make a key out of the dead rat
Rory says:
episodes of LOST have begun running on the MAIN SCREEN while you were fiddling with the dead rat
Nonetheless you manage to fashion a RAT KEY.... not knowing the lock's tumblers you simply guessed at the key shape
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i shoot the main screen with the gun, laughing at lost's attempts to compete with heroes..the greatest series on TV
Rory says:
you pick up the KEY and point it at the main screen but nothing happens...
JOHN LOCKE appears on screen almost to mock your current predicament
You sure wish you had a remote... Heroes sure sounds appealing right now...
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i shoot the lock out of desperation, but mostly due to me not knowing who jonny ****oo is
Rory says:
Angry you load the key and pull the trigger
Unsure which one to hit, you shoot both the DOOR LOCK and JOHN LOCKE
the lock is shot clean off and MAIN SCREEN now has several bulletholes... all that displays now is static with leaking black crystal around the bulletholes
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i lick the black crystal...because i got hiiiiigh and then leave the room
Rory says:
You lick the crystal, it tastes of technology
Since you are not currently HIGH you simply lick it due to it's sheer blackness
Although you do recall the last time you were high and not trapped in a ******* room.
You leave the room
In the next room there are some STAIRS leading down, there is a table in the middle with a small POT O GOLD and a DECEASED ASIAN in the corner
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i swing my ballsack around
Rory says:
While silly it feels oh so liberating
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i walk 2 the table
Rory says:
There is now a table directly in front of you
- Van Hooligan X - says:
- Van Hooligan X - says:
i search table
Rory says:
upon the table there are TWO SPIDERS, a small POT O GOLD, some runic markings and a SECRET BUTTON on the underside.
You are pleased with your skills of frisking up wooden furniture.
- Van Hooligan X - says:
OM NOM NOM NOM 1 spider, and i chat to the other spider
Rory says:
You eat the first spider, gain 1EXP and a new stomachtech>Bile bludgeon
the other spider is mortified at your disregard of his friend
- Van Hooligan X - says:
who are you?
Rory says:
Sergius scuttle, and you?
- Van Hooligan X - says:
mr. vanity, where can i buy hookers?
i then steal the gold
since this is pretty long, part 2 will be in another post...some other time