She's had some struggles, but we have her to a point now that her quality of life still is good. Different, but good. She has really bad arthritis and I think the tumor hurts her too, but she's done very well on pain medication twice a day (before that she was so sad all the time, though still so loving too). She can't climb up on the couch to sleep any more, so we got her a really nice comfy dog bed to put on the floor. She has bad incontinence now but meds for it are really helping. She's deaf as a bat but her nose and eyes are still good. Also the tumor pushes against her stomach and makes it so she doesn't want to eat much. We got her some prescription, really nutrition rich food though and she loves it, but still underweight. And also we figure due to her situation, if she begs for "people food" we just give her whatever she wants as long as it safes. She deserves every joy we can give her.
She still loves life though, loves greeting her people and as always she acts as a motherly figure to the other dogs. If you approach her to give her a cuddle, she gets such a sweet look on her face and wags her tail, though she can't manage physically showing as much excitement as she used to.
She's so inspiring to me, makes me realize that there are so many things in my life that I should be taking joy in. She's beautiful inside and out. I actually got a tattoo of her last week to honor her.