What do you think, does IQ(maybe not exactly IQ, just more/less smart/intelligent things) matter in relationship?
I think it is good to be in some balance. I'd prefer a partner at least the same ot even a little bit smarter(not in any absolute numbers but as I take a person). If one of the partners is much smarter than other, I think it would be dull.
IQ, doesn't, it's just a number to attempt to quantify something that's already very hard to quantify. As for intelligence "level" itself, I don't think it really matters. What most people look for is someone with admirable qualities that they enjoy spending a large amount of time with and are compatible with. Intelligence can be one, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. It can be a great body, it can be a profound sense of generosity, it can be a calm attitude in general, etc etc. The things people find enjoyable are pretty endless.
For example, I've been called extremely intelligent a few times. I consider myself very normal, got strenghts and weaknesses, some college education but no degree. One of my ex girlfriends is a university educated woman, yet she was not, in our social group at the time at least, considered intelligent. She was, but some of the things she'd say coupled with her looks had a tendency to land her in the stereotypical "blonde" category, which I thought was really unfair lol. Regardless, that had zero impact on our relationship, we enjoyed each other's company for a variety of other reasons. We could talk about anything. While we argued on occasion, neither of us would get angry at the other and make it a distasteful argument. If we were out of line on something, we'd apologize to each other and not hold a grudge. We had a few common interests, some not in common at all, but were both willing to share both interests with each other and take a step forward into something we disliked, for the other's sake.
I think that's what really matters, compatibility and a willingness to share and be open.
I assume of she had been stupid, or if I was as thick as a pile of bricks, it still would've worked out, though our shared interests would likely have been different. A basic minimum I think is fun, for conversation's sake lol, but ot's not necessarily a hill to die on, I believe.