Questions for the Men

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Rodent said:
So the most prominent MRA is Gavin McInnes and the biggest """men's rights""" organization are the Proud Boys. Got it.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't think you know what you are talking about. You're all over the place. McInnes has always been an opportunist, Ardour is right on that. There's a reason why the Proud Boys do not even appear on the wikipedia page of the Men's rights movement which you have linked a part from earlier. In fact, It even has a ******* list of prominent MRAs, people that have done research and studies. Since your gripe is also with "online activists", do you think most self-proclaimed online feminists in the Western world do their own research and don't just read and quote other people or leading figures?

I don't get it, people say "Feminism isn't a monolith" and I grant them that, even going so far as to say that you cannot be against feminism per se, you can only argue against individual feminist positions. But for some reason the men's rights movement is not only a monolith, it also a complete caricature where every MRA claims to be oppressed on the level of 17th century peasant and totally is also a nazi. Yeah, something doesn't add up in your world view. If the sexist origins of office air-conditioning can be discussed, I think that neonatal circumcision and the male-only military draft are valid topics as well. And you don't need to be pro-FGM or think that women should be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen for that.

The assertion that it's all just backlash already flew in your face, because the section that you linked has this quotation:


Feminism isn't a monolith because there are many different ways of viewing women's rights. There are many differnt types of Christian, Muslim, socialist, or any other ideology, movement or faith belief. Again, you're equating feminism with men's rights, without accouting for the obvious historical and current differences.
Most MRAs tend to be more conservative and using the idioticv comparison. Why aren't the "liberal" ones countering them, or trying to change minds? They're clearly the minority.

I stand by my prior points - men's rights might get further if they drop their stupid comparison with feminism and the bigoted/far-right elements of the movement. There aren't many MRAs in real life beyond the Web for this reason alone. I'm pretty sure "normal" men and women beyond the Internet woudl laugh at the notion that men are oppressed. Or like inthe article I linked, would say that men and women are not oppressed in the same sense. You've spent time asserting the false counterpoint.
Oh would you look at that, I have another question...for the QUESTIONS THREAD.

How would you feel if women sent you vagina pics? That would actually be the female equivalent of a dick pic.
ardour said:
TheRealCallie said:
Why do so many men send unsolicited dick pics?

 It's a level of braindead that defies explanation.

^^^^ that ^^^^

TheRealCallie said:
Oh would you look at that, I have another question...for the QUESTIONS THREAD.

How would you feel if women sent you vagina pics?  That would actually be the female equivalent of a dick pic.

They would first have to be connected with any of my accounts, which is not likely, and the few who are wouldn't do that, just like I wouldn't send a dick pic ever. 

now, what I think of this subject:
theablekingathelstan said:
Feminism isn't a monolith because there are many different ways of viewing women's rights. There are many differnt types of Christian, Muslim, socialist, or any other ideology, movement or faith belief. Again, you're equating feminism with men's rights, without accouting for the obvious historical and current differences.
Most MRAs tend to be more conservative and using the idioticv comparison. Why aren't the "liberal" ones countering them, or trying to change minds? They're clearly the minority.

I stand by my prior points - men's rights might get further if they drop their stupid comparison with feminism and the bigoted/far-right elements of the movement. There aren't many MRAs in real life beyond the Web for this reason alone. I'm pretty sure "normal" men and women beyond the Internet woudl laugh at the notion that men are oppressed. Or like inthe article I linked, would say that men and women are not oppressed in the same sense. You've spent time asserting the false counterpoint.

You couldn't even name a proper MRA or men's rights organization and went for the self-proclaimed Western chauvinists/neo-fascists instead, so pardon me for not giving credence to your assertions about what most MRAs do and don't stand for and what sort of comparisons they use. Never even used to word "oppression" once - should be reserved for specific situations anyway like the school-to-prison pipeline in the US which people will happily acknowledge because race is a significant factor, but sex is just as much of a factor in criminal justice.

Moving on:

TheRealCallie said:
Why do so many men send unsolicited dick pics?

I usually think it's utterly misplaced confidence, but I also thought for a while that this type of men would actually appreciate having a picture of lady bits sent in return. I think some women have tried that once in return, but I don't remember how it turned out. I doubt it's an efficient way to break up sexual tension and to clear the air...if it really is the first thing you send, it probably is a long shot. I've also heard of instances where it will randomly happen once a conversation is already ongoing, maybe even of a flirtatious nature. I still don't get it then. If you really want to take it to the next (sexually explicit) level I'd recommend some dirty talk instead?

TheRealCallie said:
How would you feel if women sent you vagina pics?  That would actually be the female equivalent of a dick pic.

Would be too easy to say "depends on the vagina". Seriously though, considering that I'm a prude in general I'd be put off if it came out of nowhere and nope out of there. The gray areas are the interesting parts though. What if I was talking to a lady and it was a casual - even flirtatious - atmosphere, maybe over a couple of days of weeks and it was the right environment? Then she just drops it. Now a million questions pop up: Does she do this often? Is she just looking for attention, a quick hook-up or is she actually interested in me personally? Physically *and* psychologically? A bold move either way. Now some people might be totally interested in that, I don't think I would be though. I wouldn't be appalled in that scenario but I wouldn't have much of a choice but to politely decline and say I'm not that type of guy. Would be funny to still end the interaction with "you have very good-looking lady bits though".
Okay now for a more serious question. Why can some men not take a damn hint? It wasn't even subtle. Actually I think I outright said it. Lol
TheRealCallie said:
Okay now for a more serious question.  Why can some men not take a damn hint?  It wasn't even subtle.  Actually I think I outright said it. Lol

you might be happier if you assume you know what is relevant in life. Or get to determine this for all others.
You never asked a question, so it's not relevant. Make your own damn thread if you want to talk about that ****.

So men, the whole selective hearing thing....myth or reality? :club:
theablekingathelstan said:
You still haven't said MRA equates to feminism, or how men are oppressed. I'd leave you to "win" this "debate" then.

I was never interested in proving men's all-encompassing oppression, considering that it was a point you alleged, not me. Nor do I care about winning according to your terms, I just don't want your fallacious argumentation to sit there unaddressed for others. Besides, your standard for oppression has already been set earlier when you stated things like women not being allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia and FGM and Africa and Asia. And frankly, I can simply be a humanist and be opposed to these violations of women's rights to self-determination as well. It's not an zero-sum or an either-or game to me.

If you want proof of actual legal discrimination against men (which counts as oppression according to some definitions) then I've already given you the male-only military draft and the sentencing gap in criminal justice. Let's add the non-consensual circumcision of newborn boys as well, particularly in the US where it became standard practice for a long time but FGM has been banned for long time. In Germany, where I live, male circumcision is still allowed for religious reasons which I am opposed to as an atheist.

Men's rights parallels women's rights. Feminism includes advocacy for the latter but tons of theories and philosophy as well and actually has a counterpart: It's masculism. I don't care for defending the totality of either because there's too much unfounded ******** stuffed in either camp. Feminists don't have to defend every argument from the TERF camp either, so I don't have defend weird traditionalists going on about "warrior mindsets" and a return to nature.
TheRealCallie said:
So men, the whole selective hearing thing....myth or reality?  :club:

Reality. Sometimes I'll just tune out when people are talking to me about too many mundane things at time but then scatter tiny dots of relevant information into the mix. That's why I find phone calls so dreadful...ever had your hand fall asleep holding the receiver or more likely just the mobile phone these days? I always find myself pacing around my apartment trying to remain engaged. I've become a very tired person in that regard. And it just happens a lot more often with women than with men in my environment. Usually because the latter talk less overall or are more topic-focused. I just get lost in small talk.
No I wouldn't appreciate a woman dropping a pic of her 'holiest of holies' in my inbox either because it's weird skanky behaviour, and it wouldn't matter how long we'd been messaging.

Are you sure it's as common as all that?OkCupid found most of the messages being sent weren't offensive. Obviously you're going to remember seeing it, but what % out of the gazillion messages women receive daily? It's a small subset of guys spamming (or trolling women). I have to believe that.
TheRealCallie said:
How would you feel if women sent you vagina pics? That would actually be the female equivalent of a dick pic.

I wouldn't feel threatened, like women probably feel from dick pics. But I wouldn't be that much of a fan either. It would be kind of weird.

If it's just a picture of a woman's groin, and nothing else, it's just "eh". It would almost seem like a picture in a medical text - abstract, without context, impersonal.

For it to be sexy, I'd need to see the whole person. Actually I think that's how sexiness works in general - there's more to it than simply genitalia by itself.

Well...that's a conversation I never thought I'd have. Enough weirdness for today...
i don't think most men woudl care in honesty. many might actually welcome it.
Men and women think differently, but then social norms of how we interact also play a part I feel.
Okay, next question. lol

Why are so many men terrified to buy tampons?

Also, why is a bra and underwear considered taboo, yet a bikini is perfectly fine?
TheRealCallie said:
Okay, next question.  lol

Why are so many men terrified to buy tampons?

Also, why is a bra and underwear considered taboo, yet a bikini is perfectly fine?

Two questions even, but I got plenty of answers...

The underwear vs. swimwear thing is a matter of location and context, isn't it? I find it odd, but I think this is strange for men as well because swim shorts and boxer shorts are not that different. Or speedos vs. briefs. You might still do a double-take if you saw someone walking around in their tighty-whities even if it was close to a beach.

I might have bought pads for my girlfriend before, not tampons...not 100% sure anymore. The thought doesn't terrify me though because I think of it as a utility and I'm not all that concerned that the cashier thinks I'll put them up my ass. Buying condoms I find more terrifying by comparison. As for other men? They might be worried about other people seeing them or they are hung up on the whole vagina blood thing. I'm not pretending it's a great and magical thing either, but that's biology for ya. I gotta take dumps too and that's not pretty.
RFLMAO!!! That was sooo funny, Sunweb and enlightening at the same time!! Thanks for the reply! So would it be safe to say that sometimes girls don't seem interested in thier tone of voice and that may be the reason they aren't asked out?
I never in my life asked a girl out. I never initiated the first kiss. Sometimes we guys don't have the confidence or self worth to expect the girl that we are fond of to have any interest in us. Fortunately for me there are women that don't mind being obvious or even taking control of a relationship, or I'd never have gotten laid. :) Some of you can actually be quite pushy, which for me makes it hard to get away. :/

The funny thing is, what appeals to me is a shy, introverted woman. But being timid myself it's unlikely that we'll start that relationship.

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