ardour said:
People like to repeat the argument that you're better off without the kind of women who go for this, however that starts to grate a bit when you see otherwise normal, decent, well adjusted women fall for the grown up version of "bad boys" ( i.e. Arrogant, selfish, emotionally unavailable men). It sounds like a bad cliche until you witness it over and over.
Yeah, this is what I'm feeling exactly. I've seen this since puberty too. You're right, it's not just dumb or "bad" women, it's across the board and it sounds like a cliche but it's really not - seeing people fall for arrogance, selfishness, alcohol/drug problems, legal problems, guys who value backwards and just dumb things. That's why it gets me so mad when the Internet feminist types pretty much tell guys like me to shut up and that what we've experienced in our lives isn't real, right before calling us losers. I just read some articles like this a few days ago and it pissed me off so much because of what they do, invalidation and shame.
ardour said:
The person I had a minor crush on for the last 2 years, just got engaged to a Korean guy she'd known 3 months. Going by his facebook profile - late model Mercedes as his coverpage, wears $1000 sunglasses, I can kind of tell what he's like, and of course he frowns in the engagement photos like he doesn't care, while she smiles. My feelings are driven by bitterness, obviously, just that ... I didn't think that was who she was, or what she wanted.
I feel like you can tell what he's like too, it's the way that he chooses to present himself to the world. I just have problems with people like this. I think success is good and something to aspire to, but you can be successful without arrogance. I always felt that showing off and acting like you are inherently better than others just because, is wrong, immature, tasteless, and possibly insecure himself - he might know he's not that interesting but if he flashes money, it gets covered up. And the frowning. It seems like he's trying really hard to be "cool". The guy sounds like a stereotype to a t.
I don't think you're bitter for not liking this guy, or guys like him. I call them "******** artists", because they have made ******** into an art form, going through life using bragging, smooth talk, glitz, and noise to grease others into giving them money, sex, and power. They're con men, good at the politics of social interactions - mini Trumps, if you will. It's just too bad the rest of the world falls for it.
The problem is, how can us regular guys be more fun than these showmen? Don't be regular, I guess. But how can we be more than that? There's just endless questions.
ardour said:
But there you are; no-one help what they're attracted to, and who am I to criticize. I can't think of many good reasons why anyone should have me. And the harsh truth is that in the absence of the right traits whatever other qualities you might have don't seem to matter at all (In other words, this is a typical Nice Guy rant...:/)
Who are we to criticize? Just people who are fed up with ******** and who know we aren't worthless. These "right traits" are the problem for me too, I just don't know what they are and how I can adopt them while still being myself. I have to be myself, because I wouldn't make a believable douche. If I tried to be a dudebro or a tough-guy druggie burnout I'd feel like such a moron, I'd feel like a joke but also like I was doing something that I know is wrong and I know better than but am doing it anyway. Can I think of reasons why someone should have me? Sometimes it's hard but sometimes I can think of something. I just feel there's got to be a way.
Don't beat yourself down with the Nice Guy label though. I hate the term, it's like the new three-letter word that starts with "f" that you can't say anymore. It makes niceness seem like weakness, I just think that's absurd.
DarkSelene said:
Your other qualities can be highly appreciated by other women, while they don't care about the "right" traits.
I said this before because I understand how hard it is for one to accept an idea when all they've been handed in life was the opposite -- but I only repeat myself regarding this because I know it exists. I've seen it lots and I've seen it in healthy relationships.
I want to believe this, I really do, but it's just so hard when all I've been handed in life has indeed been the opposite too. I don't know where to start believing.
kamya said:
Then gives me this gem "They say that the only way to get over a man is to get under a new one. I really feel that there is some truth to that."
This is coming from an extremely Christian woman. Someone that wants to be a chaplain and really wants a godly man for a husband.
I don't want to insult you by way of saying something about your friend but man...that really makes my head spin.
kamya said:
I don't believe women are all the same but there are definitely some pretty hard trends. There are too many other men echoing the same things and having the exact same experiences with women for there not to be some truth to it.
I'd agree with this too. I know it's not just me. It's other guys here, and I've seen it all over the Internet.
kamya said:
While not all women choose to be this way and not all women want the same things or act completely the same, I do get a feeling that most of these feelings are a uniquely male experience that most women will never be able to fully understand. More effort usually seems to go towards shaming and dismissing rather than understanding anyways.
I really hate the shaming, because we're already struggling. They try to basically tell you that you're inherently inferior. I hate it, but it also makes me fear it, it makes me wonder, can I do anything about this, or are they right and I'm just genetic waste and my position in life is fixed?
I don't want to believe that everyone is just better than me, I feel like it just can't be true. But I don't know because I haven't succeeded.
kamya said:
It would be nice to be able to swipe right on a few good looking women and know that for sure I'd be able to not have to spend the night alone that night.
Same. I'd just love to have the feeling that I can like a girl and know that I have what it takes to probably make it happen. I'd just love to feel like my thoughts, words, actions, my very self has some power, and that people can't just brush me aside or kick me around. This is all part of the same problem I have, all my life I've wanted power because I've felt like I don't have any and I hated that feeling but, I just didn't feel like I had any power. And I'm afraid of being an average guy because it means none of my dreams of more, and of beating the macho bastards in life, will come true. It's important to be able to say I came back to kick the **** out of the bad boys, that I got my win, even if it's just once but I need it. But I know I'm not a bad guy, I'm not out to rip anyone off. I think I have something to offer and I think I could get more. I don't think I just suck, I think I have value. I'm just not "cool", because I thought it was wrong and it's not natural to me. And I don't know if I can make up for it.