I would marry and date forever a guy who had problems in the sack.
Especially the problem you have. You just dont feel secure. People are not always great in bed. It's completely natural. But making someone feel bad about how they are in bed is a bit harsh.
Honestly if that was the only problem a guy had I would definitely date him for as long as he wanted me.
But not all girls are the same. Sex, and good sex is important, I agree. It can feel really good to have good sex. But sex is not the most important in a relationship to me.
Also if it is mostly a confidence problem, I would just work on helping my guy get back confidence.
Listen when you find the right girl, I think she will love you for you.. and even if you are afraid in bed, or if you dont always feel for sex, or if you cant always get hard, or if some days are off... she will still love you.
I dont think you should expect someone to be great in bed every time. Some days are better than others. That is just life.
Rootbeer said:
I've been reading this over and have found some excellent posts. I like the anonymity and I have a question - but first, quickly about myself.
I'm apparently a good looking & fit guy in his mid 20's, I'm nice and polite to women and have no problem getting dates (in fact, women often make it quite easy for me), well groomed, I can keep a conversation, and I stay busy with work & hobbies I'm involved with. Not an alpha male but not a pushover. I'm not trying to toot my horn or anything, I'd like to think I'd make at least a decent catch though.
My one & only ex I was dating for over 5 years dumped me because I was acting arsehole-ish but also because I couldn't give her orgasms whenever we had sex. That, and I'm not always very good in bed. It would then always end with her sighing and me shriveling up on the inside feeling uncomfortably emasculated.
Long story short, these feelings have manifested themselves over the past 4 or 5 years and gotten worse where I now find it too difficult to present myself to women, have only had sex a handful of times in the past few years, and I think about it way too much. I thought these problems only affected people more than twice my age. This is truly tearing my life apart at a time when most mature people would suggest I should be having fun and enjoying life and dating. I don't know how to say it without sounding like I'm tooting my own horn, but other than those problems I think I'm a really good guy.
So women, my question is, if your guy is quite bad in the sack, is the easiest decision to dump him? How long would you date a guy who has sexual problems?
I have no close male friends at the moment. I especially would not have close male friends in real life (as opposed to the internet). Not that I have either.
The way I see it is this. If my man had a close female friend I would always wonder if there was more to their relationship. Sorry but it is true. I may say nothing, but inside I would wonder if he likes her as more than a friend.
No I don't have serious trust issues, but I am not stupid enough to ignore my thoughts. If a man I was with had a female friend, I would wonder if he likes her in a sexual way, if he thought about it... she would be my competition and I would be jealous.
So, out of respect for the men I have dated and ..well my husband lol.. I would never have a close male friend, and I have never had close male friends while I was in a relationship. Because he should never have to wonder that. That thought should not even have to exist.
When I was single though, I had male friends (IRL). But I told them all (the ones in real life), I dont believe in having male friends when I'm with a man. And so as soon as I get into a relationship, the male friends drifted away, and I did too.
The thing is, men understand. At least Caribbean men do. They get that a man would be jealous if his girl had male friends, and they get that them being friends with me only really made sense if I was single. Lol I didnt have sooooooooooo many male friends. But there were some. More online than in real life.
Anyway yea, so I dont know if it can or can not happen. But for me, I would not do it unless I was single. Just out of respect for the guy I am with.
edit: and by the way, I have considered what it would be like to have a relationship with every male friend that I have had.
Rigel said:
this is kind of awkward but what the hell. Can a man and a woman simply be friends for its own sake without going through the complications of a sex based relationship?
any of you have close male friends that you can say you 'love' but would never sleep with?
Orgasms are great!! Lol, but if I can't get one with a guy.. then that is fine. I think with some guys you will always have orgasm (rare guys.. but some are that good). With others you wont.
For me it is more important that the guy orgasms, because I like that feeling as well. And if he moans and orgasms

8) :0) That is the best!!!
So yea, it's not too important that he makes me orgasm, especially in the beginning.
A woman's body is different than a guys. We may not come as often because we arent as horny. With time when he knows our body more and..when we are really horny (like no sex for 3 weeks horny), we will come. For guys, you all tend to come all the time no matter what.
So my point is, if when the relationship is new I dont come, that is fine. I know that in time I will. And even if I don't.. sex still feels good, and it is nice to know that he comes.
bens said:
A question for the women that has probably already been answered - what are your expecations of getting an orgasm from a man?