Rabbit account - watch a movie?

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Jan 1, 2019
Reaction score
Hi again,
So, I had a penpal that didn't work out but I did find out about and get a rabbit account.  If anyone is ever up for watching a movie together, let me know.  It's easy - we decide on the movie, I find it, and then send you the link to join the "room" were we can watch it.  I think all can join in, and that you don't need an account there, as long as I have one.  Anyway, I thought it might be fun for people to get together that way.  You can chat in the room about the movie, meet each other, etc.  Let me know if you would like to do this.  Might be fun!

Edit - testing it out - it's a public room - at the moment, I am watching the Season 3, ep. 1 of Travellers: https://lets.rabb.it/4IiLghKu8S
*trying to controll my excitement*

❤️ Ok, seriously. This sound like so much fun! ❤️
i started using rabbit recently and it's a great platform to watch movies together. So, I'm in for movies, just let me know when you intend to watch one.
Yay!  three cheers for da wabbit.

I will turn it on now...I wanted to try that tv show called Berlin (in English don't worry).  If you would like to watch something else, let me know and I will switch, or we will schedule it???  Tell me what is good for you !


Will edit with the link to the room in a moment.

Edit - link to the room! :) It's open for all to join,.. I'm not sure if there is a limit to how many can join or or not....but I think we will be okay. https://lets.rabb.it/aLY9fZJjaT
Ah, i'm too late.
got there too late as well, ugh. next time then.
I'm more than happy to watch a movie or something, but I'd need it not to be a last minute thing or I'm unlikely to see the message until it's over.
Coming saturday Januari 5th 8 pm GMT? We could vote on a movie until then perhaps.
I'm ok with jan 5th 8 pm (I'm in the gmt +2 timezone), unless something comes up last minute.
Voting for a movie by then (e.g. on https://www.strawpoll.me/) sounds like a good idea to me. Unfortunately I'm clueless as to what to suggest, usually I avoid depressing movies or horror movies that aren't for the weakhearted, lol, and I prefer comedies or psychological thrillers, but I'm open to any suggestion, movie, series, show, whatever.
There are threads down yonder in the forum about movies. What was the last one your watched. What to watch next. Maybe one of you should make a thread specifically for this.
Wonderful!!! I am so glad you are all into this...I am on Pacific time - tonight at 7, I can set up a room. If someone else has an account and willing to share their room for Europeans or other time zones that would also be great for having a round robin. we can also chat in the room about what to watch .... I will open mine at 7pm US Pacific...anyone, anywhere is welcome.

okay GMT 2 - zero, I can relinquish the remote control to you, once I set it up. I just have to know what time works for everyone. But I have you covered for today. Noon pacific, is GMT 2. So, at noon, I will get it going.
Well, the first run was rough...i don't really know what I am doing, and had to kick a few terrible people out. I am going to figure out the app to see what can be done to:
minimize troll use
(they are lurking on here, and followed the public link, I suppose.)
maximize democracy.
It's still on right now, and the movie is Sliding Doors. If anyone has any ideas I am all ears
Maybe it would be a good idea to post the link in the diary section where non members can't see it?

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