Mr Bakerman
Um, ok. So it's been 42 minutes. Man, I know I'm bored, but today seems extra slow
Its basically the same during the day. I log on and peek a boo throughout the day when I take a break from what I'm doing and its maybe a couple of people with some back and forth. If you're bored at night just call me. I'm usually reading because I can't sleep.Um, ok. So it's been 42 minutes. Man, I know I'm bored, but today seems extra slow
Dang, I got shot down.>using non existent telepathy because of know no phone numbers<
No, I just only have two options. Also, sorry I made it sound that way.Dang, I got shot down.
I like to talk without having to talk but more importantly I like to not hear. I talk about myself because I am what I know most about. I read a good bit on here but on here if I’m not interested in what a person has said I can keep going and no one is offended because I walked off in the middle of their thought. You do that in real life and people tend to get offended or their feelings hurt. Here I don’t have to say don’t get butt hurt because you weren’t interesting to me or you couldn’t hold my attention. Just move on until you interact with someone that is interested in what you are saying.Over a year, and try as I ******* clue why almost all of you even come here. There's the three narcissistic ones. The occasional lonely and lost. And then my '**** it, I'm bored. Maybe there's some reason'. And the rest. Like the plagiarized Gilligan Island theme song.
I've often wondered the same about you. Any clue?Over a year, and try as I ******* clue why almost all of you even come here. There's the three narcissistic ones. The occasional lonely and lost. And then my '**** it, I'm bored. Maybe there's some reason'. And the rest. Like the plagiarized Gilligan Island theme song.
I'm a sorry excuse for a meat puppet. Keep upI've often wondered the same about you. Any clue?
For me, it's a good way to unwind before I take a shower and go to bed.Over a year, and try as I ******* clue why almost all of you even come here.
If you knew your time was limited, and you just decided to say **** all to all constraints...what do you hope you'd do? Like, nothing ******* matters anymore.
That's a good oneI'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!
Actually, I wouldn't. I have no interest in Disney World. I don't think I would do anything. Maybe go to Scotland because I've always wanted to go there. I'll die in a castle. Make it all dramatic and ****. It'll be awesome.