Regards to all the ladies

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I find things like this difficult. Ignoring the fact that I'm a sociophobe, I couldn't stand up for a woman no more than I'd stand up for a man. If the man/woman were being treated unfairly, perhaps. Generally I feel nothing for my fellow man, and while I won't say I feel any less for women, I do tend to treat them just the same as men. I'm not a sexist, yet somehow I get labeled as one, mostly by ignorant people, perhaps?

Stuff like your post shouldn't exist really, since it kind of defeats the purpose of equality. I know it's a catch 22 though, since fighting for and against verbal abuse is considered reducing sexism, but...well. It also adds a certain degree of it, or at least unequality, by us having to raise awareness and fight it. Or something. Gah this is hard to explain.

Women can have equality but this doesn't extend to individual human empathy and emotions..a nasty human who hurls abuse at everyone can't be considered a sexist even if he uses gender based slurs upon women, simply because he's also likely to do the same to men, but obviously not bring attention to the fact it's a man...gah I can't explain this.

Equality just can't work - I can be a bastard and relate to the common conundrum of "Meh, women say they don't need men until they need to do heavy lifting" and all that jazz, but..bleh. It's somewhat true though.

I'VE LOST MY MIND NOW so I'm going to stop. If I've offended anyone, understand that I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKING ABOUT and just treat me like some loveable, mentally retarded cute thing that snuggles around and generally makes no sense. It'll help.

While humans share different skin colours, they have no major genetic differences, yet racism still exists. :( But a male is drastically different to a female, and vice versa. WE MAY AS WELL BE DIFFERENT SPECIES. GAH!

Sexism is more...ugh I dunno, important (somehow) than racism. There has to be differences, real friction because of it.

Damn I'm so lost. I'll use my emergency rope and evade this topic now I think. -plink-
You can have equality whilst recognising the values of difference. There ARE men and women, it's a fact, not recognising that and how awesome women are is not equality.

Equality between the sexes, to me, is knowing we are different, but each has equal value, and together we are better.

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