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Robin said:
BrokenDreams said:
I'm 15 years old and I have never had a boyfriend, or any guy have a crush on me. Why must guys be so shallow and only like girls who are attractive looking?

You sound just like the typical girl of Your age. BD, being 15 years old doesn't mean that You got to have a boyfriend. There's a very low percentage of the people that meet someone in Your age who don't regret that they ever did it. They just do it because "everybody else does" and end up being alone again after jumping from guy to guy/ girl to girl. Sure it would be good to have some experience before You went going for real, but it' definitely not necessary. You ever heard the saying "Girls mature faster than boys" ? When it comes to love, that couldn't more true; most guys in Your age are way out sailing when it comes to follow their hearts. It's the unloved, bullied guys who mature and realise the important things in life faster than the others boys.

Everyone, and especially guys, grow more handsome by the years and hopefully You'll see one day, soon, that the wishes of the heart tend to take over when they grow stronger. You wouldn't want the most good looking guys around You; they are the one's that take their looks to advantage when using others to get what they want. Both You and them are too young to start getting serious with relationships. Don't worry! You'll get there too! We are all so impatient to grow up when we're as young as You are but You shouldn't spoil it by doing like those stupid other one's do.

And just for the sake of it, since sex is a part of most relationships, the vast majority of the people who lost their virginity during their younger years regret that they didn't wait. You should be proud of Yourself in general for not acting unthoughtful like so many others do in Your age! Keep up the great spirit for improving Your grades and You'll thank Yourself in a few years!

SighX99 said:
im sure BrokenDreams will find someone great in the future. someone will find BrokenDreams attractive in many ways not just physical.

Thanks for the advice. I just feel like such a loser around my friends since I'm the one that has never been on a date, or been kissed or anything. I'm still not sure there is someone out there for me though. Even if there is, I'll just scare them away. I found a guy I liked and I think he liked me a bit, but I scared him away with my depressive thoughts and stuff. Sometimes I wonder if I can ever do anything right.
BrokenDreams said:
Thanks for the advice. I just feel like such a loser around my friends since I'm the one that has never been on a date, or been kissed or anything. I'm still not sure there is someone out there for me though. Even if there is, I'll just scare them away. I found a guy I liked and I think he liked me a bit, but I scared him away with my depressive thoughts and stuff. Sometimes I wonder if I can ever do anything right.

BD, You'll be surprised how jellous the people around You, who jumped into adulthood prematurely, will be with You when You find that sweet guy who You want to experience love with and who will lift You into the clouds.

Depression has a nasty habit of scaring people away, because they can smell the sadness and fear to end up the same way. You should stop worrying about all that stuff until You feel that You are ready, not when the people around You say You are. There are guys who will find You wonderful just the way You are, no matter who You are. If there is something that bothers You, other than finding love, i'd be happy to become a pen-pal of Yours to try and solve these problems with You.=)

You seem like such an intelligent young woman, BD. If You dare to stand the test of time and ignore the bad habits of Your friends there's a chance You'll see that the people over at the old lonely-website were right. =) You are too young to jump into things due to group-pressure; it's in Your age it is as worst. Nature decides when You are read, not the society! I am amazed and proud of Your way of thinking, and no matter how ugly the world around You can be sometimes there are real friends waiting for You somewhere. And one of those places is right here! You can only be as good as You can be, and You can be a heck of a woman, BD! Have the power to resist what doesn't feel right in Your heart, because the heart is always telling You what the right thing to do is.
askal said:
Just dont think about it.

Look at pictures of Prince Harry or David Hasselhoff... or just any ******* guy on this earth.

Jerk off to him.

Worked for me. I ridded myself of the pain for craving for women after they destroyed my heart and soul. :) Porn and escorts for me if I want sexual contact. Otherwise, a woman is just a friend. No crossing the DMZ lol.

If men and women are equal, this might work. Get yourself a giggolo or some gay porn (all the big muscled good looking naked men are there)...

Ew. I can't believe you said that! That is NOT a healthy way to deal with women! Trying to become homosexual won't help.

Askal, why do you have this contempt for women? How many times have you been hurt? Just one real heart break? How can you steer young kids in this direction? That is unhealthy behavior. Hiring prostitutes will make many people just feel worse. And pornography can become an unhealthy addiction.
its been hella long since i've been with someone... its taking its toll on me already.. not just the sex...

i really feel lonely. i practically have everything i could ever want (cept for the hilton wealth *grin*). im doing very well with work. with friends too. with family.. cept for the heart.

i know it might sound cheesy.. but i long for those long walks by the beach... hanging out with friends in a club with mah baby... dancing close together while the best darn sweetest song is playin... someone telling me to stop smoking cuz its bad for me... those lil fights... the sorry-i-couldnt-shop-with-you-later-but-ill-make-it-up-tonight... the hugs.. the kisses... the sweet smss... the 15second-call (just to tell you "i miss you")..

dammit... im smilin right now, cuz im getting all cheesy.. *sigh*
Hi Gibo,

So, how have you gone about recently trying to find a sweetheart? Have you searched the internet? May I ask what town you live in? I know in Manila there are zillions of young people, single people, right?

I would perhaps tell you to try something unconvential. If you don't go to church, find one with lots of young people attending and go! Just get out there where you can meet people! Bars, clubs, parties, social events and gatherings, weddings, doing volunteer work. Perhaps you could volunteer at a local library or university? I met one boyfriend that way, at university. I was working as a Temp and I met a TON of young people that way!
I did find someone and he is a good guy but my mom is causing me problems as you know I've posted in another thread about the whole situation. I finally found someone that makes me happy and she is tearing it appart
Aww that sucks sweetviki. Parents do get in the way and mess things up. Congrats on finding someone you like. I hope your Mom doesn't mess things up for the two of you.
BrokenDreams said:
Aww! Well, you are at least lucky to find a guy who would possibly date you. I'm 15 years old and I have never had a boyfriend, or any guy have a crush on me. All the guys I know etiher hate me, like someone else, or wouldn't go out with me if I was the last girl on earth. Right now is not the best time for me to have a relationship since I really need to bring up my marks, especially in math, but I guess I just would like to know that one guy in this world would actually date me. *sigh* Why must guys be so shallow and only like girls who are attractive looking?

I've found that there is no definative idea of what is beautiful. I think certain models/movie stars are presented as beautiful but that assumes all men have the same interests. That's not true, I don't know what you look like but I am sure that somewhere some guy would perfer you over any movie star. My idea of beauty is not my father's or my brothers.
Frustrated said:
I've found that there is no definative idea of what is beautiful. I think certain models/movie stars are presented as beautiful but that assumes all men have the same interests. That's not true, I don't know what you look like but I am sure that somewhere some guy would perfer you over any movie star. My idea of beauty is not my father's or my brothers.

I wish! I still don't see how any guy would prefer to have me, an ugly overly emotional, sad and depressive girl over some rich, attractive movie star.
hi. im gibo, 25, bisexual.

I just got in a relationship with someone. a guy. we've known eachother since january and have been goin out together for movies, dinners, hangout together and just usual things friends do.

anyway, about 3weeks ago, he confessed that he's been falling for me for a long time now, and honestly i was too. i was just afraid to make a move cuz i didnt want to ruin the friendship that i have with him.. we were hangin out over at his place and watchin queer as folk (yeah), i was sitting on the bed while he had his head on my lap then he asked me if i wanted to date him, i said "i wanna think about it first.. i hope you'll understand"

just for the record, ive been doing what ive been doing before.. calling, sms, come over to his place.. things like that.

eversince that night he's been texting me, calling me.. even call me right before i sleep... been acting like my boyfriend.. thing is.. i liked it.. so eventually i said yes to the bf thing.. anyway.. things happened.. but im not sure if its just me.. but i think his sweetness towardsme is waning.. he doesnt call that much anymore.. he doesnt do the things he used to do.. am i expecting too much?? im having this feeling like this relationship will eventually fall and break..

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