You guys just don't realize how determined we are to stop Putin!!!!!! We are hitting super hard with the sanctions. We are sacrificing so much to stop him! Well, except for oil and gas. We all need that and don't mind handing Putin lots of money for it either. But, we are doing everything we can!!!!!
But, damn it!!!!! We really mean business! We are going to cripple him!!!!! He'll retreat any minute.
And............. cut, camera's off guys. Do you think the news and the world will buy off on that crap? Sure, everybody's stupid and nobody really cares except for themselves. They'll never believe the Russia take over of Ukraine was planned out by the world's leaders due to a good hand at the big boy poker table.
Now, all we have to do is carve out gold, coal, and wheat then everything will run smoothly. But, we can still raise prices on everything for everybody because of all the turmoil.
Russia's biggest export products by value in 2020 were crude oil, refined petroleum oils, gold, coal and wheat. In aggregate, those major exports accounted for 46.6% of overall exports sales from
Russia." › russias-top-10-exports
No sacrifice is too great to make in order to stop the violence!