Seven deadly sins

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Which of the "seven deadly sins" do you have the most trouble with?

  • Lust

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Gluttony

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Greed

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Sloth

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Wrath

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Envy

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Pride

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
Minus said:
Bluey said:
I hate walking with a limp. Suppose we all have something we don't like about our self. I hate the fact my body is deformed do to a twisted spine.

I am sorry to hear that. I walk with a bit of a limp also. Normally it doesn't bother me unless someone feels compelled to try to imitate my walk thinking that it is funny.

One time I was walking throw town with my mates and this guy got hold of me and he was really going to hit me and was a lot bigger then me as well. (am not big) He also had a limp and saw me and my mates walk passed him laughing about something and he saw me limping and thought I was taking the mick. If it wasn't for my two mates that I was with at the time who are big guys I would have totality got knocked out buy this guy lol. They puled him of me and basically knocked him to the flow with hes wife screaming get of him. I mean it was his fault. But ye when we was walking away I heard him shout,,, LOOK hes still doing it,,, I mean its not like I can help it and this guy just didn't realise that I was not taking the mick out of him and I actually did have a limp that BTW was a lot weirs then he had. Screwed up hah

Well, the reason my spine went over was because of the limp. All that walking funny why I was still growing up did that. Do you have to where a rise or has it had an effect on your back at all?
I guess we have to watch that. There was one person that i was starting to get a little upset with for copying my limp but fortunately before i could over react to it i realized that they weren't copying me, the person actually did limp anyway.

Bluey said:
Do you have to where a rise or has it had an effect on your back at all?

No i don't use anything. My spine is slightly crooked but i was never told a reason and never thought about the possibility that it could be connected to the limp. Mostly it just has an effect on my knee from the jarring and makes it impossible to run for even a short distance.
Ironically enough, a lot of the super religious people I know are definitions of the sins they so fear. Now this will be controversial, but here it goes. I am not against religion, but I am against corruption and hypocrisy that has become institutionalized religion.

Lust- Sexuality does not become a danger until it is repressed too much (i.e. by religion/society, which makes you feel guilty about a perfectly natural thing), which will only exacerbates desire, and may lead to inappropriate behaviors in people who cannot channel desire appropriately (exposing yourself in public, church pedophilia scandals, etc.). Think of all the lives that could be saved by distributing condoms to people in Africa and Asia, but the fear of sexuality and subsequent unsuccessful abstinence-only campaigns has deterred missionaries from doing so.

Gluttony- Now this applies to many people in the world- not just religious people- but everyone is incredibly wasteful, especially in America. I'm not a hippie or anything (in fact, I'm a damn Republican), but I am fairly environmentally conscious. I'm not talking about restricting yourself from things, but the food, water, and resource waste is appalling. Overproduction and then tossing things out has been the mantra in our culture. Just think of traditional weddings, where so much food, so many flowers, and so many decorations are just tossed out the next day. One thing I admire about religion, however, is their effort to feed the hungry. Yet compared with the expenditures, they could do a lot better. I find it incredibly sad that the same people who go to church to hear parables about Jesus' miracles in the desert can turn a blind eye and waste the blessings that they have.

Greed- funny thing is, the few major world religions own more UNTAXED real estate and other assets than most legitimate enterprises combined. If you look at the simplicity of the founders of religion and compare it to the glitzfest it is now, you have to wonder what other messages got left behind. The saddest part is that people who struggle to make ends meet all over the world will starve to contribute something, while religious leaders live in palaces, throw lavish parties, and prance around preaching humility in their Prada loafers. Those gilded collection plates are filled with the blood, sweat, and tears of these people.

Sloth- I am not opposed to the concept of God, but I definitely oppose those who wait for God to help them. After all, most religions believe that God or gods gave humanity free will. There are too many people who sit idly waiting for judgment day or a sign from God. They think that by attending an hour service each week, their do-good quota for the week has been fulfilled. I can be a lazy bastard myself, but I know when to get up and work to my full potential. TV and sports have become the new opiate of the masses. God would want us to help ourselves and each other, not sit on our ***** and pass judgment.

Wrath- now in my experience, religious people have far more hatred for others than any Satanist/atheist/existentialist. I don't tell a lot of people that I'm an atheist because of the shock and outrage people express because of it. I believe in the MORAL aspects of religion, just not the supernatural. I can't count the number of people who have condemned me to hell because I don't participate in organized religion. Look at the collective wars in world history, and the majority of them have a religious component. Look at Islamic militants who murder people in the name of their God, or deface ancient art. There is so much hate. Hate gays, hate nonreligious literature, etc. Basically, hate things that are different. I'm pretty sure that's not what a benevolent creator nor his prophets had in mind.

Envy- Envy is human nature, but I think it is exacerbated by our holier-than-thou and "keeping-up-with-the-Joneses" culture. And religion always influences culture. From birth, it is a constant rat race to be better than anyone else. But we never consider the consequences of "becoming more Godly." Or faster, better, etc. Look at where we are today- I mean, people will shoot each other over a couple of bucks, rob old people, kill children. Heck, even popes in the past murdered each other for power. Talk about irony. People are no as concerned with living moral lives as they are with being better than anyone else. It's like we're undoing the dream of equality that our forefathers laid out for us. Of course, envy is tied to greed, which explains a lot. Materialism is the cult that has the most followers.

Pride- Back to that holier-than-thou attitude....Pride is not necessarily a bad thing. You can have pride in your work, in your family, in yourself, in your culture, etc. But this is the difference between pride and arrogance. This may piss people off, but I think people in America have way too much arrogance. People seem to be raising their kids without much discipline or respect for others and telling them that they are special and all that crap. There's a difference between self-esteem and self-worship, and the latter tends to occur a lot. Many people who participate in organized religion consider themselves "the chosen ones" and act like they are better than anyone else who doesn't. You can take pride in your faith without degrading other people. I guess all that preaching about tolerance and acceptance falls on dead ears.

In summary, I think making mistakes are a part of life. We shouldn't fear messing up or committing sin, because we are mortal after all. The thing we need to focus on is minimizing our weaknesses and learning from negative experiences, instead of being wrapped up in the guilt of the past. People have become more enmeshed in the ritual and have completely forgotten the meaning of religion. I think the 7 deadly sins (fyi, that sounds way too scary) were established by the institution to evoke fear and guilt in worshippers. The overall ideas are good, but I would assume that any God would consider them more of guidelines than absolutes. That's just my take on it. Sorry if I offended anybody- I just wanted to give another persective. As for religion, I've been exposed to them all, and I respect them all. I was born a Jain (look it up), my grandmother on my mom's side was Muslim, went to Hindu Sunday School, went to Synagogue a lot (I had a lot of Jewish friends), went to an Episcopalian middle and high school, attended Catholic masses with my friends, and traveled to Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. I just don't believe in them.
Minus said:
I guess we have to watch that. There was one person that i was starting to get a little upset with for copying my limp but fortunately before i could over react to it i realized that they weren't copying me, the person actually did limp anyway.

Bluey said:
Do you have to where a rise or has it had an effect on your back at all?

No i don't use anything. My spine is slightly crooked but i was never told a reason and never thought about the possibility that it could be connected to the limp. Mostly it just has an effect on my knee from the jarring and makes it impossible to run for even a short distance.

Thank you so much for replying. There are not that many ppl in the word that have a limp. Well no ones legs are the exact same size you know. Just its when they get that fer out the hip can no longer er-just as fer as it needs to. Then it becomes noticeable. yes it well be the limp that has made your spine move over. How long have you had this for? I did not start having a limp tell I was 11. Its cos I was still growing that made it weirs. I to have never been able to run just cos its difficult with the different sizes. Difficult to explain but I am glad you understand me. Yea I have heard that ppl like us have to have a knee replacement on the longer leg. Its common for ppl like ourselves as that knee is getting used a lot moor then its should be. Its compensating for the other. Do you have a stronger leg then the other as well. my shoes on my longer leg always where down a lot faster then the other one. To the point where the shorter one looks like new on the soul.
20years2many, WOW! You are a pretty interesting guy.

Sloth How true. ppl who go to church think they are going to heaven for an hour a week there. Then the rest of the time are totally selfish in there ways. I don't think it works like that if there is a God.

Greed "religious leaders live in palaces of lavish." Again you don't wont to know how many times I have thought just that.

Wrath Just because your an atheist dose not make you a nice person are a dissent person. I would say you are Prof of that.

Pride Not just Americans. manly all the rich countries have this problem.

I could go on and on here and I just have not got the time. But God damn it I agree with everything you have put.
Bluey said:
How long have you had this for?

This might sound kind of dumb but i really don't know. I don't really remember not limping or when i became aware of it. I was maybe 16 when a doctor first checked it and that was because it was having an effect on my knee. I know that i limped for years before that.

Bluey said:
I to have never been able to run just cos its difficult with the different sizes.

It can make my knee ache for days. Sometimes as little as two paces can do it, usually it takes longer. I guess it is just that the knee takes an extra pounding.

Bluey said:
Do you have a stronger leg then the other as well

I think so, i tend to favor one in many activities.

Bluey said:
my shoes on my longer leg always where down a lot faster then the other one. To the point where the shorter one looks like new on the soul.

The wear pattern on my shoes are totally different from each other. Even the creases on top differ greatly. The same shoe always wears out first, by a long ways.
Lust: Definitly hardcore sometimes, but depends on the day. Never had a problem of giving in to it though.
Gluttony: Once in a while I am ravenously hungry.
Greed: Na, I could do with a little more greed.
Sloth: Ya.
Wrath: For me it's hate far more then anger.
Envy: Many times yes. Its not fair when people have it much better.
Pride: I think it's good to have a little pride.
Minus said:
This might sound kind of dumb but i really don't know. I don't really remember not limping or when i became aware of it. I was maybe 16 when a doctor first checked it and that was because it was having an effect on my knee. I know that i limped for years before that.

That don't sound dumb. Its cos it happens over such a long peered of time.

The wear pattern on my shoes are totally different from each other. Even the creases on top differ greatly. The same shoe always wears out first, by a long ways.

Not just me then.

Its all real similar stuff. Thanks for sharing :)

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