Sexual Frustration...

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NewBirth said:
Whoaisme said:
Haha same here, I cannot be with someone with no self control.
me neither. & i was gonna say lets face it. most women have none. but really i thought that over. & just most peeps of all genders dont

I'm sorry but I have to just jump in on this. Let me guess, you two are fit? You look like Brad Pitt of David Beckham. You got a nice tight ass? You know women like mens ***** or did you think that was reserved for men only. What I've found is the men or boys that usually talk a lot of **** aren't very attractive and have sunken chests and tailbones where there ass should be but then go on about women's looks. It's actually pretty amusing.
Actually, I've been weightlifting seriously and keeping a semi strict diet for the last two years I've gained 60 lbs and although I'm not yet as big as a guy on a bow flex commercial, I'm in extremely good shape. I've got 12% body fat which I really need to reduce to around 10%.

I'm not trying to "talk a lot of ****" really. I just want an average looking girl who isn't fat and isn't a ****. I don't think that's too much to ask for honestly. I'm frustrated at the lack of availability of these types of women.
its not 2 much 2 ask 4. & theres nothing wrong in asking 4 it. im frustrated 2. depressed really. this all can get really really depressing
i started lifting last year. 12% bf is pretty good
I've seen dramatic improvements in the way people treat me based solely on the way I look. People who say looks don't matter are full of it.

I wonder if I wouldn't have depression at all if I found someone I'm actually attracted to for once.

(PS. I started my second steroid cycle earlier this week, yeah... I'm a cheater, but I want results and I will gladly die trying) ;)
oh yeah. ive seen that 2. i mean u-l-t-r-a dramatic changes. i could fill a book w/em. looks matter. especially w/women. everybody thinks its men. but looks matter more 2 women than they ever could 2 men. i dont care who argues w/me about that 1. cuz im sure about it
its hard 2 say about the depression. my depression comes & goes. & even when im not depressed. i still dont meet 2 many women who meet up 2 my standards. & i dont wanna hear about my standards being high either. theyre my standards & i refuse 2 settle
Never settle on your standards!

Biologically looks matter to the majority of species on the planet. If humans artificially enhance the desirable looks of an organism then it will get the majority of mates.
Colette probably thinks we are shallow pigs right now even though we probably represent the viewpoint of the majority of average males ;) haha
Whoaisme said:
All I've ever wanted was a shy, intelligent, girl who is pretty but doesn't know she's pretty.. Once they know they're attractive then they're tainted.

The only thing I can think of is to take someone from a very religious household and try to un-brainwash them. ;)

So, a girl with poor self esteem?

I'm not going to answer this thread, because I know you guys won't take a girl seriously so I'm letting my boyfriend answer this thread :)

Here it is:
Hi Guys, well I think you really need to get out of these fixed ideas, otherwise you could lose out on meeting someone really nice who's right for you.. Yes a lot of guys out on a night tell me how lucky I am in a few seconds on how stunning my girlfriend is, and yes I do think she is VERY attractive, but what really keeps me turned on about her is the very fine new details I notice, and still learning about her after 2 years of our relationship. She is very deep and interesting to talk to, and we laugh so much sometimes, and at this point of the relationship, I find theres also little private jokes that would not make sense to anyone!! Don't get me wrong, its not easy either, as you get to know someone, you can have misunderstanding and conflicts, but as you develop together, you find more and more stuff you like and love about each other. OK I'll cut the long story short, but girls (and guys too) end up together based on an attraction which is barely based on physical looks. I'm sure you guys will find someone right for you if you forget and stop pidgeon-holing these ideas about women. We are all different and have our different stories. If a girl has been with 30, then maybe she has been through a hard time trying to find the right guy, or maybe she didn't want commitment, but that really is her choice, and if you were to come accross someone who has had more partners than you, just remember, they are choosing to be with you now. Thanks :)

P.s. Droplet again, just want to say that if you want an attractive girl who is not shallow then don't be such a hypocrite and be shallow yourself! An attractive girl who's not shallow will sniff out your shallowness and find it a real turn off! You need to treat human beings (and yes, that includes women) as human beings! :p RRrrant, LOL.
See, this is the entire reason it's so hard for me... I don't need someone who is absolutely gorgeous I just want someone, for once, that I won't gag at while seeing her naked.

I've been in long relationships in the past .. one was about six years. No matter how much I think I love a person I MUST be attracted to them or it won't work out in the long run.

I don't necessarily think it's shallow because I've tried more than once with girls I wasn't fully attracted to and it just doesn't work.
I'm going to post again right away because I think this is important and should be separated from my last post.
This is an open question which I've stated before and am looking for an answer maybe from a girl...

Is it too much to ask for a single girl who is not fat or hideously ugly? In this day and age it seems like everyone is either taken, or fat. I go to school and I see a slender, fit, girl and then what do I see a big rock on her finger... of course she's married if I was with her I'd marry her the second I could as well. I don't know if it's because I live in the US midwest or what. Obesity is a serious problem here. Of course I'd go by more than just looks, please don't get me wrong. Looks come first and then who they are is a close second. All I'm saying is that I don't want to feel like I have to settle with a girl that I really don't want, all because I can't find someone I do want. It's not like I'm picky go outside and pick any random girl in her early 20s who isn't fat... I'd probably take her in a heartbeat.

Droplet, you are so very lucky to have someone who is attracted to you and he, in turn, is very lucky that you look attractive to him.

I personally feel like I'm using every girl I don't find attractive just for sex. I know very well that I will never, ever, marry them. I'm only with them until I can find something better and it kills me inside to lie to them. I tell them I love them, I tell them I want to be with them forever and it's all lies. Sometimes I can even fool myself into believing it as well.

I feel horrible!

I just want one girl... a single girl who I'm attracted to. Am I shallow for wanting someone I'm attracted to? I'm tired of hurting people.
Hi Guys.
Whoa, you wanted an answer from a girl, here ya go....
It's not too much to ask to find a nice, average girl, who doesn't make you puke, they are out there. Saddly though, just from reading your "guy" posts, I have serious doubts they'll like you, which is just as important once you get past the looks, if you want long-term. At this point, they'd never know if you liked them for who they are, or just what they looked like. You'd feed their insecurities of "what happens when my looks change, when I get fat from pregnancy, I get age wrinkles!". So, you may find them, you may end up having a fling, but they won't want you for anything more, because deep down, you don't make them feel safe.

A guy may look good, may be built, but if he is ugly in the inside, it shows. I'd suggest working on both areas, inside and out, then it won't be such a turn off.
I promise you when I find a nice, average, girl I will treat her as she should be treated and I will be a complete gentleman... :)
I'm sure that's true, Whoa, but while you're searching for her, she may be seeing you already, and not liking what she is seeing if you are advertising what you and NB have been talking about. Even if you're not walking around with a billboard, it's there. It's hard to change a personality.
Question, when you say you'll treat her as she should be treated, what do you mean? How long does it last? What if she suddenly doesn't fit your "ideal" image any longer?
NewBirth said:
lol i have a feeling colette thinks all men r shallow pigs ;)

I try not to make generalizations. Both men and women are capable of being shallow. Its a sign of insecurity and not a very attractive personality trait.

But this is not geared towards you two fine men. You seem to be very sweet.

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