She's communicating with you....obviously she has interest in you.
Just ask her to go do something...Don't try to make feel like a formal vibe...that's what's making you nervouse.
Ask her to have lunch with you. It's not really a date, date's more casual.
I use to do it when I was
Going to movies is the most common thing to dosn't have to be on the weekends.
Okay.... you're not asking her for a
You're just asking her to hang out. Think of it like this so you're won't get so neverous.
Your just asking her to go to a're not dating her
This way you can communicate with her more, just talk or whatever.
Maybe get to know her better....such as her favorite band or music.
Maybe look up her favorite band or other bands.
Then ask her to go to a concert...stuff like that.
or just aky her to hang out at a coffee shop at a mall..then take her to caddi store, arcade..stuff like
Different activtives..just hang out in the arcade for 15-min or so.
If you have beach or a boardwalk in your aera ask her to go to te boardwalk, There's differnt activities.
If there's miniture golf...ask her if she wants to go there.
If you're both still in school..ask her to go That's why they call it going studying.
Whatever excuse you can come up with to spend time with