So are any girls ever interested in non-alpha males?

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Well, what are we talking about? Alpha male, or bad boy/player?

You see, an alpha male can be either bad or good, but players who are alpha males are never good. So are we talking about them, or are we talking about good guys who just have a honeysuckle load of confidence?
I think the notion of the alpha male has evolved. Originally it was about physicality...but not anymore (I'm 6'3 and 180lbs and definitely dont feel like an alpha male). Now it's more geared towards leadership. Some people just have a certain attitude that gets things done smartly. I think that attracts women more than big muscles these days.
I've been kind of seeing a woman that is pretty alpha- it makes for a very interesting time.

I even let her have her way on occasion;)
I never really paid attention to "Alpha Male" bullshit.

fresia that.

Just be the man you are, and be comfortable with that.

Women will find that attractive.

It's that simple.
I just don't like the stereotype of the absolute pecking order that "alpha" "beta" etc brings. I have faith that even animals are more complicated than that.
perfanoff said:
I just don't like the stereotype of the absolute pecking order that "alpha" "beta" etc brings. I have faith that even animals are more complicated than that.

Have you ever seen a David Attenborough?!?! The alpha kills all his competitors then mates with ALL the females. Animals are very much NOT more complicated than that.
so... you are saying.. that if i kill you all then i will get all the women?
wehell then! that changes my moral perspective on everything! ;p

...starts sharpening his knives..
Walley said:
so... you are saying.. that if i kill you all then i will get all the women?
wehell then! that changes my moral perspective on everything! ;p

...starts sharpening his knives..

Waaaay ahead of you walley ;)

Wait a minute...I believe murder is illegal.

Although this might explain why some women have a serial killer fetish.
grainofrice24 said:
perfanoff said:
I just don't like the stereotype of the absolute pecking order that "alpha" "beta" etc brings. I have faith that even animals are more complicated than that.

Have you ever seen a David Attenborough?!?! The alpha kills all his competitors then mates with ALL the females. Animals are very much NOT more complicated than that.

Every species is different, and yes, there are many more species where it is much, much more complicated than that. And trying to use an example of one animal species where the male kills his competitors and sleeps with all the females seems... um... a bit silly, to be honest. I mean I have no idea what species this is so I have no way of saying how they could possibly differ from humans.
I think Walley came close to cracking it, actually.

Reading through this thread, it seems the definition of what an Alpha Male actually is seems quite woolly - but for most people it seems to be shorthand for a narcissistic tosser. That isn't attractive. Being a bully or someone who tries to climb over people isn't attractive at all; arrogance is probably the trait I dislike the most. But I don't see how those things necessarily make somebody an AM, except perhaps in his own head.

Some of the more positive traits that you might traditionally associate with an AM - confidence, good social skills, assertiveness, intelligence, and (dare I say it) the ability to be dominant - I'd be a liar if I said they weren't attractive. Guys who are successful in some way or another (not necessarily by being rich or super-buff or some kind of playboy; success should be defined on your own terms) are attractive because they obviously have positive qualities that have allowed them to succeed.

But that doesn't mean a guy would need all (or even most) of those things to be attractive, just like I'm sure most realisitic guys have their girlfriend wishlist of blonde hair and long legs and big boobs (or whatever) but don't necessarily expect to get all of those things. Girls are definitely not only interested in alpha males, but there's nothing wrong with a guy who's comfortable in his own skin and not afraid of other people.
What a load of crap.From what ive been reading i would be cosidered an alpha male i dont consider myself an alpha male i just be myself.Dont even give a second thought to this an alpha male bulls@#t just be yourself,who is the idiot years ago who come up with putting labels on guys/girls like alpha beta omega give me a break.
Being yourself is all well and good. But I imagine that someone who is content to be a loser/coward isn't as attractive to women as someone who is not satisfied with what they have and wants more. A go getter is more likely to be able to open new doors to new horizons and a more adventurous life than someone who is content to be a 'beta. Demand more from yourself and you will raise your own standard, which I THINK (and correct me if I'm wrong ladies) is what women find attractive.

You can't be mad at chicks for not settling for 10th best :p. Dont just be yourself, be the best self possible!
grainofrice24 said:
Being yourself is all well and good. But I imagine that someone who is content to be a loser/coward isn't as attractive to women as someone who is not satisfied with what they have and wants more. A go getter is more likely to be able to open new doors to new horizons and a more adventurous life than someone who is content to be a 'beta. Demand more from yourself and you will raise your own standard, which I THINK (and correct me if I'm wrong ladies) is what women find attractive.

You can't be mad at chicks for not settling for 10th best :p. Dont just be yourself, be the best self possible!

Not sure that 'alpha' is meant here to be synonymous with sucessfull.There are plenty of 'nerdy' introverted people in high earning careers. Engineers, accountants, programmers... what they don't count?
It's more just to do with being over-confident aggressive *******, lacking in sentimentality or much empathy for others. Possibly that tricks women on some subconcious level into thinking a guy's a "go getter".
rdor said:
grainofrice24 said:
Being yourself is all well and good. But I imagine that someone who is content to be a loser/coward isn't as attractive to women as someone who is not satisfied with what they have and wants more. A go getter is more likely to be able to open new doors to new horizons and a more adventurous life than someone who is content to be a 'beta. Demand more from yourself and you will raise your own standard, which I THINK (and correct me if I'm wrong ladies) is what women find attractive.

You can't be mad at chicks for not settling for 10th best :p. Dont just be yourself, be the best self possible!

Not sure that 'alpha' is meant here to be synonymous with sucessfull.There are plenty of 'nerdy' introverted people in high earning careers. Engineers, accountants, programmers... what they don't count?
It's more just to do with being over-confident aggressive *******, lacking in sentimentality or much empathy for others. Possibly that tricks women on some subconcious level into thinking a guy's a "go getter".

Agree. Just like confidence can be taken to the extreme of arrogance, sensitivity can be taken to the extreme of oversensitivity, fear and complacency. As always the answer is in the delicate balance.

Just like there are quiet self defeatist millionaires there are red personality overly aggressive narcissists...both are usually lonelier than they'd like to be. The best someone at either extreme can hope for is to be in one side of a lop-sided relationship where one person is a doormat and the other is a a control freak.
wadokai said:
Truth is,

I am not an alpha male. I am confident (at times), but i am just not a person that can lead people.

I know girls are naturally attracted to alpha males... but where does that leave me and the rest of the non-alpha?

I'm more of an affection/romantic type of person.....But yeah I don't have much luck with relationships. Like despite my confidence.. i am just not that type of person. I won't let anyone run over me or diss me, but I am never a natural leader or "popular" person that everyone wants to be friends with. I'm more.. neutral lol

So i guess i want some input from you people, guys and gals. =)

Is there hope for non-alphas? If so, what should they do? Share any input you have on the subject

thats okay you are just a rabbit<3

check it out :)
As far as I read and experienced, it sure is possible. Women are said to practice Hypergamy. Which would say, that they always take the best that they can get. So, if there is no alpha male or just an alpha male that is no competition, even a non-alpha could score well.

However, this is just if we assume it from a very primitive point of view... but the social life of our race is a bit more complex than that. And I'm nobody to talk about it.
grainofrice24 said:
Being yourself is all well and good. But I imagine that someone who is content to be a loser/coward isn't as attractive to women as someone who is not satisfied with what they have and wants more. A go getter is more likely to be able to open new doors to new horizons and a more adventurous life than someone who is content to be a 'beta. Demand more from yourself and you will raise your own standard, which I THINK (and correct me if I'm wrong ladies) is what women find attractive.

You can't be mad at chicks for not settling for 10th best :p. Dont just be yourself, be the best self possible!

Are you a guy? Because you really get it. This is EVERYTHING I feel about my current partner. I've actually used "go-getter," "wants more," and "content" in my all my discussions with him and to others about him. This, I think and like you've said, is what women find attractive. I certainly do. I can't stand that "well, it's a flimsy roof, but at least I have one over my head..." mentality. I'm not frustrated because he doesn't have a lot; I'm frustrated because he doesn't have what he COULD have, and he doesn't seem to care much.

If that's alpha, and if it isn't, that's what I (and I think a lot of women) like. If you're working to get the things you want, then I think you're on the right track. We appreciate diligence... and when you kill bugs :p

Man, it's refreshing to see someone just ... "speak my brain."

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