So Hard to Feel Chipper All the Time

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It’s so hard pretending to be chipper all the time.

I’m not 19 anymore and I’m still a loser. I’m not sophisticated, I’m a social klutz, and people think I’m weird. I don’t have a college degree or even a job because I hate the way people abuse me on the job. I end up doing the work of two people, while the bully employee just stands back and smirks. People sense my naiveté, my fear, my insecurities and my uncertainty.

I’m not as officially educated as it seems a lot of you are (I’m not jealous, I’m happy for you!), but I have a decent vocabulary - only when I require the words, it’s a struggle to put them on paper; it takes ridiculously all day to write or reply to a post or a PM, so you can imagine what it’s like in person (no wonder I’m such a joke). It was a struggle to make A’s in school, but I did with the exception of math. I flunked out of the first semester of college. The effort just caused a great deal of emotional stress. I couldn’t make any friends there, either. I was much too shy to exude enough confidence to walk up to people and strike up a conversation. The one person who did befriend me, I didn’t feel a connection with, but she was a very cheerful Christian lady (despite having just discovered she had MS).

Prior to returning to live with my parents at the age of 7, I did not feel this way. But after a lifetime (a bad childhood seems a lifetime) of being emotionally beaten down and having your head physically bashed into a wall every day, it’s hard to bounce back or remember a simple word like “shirt” some days. Makes me feel like a retard.

As dull as my life is, it’s not all that dull considering all of the things I have been through :)! I am fond of my sarcastic saying, “If I had known it was going to happen, it wouldn’t have happened.” And if I was any good with words at all, none of my life would’ve happened. When I was 7, I was unable to explain how I felt, but 30 years later, I’m a dismal failure at it. I handle situations wrong. Say the wrongs things and do the wrong things, so I don’t try to make friends anymore. I guess I’m a failure at judging situations and reading people, too.

Today is just one of those days where I feel like a person of no consequence, but not because tomorrow is my birthday even though it’s just another insignificant day in an insignificant life. I don’t always feel this way before my birthday. Something happened yesterday to make me feel this way. I don’t want to elaborate for fear of sounding petty or sensitive. Maybe I overreacted. Maybe I always overreact. Maybe I imagine things. But I do know this: I did not imagine my abusive childhood like my father-in-law - who wasn’t even there - claims I did. That is more grave an insult than his declaring in all his mortal authority that I “don’t exist”, which is the equivalent of my own parents telling me, “I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN.” There is far more to the in-law saga, so I hate that with a passion. I wish he was dead.

Suicide attempts and cutting aren’t appealing anymore, but I do feel emotionally tired of feeling like a social loser and outcast. Today I just wish I was dead. I cried until my eyes became red and puffy and the tissues piled up like a mountain.

I hope I’m making any sense; it’s so much more difficult to put emotional abuse into words that will have any meaning for anyone else.
Hi Pebblette-
I hope you are feeling a little better.

Pebblette said:
It’s so hard pretending to be chipper all the time.
I can relate to this. Sometimes (for example at work) on the inside I am fuming with anger at the world for being alone and depressed, but I have to act all happy on the outside for the benefit of others. I try not to let myself get like that anymore. A while ago I let the anger come out and ... well, the police ended up being called.

I’m not 19 anymore and I’m still a loser. I’m not sophisticated, I’m a social klutz, and people think I’m weird. I don’t have a college degree or even a job because I hate the way people abuse me on the job. I end up doing the work of two people, while the bully employee just stands back and smirks. People sense my naiveté, my fear, my insecurities and my uncertainty.
If all the "winners" out there were alone and had to deal with the problems a lot of us do, they would realize how hard it is for us and they would realize that we are in fact the strong ones, we are the ones who have to struggle, we are the ones who don't have everything handed to us like so many of them do. You know how hard it is sometimes just to face the day and go on with life, but you do it, and that certainly shows that you are no loser at all. You have acheived a victory that they will never know.

I have a decent vocabulary - only when I require the words, it’s a struggle to put them on paper; it takes ridiculously all day to write or reply to a post or a PM, so you can imagine what it’s like in person (no wonder I’m such a joke).
You should be proud of the way you write. You come across as articulate and intelligent.

It was a struggle to make A’s in school, but I did with the exception of math.
With all due respect to one of the moderators, the importance of math is highly overated.

I flunked out of the first semester of college. The effort just caused a great deal of emotional stress. I couldn’t make any friends there, either. I was much too shy to exude enough confidence to walk up to people and strike up a conversation.
I spent many years in college and didn't make any friends either. I am very shy too. Everyone else seemed to have friends and girlfriends/boyfriends and I always wondered how they did it. Sometimes I actually felt like spying on them to see how they did it. It is still a mystery to me.

I don’t try to make friends anymore.
Neither do I. After you fail so many times, it's hard to. All we can do is be friendly to others and hope that they will reciprocate.

I don't know the whole situation with your family etc., but I hope it improves and I would try to resist hating your family (MUCH, MUCH easier said than done, trust me, I know!) I don't know who is right or wrong, and even if they are all completely guilty, I know from experience the bad effects that anger and hatred can have on a person.

I hope I’m making any sense; it’s so much more difficult to put emotional abuse into words that will have any meaning for anyone else.
I would say you are making sense. I am sorry that things are so hard for you right now. I know a lot of us here have thought about ending it all - I have. Yet, I believe that is the coward's way out. Be brave and struggle on, Pebblette. Even if things don't get better ( and they certainly will!) struggling on through the hard times will make you a stronger and better person. You will know that you are a victor over pain and suffering that others could only imagine. You will know that you are not a loser.

Take care of yourself.

And happy birthday!!
Pebblette, I know this might be a little too late....but once again happy birthday. Pebblette, do not say that your birthday is unimportant. Pebblette, each one of us is a special person, and your birth to this world marks a special moment in life. =) I do hope all your birthday wishes come true. Don't put yourself down. Look, at least you got A's in far i remembered, I have never gotten an A so far in my academic life. Also, look, academic qualifications counts for nothing...Truth is that you are a nice person...who when given the chance, will excel. It is just that sometimes, smart people like you aren't given the ample opportunities. Secondly, forget your jerk of a father. He does not deserve your love. After all that he has done to you, he dares to insult you? I seriously think you should stand up and prove to your father. Let him know what he missed out by treating you this bad. Thirdly, Pebblette, its ok to be a social Klutz. Everyone is a social klutz. We all began as social klutz. Its how we build our confidence slowly from our childhood , get to know more people, and slowly, make friends with people that deserve our friendship. So Pebblette, if you want, you can take the first step, start getting to know people in here. Most of us will be willing to lend you a listenning ear. Although, I admit, I not much better than you myself, but if need be, I will try my best to help you. Well, do PM anyone of us or even me ok. Don't take away your life, your life is precious, you struggled hard enuff to be borned and live till today, don't just throw your life away because of your jerk father. Show him what you can achieve. =)

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