Some of my junk

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
This is one of my favorite pieces that I've done over the years, and one of the most involved. Most of the images are straight from toy card (box) art except for Mayday since she never had an action figure done. I used the Baroness to accomplish her profile picture. I drew all them individually by hand in pencil first, then traced over that with a fine black marker. I coloured them using a combination of pencil crayons and markers. Oh and in case some of you are wondering these are all G.I.Joe characters. :D I linked a few below if people want to see the original card art I drew from.


Lt Falcon
Grand Slam
Thanks guys. I love to draw, always have since I was a little kid. My mom had a hard time ground my brother and I, she'd take away our toys, not let us play video games or watch TV, yet we'd sit there and draw and have fun doing it. We'd draw out little scenes like if we were playing with out toys. She tried taking away our crayons and stuff but we'd always find something to draw with.

Here's some more of my stuff, these two are my own custom G.I.Joe characters. The second one is a scene from one of my stories.



And one of my other hobbies, making custom figures. This is actually a lot of fun to do, but can be quite expensive since the parts are basically from other G.I.Joe action figures that are ripped apart, mixed together and reassembled. Most of these were not easy to do since the designs came way before I did the figures. They are not for play, just for display since the paint will chip off.


Wow! I can't draw a straight line, and even if I could afford to, I wouldn't have the patience of know how to follow the directions on making the action figures.

I am happy for you that you have such talent!

Your "junk" is beautifully expressed!
The only directions I need to follow on making action figures is trying to get as close to accurate as possible. Take the dude front and center, he's the guy in the images above. He's constructed of 3 different figures (torso, arms and legs) with accessories from others. I could give a part run down but that would be pointless. His bullet proof vest was altered from the original figure, parts were cut off and the detail was removed giving it a rougher look. His leg straps and upper arm band were molded with modeling clay, the pockets were cut off a belt of another figure and glued on. What I have to do with the new figures is take a pair of channel lock pliers and crack the figure open like a nut, since I was replacing the arms. Sometimes the arms have to be adjusted if they don't fit the torso mold properly. What's really fun to do is to leave the head on, the seam runs behind the neck and when cracked it usually makes the head pop off and go flying, just watch where it lands. I've omitted a few things just because they are almost impossible to do without the proper parts/tools like their elbow pads.

I actually have a before and after image of one. Her hair is actually from two different figures, it originally had a ponytail. You can also see the modeling clay I used to cover over some of the detail I wanted to get rid of from the original figures or fill in areas. She's made up of two figures, head/upper torso/arms are from one, hair/gloves/lower torso/legs are from another. The belt an leg pouch are from other figures.

Here's something for the guys (and some of the ladies). ;) I did these a few years ago for fun and they went over pretty well with people. Some people even printed them to use as posters in their dioramas or toy bases. We're a weird bunch of people. :D I won't lie, I have a few swimsuit calenders (given to me I'm way to shy to actually go in somewhere and buy them) that helped me with environments and poses. I wanted them to look realistic but also retain that comic book feel to them. Their swim suits are all based on the actual figures battle suits. LOL




Oh well! You know I am 53...I really would have looked decent in MAYDAY up until I was about 35! LOL!

Love how you were able to get their poses...very precise.
Decided to put this one up after chatting with another member ;) Sometimes I pull inspiration for what I draw and create from real life, this is a good example of that and one that is VERY personal to me.

I first met Julie in my Grade 9 music class, she used to pick on me then. Yes I got picked on by a girl, she once wrestled my shoe from me and stuck it in the drum. She was very tall, taller than me, and had nails on her like a cat. We nicknamed her Claws, though her childhood nickname was Pebbles because of her red hair (and the reason why the characters code name is Pebbles). After that we became friends, a bunch of us even joined the Year Book Club to help her out our last year. Julie was always involved in the militia, and a very strong person. We went to prom together then lost touch after high school. Years later we ran into each other at, of all places, the local recycling center (the dump lol). It was good to see her again but we lost touch for awhile. When I was trying to get reconnected with old friends I was able to get in touch with her sister, who I still keep in touch with off and on. After her sister and I reconnected again just over 5 years ago she told me that Julie has passed away from heart complications. She died just weeks shy of her 30th birthday. At the time I was developing my Canadian G.I.Joe team and there was no doubt I had to incorporate her in it as my way of honoring her memory. Her character does die in the story first arc, she dies a heroic death saving the leader of the team. The decision came to have her character die because I knew trying to continue on with her character would be difficult at times, and for all the good she accomplished I felt she needed to be immortalized in my universe in an act of selflessness and heroism. It was one of the most difficult stories I've ever done and character I ever created. I even made her and action figure, I'm such a geek. The main body of the file card is factual information and some of her accomplishments.


god damn sci fi that is ******* AWESOME!!!


I'm envious,

you should draw comic books you'd be tottally awesome at that
Those postures are awesome. Yea I think you should do a comic book, they look really natural, it has that quality to them :eek:
Sci Fi

I agree. I really believe you should make a comic book or a book with a title since then you won't have to write funny captions--just an excerp of each picture or group of pictures.

I had a poem published once, and couldn't believe it happened. I am sure your art is something that is in demand by many fans of comic books and pictures like yours.

You can google publishing sites or even self publishing sites...everyone that has viewed the pictures on here love them! I am sure the book will go over big! If you embark on this... best wishes to you!
Thanks everyone, but as for drawing comic books...hells no lol. I hate drawing backgrounds, I really do. What I've gotten into doing is finding images on the net and photo shopping them into the background. It looks neat against my coloured artwork, if I can find some of them in one of my galleries I'll post them here. Right now I'll share some other stuff I've done. A couple of my own characters.

This one was actually done in two separate images, I had to draw the dragon by itself then put the two together when I went to ink the image. This was going to be the start of a series of characters with dragons but got put aside for other projects.

Here's one with a background I found on the net, and I really liked how this turned out. This piece actually sat unfinished for quite some time until I found an image I really liked. There's more to this picture than what is here, he was originally standing on a rooftop that I had coloured but it didn't look right with the background so it was omitted.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider, I did this one for an Artist Showdown on another site (I won btw) I got lazy colouring this one, I used the vines and structure to frame the picture in, plus I was really getting tired of colouring. This took me several days to finish. The carvings on the ancient structure behind her are taken from the TR: Underworld video game.

Here's a Spider-Man one I did for a Showdown too.

Now to show my cornball side, this is one of the first superheroes I ever created, way back in 1990, as you can see in the picture I drew this in 2000, the characters 10 year anniversary. :D
Sci Fi!

You never cease to amaze me! I love these! My favorite is the one with the background you found on the internet. I love the way he jumps out at you like the picture is in 3-D!

Keep on posting, I am really enjoying your work!

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