Okay gonna post some more. I love Halloween, it's my favorite day of the year. The background was found on the web, the pink haired lady in the picture is not P!nk (lol) she is Zarana, a Dreadnok Cobra agent who is a master of disguise. She's dressed up as a G.I.Joe, Lady Jaye, that's why she's holding a mask. I made this into a customer TCG a year later.
And here's another card I made of Cobra Commander himself, this time I played around with colouring a black and white image with my paint program. Kept it pretty simple then added in the Cobra logo background.
This is my Cobra team to offset to my Canadian G.I.Joe team.
I did this one for just ***** and giggles, I took a male character and turned it into a female character. Another fellow Joe fan made a custom toy based on my drawing, that was quite the honor.
And one of my favorite characters (my avatar and username). I did this to go with a story I wrote, the background is from the net, I actually used that background on a few different G.I.Joe pieces, lol. This was drawn from the figures card art.
The last 3 here were done a few years ago before a friend of mine got me more into the heavy inking that some comics have.