Some Of You May Remember Me As LoneKiller

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Hi, you were obviously before my time, but Trevor does sound a bit more docile lol. Welcome back.
Hi okidoke. Thanks for the kind words and it's nice to meet you. Sadly there are still a few active members that may still hate my guts. I'm hoping they will let bygones be bygones. I'm not proud of it but so many years ago when I was here I had a serious drug problem and it made me a prick. All better now though. Before I start posting threads and stuff I'm hoping the following members will forgive me.

Hi okidoke. Thanks for the kind words and it's nice to meet you. Sadly there are still a few active members that may still hate my guts. I'm hoping they will let bygones be bygones. I'm not proud of it but so many years ago when I was here I had a serious drug problem and it made me a prick. All better now though. Before I start posting threads and stuff I'm hoping the following members will forgive me.

Kudos to you for getting better. May you stay so. Many of us go thru troubling times, so if you can make it thru and make amends, that is a real achievement.
Many people here have drug/alcohol problems or other problems and they have managed to not get permabanned...SEVERAL times.
Many people here have drug/alcohol problems or other problems and they have managed to not get permabanned...SEVERAL times.
Hi Callie. Not everyone experiences drug and alcohol addiction in the same way. There are many addicts that are functional in everyday life. They manage to hold down jobs and lead a normal life. I'm not one of them. Addiction affected my life in many ways.
If you were "all better," you wouldn't be using that as an excuse to pass off your actions. I know all about addiction, so I certainly don't need you to explain it to me.

It's obviously not my decision on whether or not you get permabanned again, but seriously, why do you think you are above the rules? Why do you think the consequences of your actions don't apply to you?
I don't feel that I'm above the rules at all. My actions aren't an excuse Callie. They're a reason. The consequences do apply to me. If the staff doesn't feel that I deserve to be here after everything then they can simply ban me and you'll never hear from me again. My goal for coming back is to be an active member and get this place cooking like it used to be years ago. If that's not good enough for you I'm sorry.
I don't feel that I'm above the rules at all.
Yet you broke the rules, got permabanned. Came back multiple times as someone else, got permanned again multiple times and now you're once again outting yourself after hiding for 3 years, while STILL being permabanned. No, not above the rules at all.....
Callie, if I was above the rules I would have never been banned to begin with. lol
Callie, if I was above the rules I would have never been banned to begin with. lol

If you could, as a request please, @Trevor don't engage in arguments like this; it's not only pointless, but it's fruitless as well. I can cut a rug in that department, and I can tell you right now: you lost before you even knew you were in a disagreement. I say that as some one who thinks the idea of a, 'permanent ban,' is ridiculous, for the most part. I've seen way too many people who have to come in here and, 'fix the place up.' Like trying to iron out the wrinkles in a lake with a hot iron. Often times, everyone ends up worse off for it, and unfortunately, one person usually bears a good deal of the brunt; and it all, always, begins with a misunderstanding, that continues to play out from the initial point of error.

If you keep coming back to this place, it's mostly likely because things in Real Life aren't working out fantastically. Maybe you are just bored, or perhaps are trying to catch up with old friends, etc.. But, most people, who come here, I think, leave when times are either significantly better, or significantly worse.

It's quite likely, everyone has self-destructive tendencies and maladaptive behaviors. That's part of life. Hopefully we learn to make peace with the difficult parts of our-selves we struggle with. Most people struggle hard enough just to do that.

So, again my request is... If you can, and would like to honor it: why not try something different, something that perhaps will work to your benefit, and perhaps the forum's.

I can tell you what usually doesn't work...
1: Bursting on to the scene and lighting up the forum.
1a: It's nice to see some activity, but, this forum IS old; you can't change that. There is a lot to read. Try reading more than writing. Read the crowd. Know your audience. Avoid heckling, and stirring the pot. You might have something valuable to contribute; however, it may not be what you're thinking it is. You might have something to learn as well. People even manage to have fun here from time to time, and laugh.

No need to do a cannonball into the hot tub. Take it easy, wade on in slowly, and enjoy purgatory, the middle-plane, or whatever, for what it is.

And welcome back.
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Hello Tropical

I didn't consider what Callie and I did was an argument. She expressed her thoughts and I expressed mine. This place is struggling for new content and activity. I can provide that. I did all of my reading when I was LK. I do however appreciate your advice. I really do.
Also, my life is going very well now and I am a member of 6 other forums of various genres. Of all of the times I checked in to see how things were going the only real activity is the games section.

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