some people get every thing in life and rest of us get miserable life

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VanillaCreme said:
unlucky in life said:
its just is not easy on me as it easy for him.
i have asthma
short eye sight
small does dlxenia
weight problem which i lose to weight may be i look skinny
low self esteem
bullied ,pick on.
very strict father
i hate looking mirrors
i failed exams
males hate me so much tell me to my face i am worthless pieces of dirt
i like guys who hate me and rather other women which is 100% correct

Duh, when you lose weight, you look skinny... That's the point.

And you're almost 30... Why do you care if your father is strict?

I'm really starting to think you're spam or a troll. Sorry, but that's what you're seeming to be now.

Either that or an obsessed stalker that goes on and on about the same thing over the course of a half dozen threads and doesn't bother to listen to anything anyone says....or herself for that matter.
unlucky in life said:
well he was prick to me for no reason

If someone stalks my Facebook, and begs me to like them, I'd tend to be a "prick" to them too. Leave people be. You can't make someone like you.
1st off he never seen me or meet me in person. he doesn't know if like me or not .
we do the same sport, same music ,we both travel.
I think your posts have actually sent me blind. That, or my mind is just protecting itself from repetitive drivel. Word of advice to everyone, stop indulging this lunacy! She ain't learning or listening. She does make me wonder whether all of the Irish are like this though.
I wonder if the mods can just put all her threads in one as they are the same damn topic. "Facebook guy doesn't like me"
Callie said:
I wonder if the mods can just put all her threads in one as they are the same damn topic. "Facebook guy doesn't like me"

That would be a damn good idea! I dont think is ever going to stop either. Either the person really cannot see what everyone is trying to say or they are a pretty rubbish troll. I cant decide! xD
IgnoredOne said:
unlucky in life said:
i try improve life for my self but i have alot problems.that prick does not have.its not easy as that it depends on where you live ]i live in isolated town with nothing do.

He has his own problems - increased risk of STD, more drama, and so on; but on the whole life will be easier for him. Such is the way it is. Life is unfair. You can still find more than enough happiness if you pursue it, thoguh.

I'm glad that you're working on yourself.
He has his own problems - increased risk of STD, more drama, and so on; but on the whole life will be easier for him. Such is the way it is

your right there that is his only PROBLEM is STDS and more drama
And how exactly do we know that he is a whore? seriously, now you're just assuming things you have no clue about
thanks all yee all very helpful i can why some of yee on this sight including my self,
thanks for many insults and bulling thanks yee have been absoult discomfort
but the ones understand me now fair play and the one who don't well you can think what yee of me
and jean vic mate i don't care what what you i said i know him better then you.
it wasn't harrresment if even what that is its big word.and yee don't know full story with all yee cheek!
unlucky in life said:
and jean vic mate i don't care what what you i said i know him better then you.

You obviously don't know him that well, or you'd be friends with him.

I know Irish people. One of my best friends, he's lived in Ireland nearly all his life. I talk to him on a daily basis. He's not like this. They're not all like this. It's just her.
unlucky in life said:
thanks all yee all very helpful i can why some of yee on this sight including my self,
thanks for many insults and bulling thanks yee have been absoult discomfort
but the ones understand me now fair play and the one who don't well you can think what yee of me
and jean vic mate i don't care what what you i said i know him better then you.
it wasn't harrresment if even what that is its big word.and yee don't know full story with all yee cheek!

As I believe you stated, YOU don't know him at all, you just wish you had his life and as you lied to him and portrayed yourself as someone else, it's no wonder he wants nothing to do with you. As for the bullying and insults issued to you. Maybe if you wouldn't keep going on and on about what HE supposedly did wrong and addressed what YOU DID DO WRONG, maybe you'd take our advice. And yes it IS harassment to keep bothering someone when they have made it clear that they want nothing to do with you.
So he is not allowed to be depressed because he has more than you? Because he has more than you he has to be happy?

We are all born with different abilities and resources. Try to not hate just because he appears to have more than you. We all have our own internal struggles. I won't say he is nice, but don't deny him the right to be human.
People that think a parking ticket or a rainy day make me laugh “, but also royally piss me off. If they only knew true darkness 24/7. Sadly, you endure or do your best to live with it. I hear ya though quite loudly.
As someone who has also felt "unlucky in life" myself, I sort of get this. I've also seen, and felt, that "some people get every thing in life and the rest of us get a miserable life". I don't think it's insane to feel this way. It really does feel like life is a two-tiered system at times, between the "haves" and "have nots". And sure, it's possible to jump from the "have nots" to the "haves" as in, people have done it before. But it's not easy, that's for sure. It can drive you to the brink of sanity.

It IS frustrating to see others just get handed the good stuff in life, without having to change themselves or work on themselves or think at all, they get it all just for being what they are naturally - especially when these people are awful on top of it, when they're "sore winners". Meanwhile for you, it doesn't seem to matter what you do - whether you bust your ass or not, you get the same "nothing" anyway.

And I never understood why people who aren't doing well, aren't allowed to complain. It always seems like if you complain, other people, who often aren't doing that great themselves, come out of the woodwork to defend the system that makes it this way. That never made sense to me, it's like, you're all being screwed by it too, why defend it? Is someone having a hard time and disliking "the way it is" really that hard to understand? I don't get it.

However, I'd also say that if someone is causing you this much pain and heartache, then it's not worth having this person in your life.

If seeing someone posting complaints about their life, when you think their life is perfect, bothers you, I would just unfriend/delete/block the person, rather than get re-aggravated every time they posted something like that.

Also, I would say that you can't please everyone in the world - some people are going to think they're better than you, because they're just jerks. There will never be anything you can do to impress these people, but then again, if they are such jerks, why would you want to? I know I wouldn't want to be friends with, or date such a person, because I wouldn't like them at all in the first place.

The way the guy talked to you is terrible. I say, if that's the kind of person he is, let him go with his jerk friends. I'd say, have some self-respect and pride, and cut off anyone who talks to you this way. Show that you're not going to take it - not for them, but for you - to feel better about yourself.

This guy sounds very spoiled and a total jerk, and his problems sound like the most "first world" of "first world problems". If I was OP I wouldn't bother with this guy, and after talking to you the way he did, I would tell him to f*** off. One thing I learned that I wish I realized earlier, is that there's no point trying to fit in where you don't belong, where you're not compatible. And also, that I wouldn't have enjoyed hanging out with "the cool guys" and "the hot girls" anyway, so I didn't even miss out on anything I would have enjoyed, anything I would have really wanted. I only thought I wanted it. That's the thing, society says that how close or far you are to being one of "the cool guys" or "the hot girls", is how "right" or "wrong" you are, how "superior" or "inferior" you are. But it's not true. What it really is, is similarity, compatibility, like-mindedness - finding people who think and feel the same way as you. That's the group you should be going for, cause that's the group you'll fit with.

I would say, DO worry about being healthy, stylish (in a way that's authentic to your interests and personality), and interesting, but DON'T worry about being "cool", "popular", in the "in crowd", dating the "hot" people. Try to make "you" awesome, but don't worry about trying to conform to society's ideals if they are not also your ideals - chances are it won't work anyway, and you wouldn't even be happy with it even if you got what you thought you wanted.

It's too bad I couldn't have talked to OP at the time, I think I could have talked them down some.
However, it would have to be the "me" as I am now, with the realizations and perspectives I have today.

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