I know I've posted a lot of threads about how I view myself and about my depression. I'm still learning how to deal with it, and I'm still fighting it. Not many people know that I in fact suffer from Bi Polar Disorder and PTSD. Sometimes I feel like I'm a freak... this is the latest on what I've been noticing about myself and I really want to change myself around. Cause I'm tired of suffering. I want to be happy for once.
I feel like all my self esteem is no longer here anymore. I'm always trying to find new way to make me feel good about myself but I always continue to get thoughts of what people used to say to me. The minute I get these thoughts I torture myself, like I don't deserve to eat or feel good... to be happy or have friends. I'll just wallow and cry, feel like I'm a nobody and how everyone must think I'm weird or hate me. The minute I meet anyone I always assume that they hate me or think I'm weird. Have this bad habit of saying "I'm sorry...." I say it all the time and it's annoying, sometimes I can't even help it. Always feel like I'm always doing something wrong, if I'm ever honest about my feeling I'll feel like I did something wrong and say "Oh I'm sorry.... I know I'm weird you don't gotta say it." Even before they get a chance to speak I just say negative things about myself and they look at me in confusion. Hate feeling like this all the time, I just want to be happy again and not think horrible things about myself. And I know not everyone is going to like me, I'm aware of that- but this goes beyond that. This is something much more deeper, I've been suffering and thinking like this for a long time and I just want to stop thinking so negatively about myself. Even when I post on here or reply to anyone's threads I really try to come up with some good advice but sometimes I don't know what to say. Wish I had something more meaningful to write but I'm afraid of expressing myself most of the time cause I think so poorly of myself. Sorry for this rant, I just wanted to get this out cause it's been bothering me for awhile. Is there anyone out there who can relate to this? I hope I'm not alone here.
I feel like all my self esteem is no longer here anymore. I'm always trying to find new way to make me feel good about myself but I always continue to get thoughts of what people used to say to me. The minute I get these thoughts I torture myself, like I don't deserve to eat or feel good... to be happy or have friends. I'll just wallow and cry, feel like I'm a nobody and how everyone must think I'm weird or hate me. The minute I meet anyone I always assume that they hate me or think I'm weird. Have this bad habit of saying "I'm sorry...." I say it all the time and it's annoying, sometimes I can't even help it. Always feel like I'm always doing something wrong, if I'm ever honest about my feeling I'll feel like I did something wrong and say "Oh I'm sorry.... I know I'm weird you don't gotta say it." Even before they get a chance to speak I just say negative things about myself and they look at me in confusion. Hate feeling like this all the time, I just want to be happy again and not think horrible things about myself. And I know not everyone is going to like me, I'm aware of that- but this goes beyond that. This is something much more deeper, I've been suffering and thinking like this for a long time and I just want to stop thinking so negatively about myself. Even when I post on here or reply to anyone's threads I really try to come up with some good advice but sometimes I don't know what to say. Wish I had something more meaningful to write but I'm afraid of expressing myself most of the time cause I think so poorly of myself. Sorry for this rant, I just wanted to get this out cause it's been bothering me for awhile. Is there anyone out there who can relate to this? I hope I'm not alone here.