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Sonic Adventure 2.5: Majora's Mask
Prologue/Chapter One: Chaos Control Gone Wrong?
This story starts off with Super Sonic and Super Shadow engaged in battle with the Final Hazard (the Prototype of the Ultimate Life Form). As the ARK was about to slam into the Earth (Sonic and Shadow had since destroyed the monster), Sonic and Shadow attempted to teleport the ARK away using Chaos Control. They were successful, but they yelled, "WHAT THE–?" as they were sucked into the warp. The Space Colony ARK reappeared, but Sonic and Shadow didn't. Why?
*Meanwhile aboard the ARK*
Everyone aboard the ARK was wondering where Sonic and Shadow may have gone. Both Miles and Rouge looked out the windows trying to search for them, while Dr. Eggman was standing here as if he did not care (which he didn't). Amy, not being able to stand the wait anymore, rushed up to Knuckles and yelled at him while shaking him violently, "WHERE IS SONIC? TELL ME NOW!" Knuckles backed off while saying, "Cool your jets, you crazy ass bitch! I can't hope to find them!" Amy then replied more calmly, "You can try! That Master Emerald of yours controls those Chaos Emeralds, don't they?" Knuckles replied in the affirmative. Rouge then began, "So you can use the Master Emerald-" Then Tails finished, "– to track the Chaos Emeralds!" Knuckles then said to them, "Okay then. Let me see what I can do." He then took out the Master Emerald and said the ancient "prayer" that had been passed down to him throughout the generations: "The Servers are the Seven Chaos... Chaos is power... Power that is enriched by the heart. The Controller serves to unify the (Seven) Chaos." With that, the Master Emerald started spinning very fast then it shone With a very bright white light then an image (not unlike a live stream video) appeared of Super Sonic and Super Shadow falling through a dimensional rift at high speed. Knuckles whispered to himself, "This cannot be... !" Tails walked up and asked, "What cannot-" then he saw what was happening and summoned everyone present to watch what was going on. Dr. Eggman watched With disdain and muttered to himself, "Serves those two filthy rodents right for trying to foil my plans for world domination!" Unfortunately, everyone heard him and Eggman was immediately set upon by everyone that was aboard the ARK.
South Clock Town, Termina- Link has just begun a new three day cycle after conquering the Stone Tower Temple and its guardian monster, Twinmold (while obtaining its "remains"). He has left South Clock Town to tie up some loose ends. As soon as he left outside the Southern Gate, a brilliant golden light flashed...
*The Arrival of Sonic and Shadow*
After this golden light died down, Sonic and Shadow appeared, still in their Super forms. Shadow looked around and asked, "Where the hell are we? How did we get to this obviously primitive world?" To which Sonic replied, "Dude, I have no idea, but somehow it had to do With that joint (no pun intended) Chaos Control we performed when we stopped the ARK from slamming into the Earth! So let's try it again so we can get back home!" They tried it, but they did not get past "CHAOS-" before they reverted to their normal states. Sonic was like, "What the...!" as he and Shadow looked up and saw the 7 Chaos Emeralds floating in the air in a circle under some kind of evil scary looking moon. Three of the Emeralds shot off to the south and landed somewhere outside the gate, then the remaining 4 spread out to the north, south, east, and west. Then they flew off, seemingly to the 4 (far) corners of Termina. Sonic asked, "Why are the Emeralds behaving like that?" All Shadow could do was shake his head in amazement...
*Back aboard the ARK*
Everyone on board the Space Colony ARK has just witnessed the odd behavior of the Chaos Emeralds. Knuckles explained their behavior: "Even though I have never personally heard of or seen a case like this, ancient stories of this scenario have been passed down to me from my ancestors and through other ancient writings: When/If the Chaos Emeralds are ever sent to another dimension, The Master Emerald will try to do something to control the Emeralds. What we have just witnessed is the last attempt by the Master Emerald to control the Chaos Emeralds before the dimensional connection is severed." Dr. Eggman then said, "Well, while I do mourn the loss of the Chaos Emeralds, what the hell? There's still the Master Emerald, and the fact that Sonic no longer stands in my way because he might be stuck there forever!" Amy heard that and then proceeded to beat Eggman down.
*Meanwhile back in Termina*
Sonic and Shadow are looking up at the moon and wondering what they were going to do about it. Sonic looked at Shadow and said, "That thing looks like it's gonna crash into this town in about 3 days. If this moon crashes-" then Shadow finished, "-then this whole world goes! We have to stop this!" Shadow then proceeded to take off his wrist and ankle Rings, them he powered up into Maximum Chaos Boost. He threw multiple Chaos Lances at it, only to have them dissipate close to the moon's surface. He and Sonic then Spin Dashed toward the moon in hopes of busting it up. Unfortunately, as soon as they came close to the surface, it was like they were swatted away by a giant invisible hand. They fell to the ground and Shadow put back on his ankle and wrist Rings. Sonic then said, "That moon must have some sort of magical barrier around it." Shadow then said in response, "So the only way we can bust it down is to find the Chaos Emeralds. Ain't that some ****, Sonic? Not only do we have to find the Emeralds to destroy that rock, we have to find them to get the hell home! Damn it, I knew this was gonna be a bad day!" With that, Sonic and Shadow proceeded to head toward the Southern Gate, but were stopped by the Gate Guard. The soldier told them, "I am sorry, but I absolutely can NOT let children outside these gates without an adult present!" Sonic then groaned, "Damn it! What now!" He turned around and was about to use his speed to bypass the guard when he heard the sound of a small scuffle, followed by the sounds of blows connecting, fists making contact With metal, and ending With a loud groan of pain. Sonic\ turned around and saw the guard in question keeled over holding his groin area while Shadow was walking outside of the gate while muttering to himself, "That bastard... Try to get in my way, will he?" Sonic rushed up and said, "Shadow! What the hell, dude!" Shadow turned around and said With a smirk on his face, "Hey, I got that ******* out ofthe way, didn't I? So don't complain!" Sonic turned around and looked at the guard, who was still moaning in pain and holding himself. Sonic then said, "He may not be having children anytime soon, if at all... Let's go Shadow!" So With that, they headed outside the gate in search of the Chaos Emeralds.
Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins
Sonic and Shadow have both just walked outside the gate of South Clock Town. As soon as they reached the outside, they noticed a male youth (about 10 or 11 years of age; no older than 12) clothed in green that was surrounded by a gang of wolf monsters and blob monsters (some were colored green while others were colored red and a few were colored yellow). Shadow also noticed that the kid was in possession of three of the Chaos Emeralds. Shadow then said to Sonic, "We have to get those Chaos Emeralds from that kid!" Sonic then said back to him, "Yeah, but let's help him first take care of those monsters." So With that they walked up to the monsters...
*Meanwhile up ahead*
Link was heading toward the Deku palace to take care of some last-minute business when he found these three glowing gems. Believing them to be the most valuable rare denominations of Rupees available, he picked them up and started heading toward the Southern Swamp when he found himself surrounded by a gang of Wolfos and Red, Green, and Yellow ChuChus. He tried to escape but they circled him; they outnumbered him about (at least) 40 to 1. Link looked around at them and said to himself as he drew his Gilded Sword, "You monsters may have me outnumbered and I may go down, but rest assured, I'm taking as many of you foul bastards down With me as I can!" As the monsters were closing in, everyone felt a strong tornado-like force, even Link. Link asked, "What is this... !" as he started to see a "blue wind" blowing, the source of what everyone felt, while the monsters behind him noticed a green light flash. The "blue wind" died down, and there stood a creature, the likes of which Link had never seen before: He was blue and he had big spikes on his head and his back that curved downwards With a flesh-colored muzzle (his chest area and his arms were the same color and he had green eyes). He had a short tail as well. He wore white gloves and some weird type of "boots" that were red With a white middle stripe and a golden buckle on the outward facing side of his shoes. Link then turned around and saw another creature that looked similar to the blue one, but he was black. He had spikes on his head as well, but only the middle two and the ones on his back curved downwards; the two side spikes on both sides of his head were curved upwards. Save for the "white patch" on his chest (that could possibly be chest hair of some sort), his entire body was black With some red markings, including his eyes, which were also red. His head spikes also had red markings on them. He asked, "What are you? Who are you?" The blue creature said in response, "Hey! That's no way to greet a stranger, especially if he's going to help you-" then looked around at the monsters and then back to Link "–With a problem you're having. And by the way, my name is Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog!" The black creature then said, "And I am Shadow the Hedgehog and we..." Then one of the Wolfos lunged at Shadow. A huge battle ensued (in which Sonic was bit by one of the Wolfos), but the monsters vastly outnumbered the three heroes. Shadow extended his hand and the three Emeralds in Link's possession started glowing. Link asked, "What are you doing?" Shadow then yelled, "CHAOS... CONTROL!" Then all of a sudden, except for them, time slowed down for everything and everyone else around them. Link asked Shadow, "What did you just do?" Shadow only smiled, and so did Sonic. With that, they started slaughtering the monsters until 3 Wolfos and 2 Green ChuChus remained. By then, the "Chaos Control" had worn off. The remaining monsters realized they were licked and tried to retreat, but Shadow swiftly disposed of him With his= Chaos Snap technique. Link then asked Sonic, "You run so fast... Are your boots magic?" Sonic said, "No my 'boots' aren't magic; my speed is something I was born With; these 'boots' are anti-friction and thus are what keep my feet from melting off my body at such high speeds. And that guy over there (Shadow), I don't know if his speed is natural..." He turned to Shadow and all Shadow told him was, "My 'boots' allow me to skate at speeds that rival Sonic's." Then Sonic asked Link if he seen any "Chaos Emeralds" around. Link then asked, "What's a 'Chaos Emerald'?" Shadow pointed to the pouch With those three glowing gems in it that was on Link's waist and said, "THOSE." Link pulled them out and said, "These are Rupees, and the most valuable denominations as well!" So With that, Shadow and Link got into a fire hose of a pissing match over the three gems. Sonic, getting frustrated yelled, "SHADOW! WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS CRAP! SHOW HIM SO WE CAN GET ON WITH OUR SEARCH!" So Shadow used his Chaos Control to teleport Link to the surface of the moon and back to the ground. Sonic then said, "Man, you two were arguing like you were on Maury Povich!"Link asked, "What's a 'Maury Povich'?" Shadow was laughing at what Sonic said then he replied to Link, "Maury Povich is some TV talk show we watch back on Earth. The host, Maury, does a show just about every other day about stupid ******* who can't keep their damn legs closed and they don't know who the father of their children are. These females are always arguing With guys that they think are the father of their children." That got a laugh out of Link. Link then said, "Wow... I didn't know..." Then he went to Sonic and (after Sonic explained what the Chaos Emeralds were and what they were capable of) said, "Besides those 3, I remember seeing 4 lights headed off to the north, south, east, and west." Shadow asked, "Do you possibly know where they are?" Link said, "Those lights must have been those 'Chaos Emeralds' you guys are talking about... Anyway, there is a high probability that those 'Chaos Emeralds' are located within the four temples of this land: Woodfall, which is further south from here; Snowhead, which is to the north, Great Bay, which is to the west, and Stone Tower, which is to the east. Now we are going to have to split up and try to locate the Emeralds since that will not take up as much time. And as for Stone Tower, we will work together." Sonic whispered to Shadow, "Did the Chaos Emeralds bring us here because this world is in trouble?" Shadow shook his head and asked Sonic, "Why did the Chaos Emeralds behave like that?" Sonic replied, "Knuckles told me (after the events of Sonic and Knuckles) that stories passed down to him through his ancestors and other ancient texts and writings point to... What you just saw was an attempt by the Master Emerald to interdimensionally control the Chaos Emeralds, but the effort was too much for the Master Emerald." Link then said, "Hey guys! Since two of the Emeralds are located in the Snowhead and Woodfall temples, you two work out who's gonna search what temple. I will search Great Bay because..." and he put on his Zora mask "... I am the only one who can swim, and Great Bay Temple is what in your world would be considered a cross between a "sewer" and a "water treatment plant". So Sonic broke off two blades of grass and snapped one of them in half and handed them both to Link. Sonic said, "Short straw gets Woodfall." Shadow drew the short blade of grass and asked Link, "How is this 'Woodfall' Temple?" Link said, "The way to the Woofall Temple is through the Southern Swamp, and both are filled With poisonous swamp water. You might want to watch yourself." Shadow handed a Chaos Emerald to both Link and Sonic and said, "Use these to track or locate the Chaos Emeralds." Link then handed the remains of Odolwa to Shadow and Goht's remains to Sonic. They asked, "What are these for?" Link then said, "You will know when the time comes. Let's go!" With that, they split up in search of the Chaos Emeralds.
Chapter 4: Woodfall Temple
Shadow the Hedgehog stepped into the Southern Swamp and was assaulted by the stench of the magically poisoned swamp water. It made him gag and say, "Holy-! It smells like someone freaking' died here!" So he took off his rings and blasted through the Southern Swamp until he got to the Woodfall Temple. He then walked into the Temple itself, which was mostly dark (in the entrance). He stepped onto this weird platform he saw and was enveloped by a bright pinkish-red light. He heard a feminine but disembodied voice ask him, <Do you wish to warp to the boss' dungeon?> Shadow then replied, "Who are you? What are you? Anyway, I am searching for something and I do not wish to go to the guardian's lair at this time." The voice then said, <I know where this "Chaos Emerald" is located. Would you like to warp to its location?> Shadow then said, "Thanks but no thanks. I would rather find it on my own." That voice finally said, Very well, Mr. Shadow. I will be here when you need me. With that, the light died down. Shadow said to himself, "Wow... I guess that's what these 'remains' are for... to warp to the boss dungeon cause that kid already beat the guardian of this temple and these 'remains' are like proof that he defeated them!" Then he dropped down onto the ground and was immediately swarmed by a gang of Black Boes. He swiftly disposed of those weak creatures. He proceeded to walk out of the room into another one where there were high platforms over some more magically poisoned swamp water. He saw a door at the end but it was blocked by a huge spiderweb. He went to the door and tried to get through, but the spiderweb was either too strong for Shadow or it had some kind of jinx or curse or hex on it. In any case, Shadow went to grab a stick he had seen and lit it With a nearby torch. He then went to set that spiderweb ablaze (while having to having to contend With butterflies that had become attracted to the fire). The spiderweb now out of the way, Shadow made his way to this huge room in which there was a huge flower looking contraption With a torch in the middle of it. However, the stench in this room was the worst; Shadow actually projectile-vomited after the stench brought him to his knees. It was so bad, he almost blacked out but not before using his last little bit of energy to throw a Chaos Lance at the contraption. It lit the torch, and the flower machine activated, therefore freshening the water not only in that room but across the whole temple. Shadow, very lightheaded, threw himself in the newly freshened water and drank some. His strength fully restored, he noticed that as he was getting closer to a certain room, the Chaos Emerald that he was holding was glowing brightly. He went to the top of the room by climbing a ladder that was on the wall. Then he walked inside.
Shadow walked into the room and the door slammed shut and iron bars came down over it. He saw the Chaos Emerald floating in the air. As he went to retrieve it, a lizard monster dropped down out of nowhere and swung its bladed weapon at him. Shadow jumped back and tried to get the Emerald again, but the monster breathed fire at him again. The monster finally caught Shadow With the flat of its bladed weapon, knocking him back to the wall. Shadow yelled, "NO!" as the monster absorbed the Chaos Emerald and its form and abilities changed: it held a saber in each of its hands With the blades not being composed of any kind of metal, but some kind of pink (magical) energy, and instead of breathing fire, now it could "breathe" thunder and electricity and could also control the wind. Its armor had become green and it grew two horns on its head that looked like wings. It also had wings that resembled a bird's. Shadow then said, "Sweet mother of Shigeru Miyamoto-" before the monster rushed at him With incredible speed and slashed upward With its sabers. This attack caught Shadow and tossed him into the air. The monster then caught him in midair then drove him to the ground with an Izuna Drop. Shadow recovered just as the monster began to charge its sabers With electricity. It crossed them over its head and lightning started striking everywhere in the room but not at the same time. One bolt of lightning came down where Shadow was. He got out of the way but another one came down just as soon. He then ran up the wall, kicked off of it at a certain point and went into a Spin Attack that smacked the monster in its chest. The monster started swinging its sabers and releasing little balls of electricity. All of them missed Shadow. The monster started dashing very fast at the top of the room while sending down shockwaves at Shadow. He realized that there was an easier way to beat that monster. He went into Chaos Boost and started fighting With the monster hand-to-hand. He yanked its sabers from it and rammed one into its temple, all the way to the hilt and the other into his chest, also all the way to the hilt. The monster started roaring and discharging electricity before it finally expired. Shadow then said, "Hmm... that monster seems familiar to me..." Shortly after, its corpse exploded and there lay the Chaos Emerald. Shadow retrieved it then used Chaos Control to warp himself back to the dungeon's entrance. He once again stepped on that weird platform he had encountered when he first stepped in the temple. That pinkish light engulfed him again and that female voice said, <I see that you found what you're looking for, Shadow.> Shadow then said, "Maybe I did. What's it to you? Who are you anyway? WHAT are you?" The voice responded, <I am the spirit of the Great Fairy of the South. I would gladly return you to Clock Town, but...>Shadow asked, "BUT... why not?" The Great Fairy continued, <There is a curse on this land, the source of which is the guardian of this temple. Shadow, you have to help me. PLEASE help me return to my natural form!> Shadow agreed to help restore her to her rightful body. The Great Fairy warped him to the boss chamber, sans the 2 Chaos Emeralds he was holding. Shadow yelled, "That damn thief took those Chaos Emeralds! When I get my hands on that piece of trash-"
As soon as Shadow took three steps forward, he heard drums beating and some sort of jangling. He looked around and up, then he saw a huge jungle warrior coming out of the sky, holding a big (razor-sharp) sword and a shield. It then looked at Shadow and swung its sword at Shadow, intending to decapitate him, but Shadow moved out of the way before that. Even so, the blade got a little too close. Shadow brought his hand to his face/neck area. It came away bloody. He then threw a Chaos Spear at it, but to no avail: Odolwa blocked it With his shield. It then went into a spin attack that caught Shadow and threw him against the wall.. While it was dancing around summoning insects and so forth like some sort of lunatic, Shadow threw a Chaos Lance at its head. It stunned Odolwa enough for him to drop his sword and shield. Shadow ran over and picked it up and jumped on its head from behind. Shadow then yanked its head back, raised the sword, and thus slit Odolwa's throat With its own sword. As Odolwa keeled over clutching feebly at its throat, Shadow brutally finished it off by ramming the sword up its backside after Shadow decided to "drain the lizard" in Odolwa's neck for good measure. The body exploded in a dazzling display of light. Shadow shielded his eyes. When the light died down, he found that he was surrounded by nothing but white. A real sounding female voice then said, "Thank you for freeing me! Now this land is freed from its curse as well!" Shadow then said, ,"Who said that? Where am I?" He turned around and saw a very beautiful woman With long red hair floating up to him. Shadow then said, "You must be the Great Fairy of the South, aren't you?" The Great Fairy handed the Emeralds back to Shadow and said, "I am terribly sorry that I took them from you but in the event that you were defeated, that monster would have tracked down the others and became all powerful and then destroyed the world!" She then kissed Shadow on the lips and then said, "Thank you again for freeing me. I do hope your friends help my sisters who are trapped in the same manner all over the world." She then transported Shadow back to Termina Field where both Sonic and Link were waiting for him With the Chaos Emeralds they had found...
Chapter 5: Snowhead Temple
At the same time that Shadow and Link departed to search for the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic departed for the Snowhead Temple through the north, but he had to pass through the Mountain Village, home of the Goron people. He eventually got to the long winding path that led to Snowhead Temple but he found himself being blown back by some gale force wind that seemingly came from nowhere.. Sonic just kicked up some speed and raced up to the entrance but he hit an " 'invisible' wall"; he raced up that path so fast, he caused the wind that was blowing to reverse course. Sonic then heard an "AAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHH!" then he saw a huge Goron appear where nothing was previously. Sonic then said, "Hey buddy can you move out of my way so I can enter?" The Goron said, "Yes, stranger, I will move out of the way-goro..." Then Sonic stepped inside...
Sonic stepped inside Snowhead Temple and saw a weird looking platform. He stepped on it and a bright green light enveloped him. Sonic asked, "Where am I?" Then a disembodied voice asked him, <Would you like to warp to the lair of this temple's guardian?> To which Sonic replied, "Thanks, but no thanks, because I have something to look for." The voice then said, <I can warp you to where the Chaos Emerald is located. Is that not what you're looking for?> Sonic then said in amazement, "Yes, that's what I'm looking for. How did you know that? In any case, I will find it on my own. Thanks for asking, though!" The voice said, <Very well. I will be here if/when you need me.> After which, Sonic stepped out of the platform into the first room, where he saw a lighthouse-like structure sitting in the center of a pool of molten lava. Then 3 Freezards came upon Sonic and Sonic yelled, "WHAT THE F-" then one of the Freezards blew a blast of cold air that froze Sonic's mouth shut. Another one then coated Sonic's legs in ice, which allowed the third one to ram him off the side of the wall... into the molten lava, or so they thought. Sonic then yelled, "NOT TODAY YOU FREAKS!" then kicked up a tornado that caused the lava to be sucked in and thrown everywhere, melting the Freezards and destroying a Bombchu that was lurking nearby. Sonic then walked through a door and into a room where there was a large stone pillar in the center of the room. Sonic then decided to run up this pillar and then the Emerald started resonating halfway up the pillar. Sonic kicked himself off the wall and landed in front of the room where the Chaos Emerald was obviously located. He opened the door and walked inside the room.
As soon as Sonic saw the Chaos Emerald floating in the air, he walked towards it. However, a Wizrobe (a female one) snatched it from out of the air and as she held it up in the air, a brilliant light flashed. When it died down, Sonic found himself underwater. However, he was still able to breathe. Panicked, he yelled, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He tried to go back to the door but there were strong iron bars over the door. Even though Sonic could breathe, he was still underwater- he could not move as fast as he normally did. He then turned around and the Wizrobe's appearance had changed: She (first and foremost) had the appearance of a human female, but With blue hair and turquoise-blue skin. She also sported a blue sleeveless dress and wielding a spear like halberd and had the ability to swim. Sonic then said, "Aw, this is some bulls-" then the Wizrobe shot a blast of ice energy which froze Sonic's mouth shut. Sonic managed to break the ice, turned around and yelled, "KAMERON! WHAT THE HELL, DUDE! EVERY TIME I TRY TO SWEAR, YOU ALWAYS CENSOR ME BUT NOT SHADOW! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT?" Then Sonic went into a Spin Dash and slammed into her chest, which knocked her back. She recovered and readied her halberd spear and launched several Homing Spearheads at Sonic; one of these Spearheads tagged him and sent him reeling. He recovered from this attack just as she thrust downward With her halberd spear coming down on Sonic's head. He sidestepped this moved and stunned the Wizrobe With a kick to her chest, after which Sonic somehow performed a successful Ancient Light attack on her. She then started spinning her weapon around real fast and created a Hail Wheel With it and threw it at Sonic. He avoided it and performed another Ancient Light attack just as she stared swimming around, creating some ice crystals that just floated down, an attack that was easily avoided. She then created a strong whirlpool that drew Sonic into it as she launched several Homing Spearheads at him. The whirlpool drew Sonic in as the Wizrobe performed a vicious downward stab that became a fan-pattern spray of ice shards when she made contact With the ground.. Sonic then got his hands on the weapon, after which a fierce struggle ensued. Sonic managed to rip the weapon out of the Wizrobe's hands. She realized she was screwed (not in that way, pervert) and she swam away in fear. Sonic hurled the spear at her and the spear caught her in the head and nailed her head to the wall, leaving the rest of her body behind. There was a loud voice that yelled, "Sonic the Hedgehog wins... FATALITY!" Sonic turned around and yelled, "Shao Kahn, this aint Mortal Kombat, you **********! Go home! Get out of here!" Before leaving, the voice boomed in return: "IT'S OFFICIAL... YOU SUCK!!!" Sonic then went to her body and sat down right where her head used to be. He whipped out a newspaper that was dubbed "The Station Square Times", opened it up to the center, and started reading an article that was titled, "BALLS THOROUGHLY LICKED, by Miss Le Senoue". Here is the article: "Just a month after the mad scientist Dr. Ivo Julian Robotnik (known to his foes as "Dr. Eggman") attempted to destroy our beloved city With a huge missile (which was fortunately deactivated and neutralized by Mr. Miles "Tails" Prower), this Dr. Robotnik broke out of federal prison (yes, he busted out of the slammer, folks) and sent an army of robots against the Mayor's office here that were the size and shape of basketballs and looked like they were made of polished silver. They had a visual aiming setup (a camera) and a laser weapon right below the camera. It seemed that the Mayor was done for, but fortunately, a friend of Mr. Prower came up and swiftly defeated the robots, named Knuckles the Echidna. 'That Eggman is always trying some stupid (censored), Miss Senoue. When the (censored) will he learn his lesson? Anyways, I am more than happy to have done my part to keep this lovely city safe from those who would try to do it any harm. I mean, Tails whipped his (censored) last month when he sent that missile against this city. He's always trying some stupid (censored), but he always gets his (censored) kicked, but I'm not complaining. The more stupid (censored) he does, the more me and my friends get to kick his fat (censored). When the (censored) is that fat (censored) gonna lose some weight anyway? And by the way, you're super hot. I know you're 53, but I'd still... I'm not gonna say it because I know it can't be put in the newspaper, but you get my drift *wink wink*.' Well, I sincerely hope that Knuckles continues to help With protecting this city."
-Miss Le Senoue
of the Station Square Times
Sonic then said, "Knuckles, you dirty dog... hahaha." Then he suddenly said, "Oh... there it is... I'm done." Then he ripped a section of the newspaper off that had Dr. Eggman's picture on it, wiped himself With it, and tossed it into the neck of the Wizrobe he just defeated. The body then exploded and there lay the Chaos Emerald. Sonic grabbed it and then the magical water disappeared. With the two Chaos Emeralds in hand, Sonic warped back to the entrance of the dungeon using Chaos Control. He stepped onto that platform once more and that bright green light surrounded him. That voice that had previously communicated With Sonic now said, Now that you have found what you're looking for, would you like to warp to the dungeon of the temple guardian? Sonic then asked, "Who are you? What are you?" The voce then replied, I am the spirit of the Great Fairy of the North, and there is a curse on this land that has rendered me powerless and only able to exist in this state. Sonic then said, "A fairy? I thought those things only existed in children's stories and such... However, I won't turn my back on someone in need." The Great Fairy then said, Oh thank you, hero! You shall have to defeat the guardian of this temple to remove the curse on this land and restore me to my natural state.? So With that, the Great Fairy warped Sonic to the lair of the temple's guardian...
Sonic turned around and saw what appeared to be a large mechanical bull With a human face-like mask, frozen in ice. Sonic then said, "Is this the boss? This is way too easy!" He jumped up into the air and kicked the machine in its face, but that only served to activate it. Goht started straining and broke all of the ice as well as causing debris to rain down from the ceiling. Goht then started rampaging across the room. Sonic then said, "Now we're talking!" After which, he charged up a Spin Dash (on the ground) then let loose. He reached the monster attacking its feet while in the Spin Dash state. Goht tripped up and Sonic repeatedly attacked it using Homing Attacks. Goht then rose again and started running across the room again. Sonic then said, "What a mindless robot... Whoever created this thing should be publicly beaten!" He rounded a corner then was tagged by a bolt of electricity; Goht had shot it With such speed and accuracy that Sonic did not have a chance to get out of the way. He then recovered and charged the beast full speed but it turned and viciously kicked out its hind legs and sent Sonic flying through the air, through the wall, through the entrance of the Temple, and all the way off of Snowhead Mountain...
Sonic landed on the outskirts of Mountain Village after being kicked out of Snowhead Temple. He walked back to Mountain Village to try to get back to Snowhead. He was then surrounded by a group of Gorons. One of them asked, "Outworlder (readers, I should inform you that the usage of this term has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do With Mortal Kombat and/or the Realm of Outworld), what happened to you?" Sonic then replied, "Back on Snowhead, I was fighting this mechanical beast and eventually, it kicked me out and I ended up back here!" They parted and an elderly Goron walked up, accompanied by a young Goron and a ghost. Sonic looked at the ghost and yelled, "Oh HELL no!" and tried to attack it, but to no avail: it was immaterial and could not be harmed. The older Goron introduced himself as the elder of the Goron tribe and the little one was introduced as his son. The ghost introduced himself as Darmani, the deceased spirit of a great hero of the Goron tribe. Darmani then said, "You are fighting the same monster that took my life, foreigner. Its name is Goht." Sonic then asked, "What's a 'Goht'?" The Goron Elder replied, "Goht is the mechanical beast you were just fighting. It is because of Goht that our land is stuck in this state of eternal winter!" Sonic asked, "Wow..." Darmani then continued, "I was killed by Goht while I was on a quest to free this land from the curse of eternal winter and free my people from it as well... I regret that I was not strong enough to stop him. Hero, I beg you... We beg you... Please stop that monster and restore our land to us!" Gorons started screaming and pointing up towards Snowhead. Sonic turned around and he saw Goht soaring through the air towards their position. He landed in Mountain Village and all kinds of hell ensued due to Gorons trying to get out of the way. When the dust settled, the Gorons managed to successfully evacuate Mountain Village, except the Goron Elder and his young son. Sonic rushed up to the young Goron child; the Elder had already died. Sonic reached out to him and said, "Hey little buddy, don't worry; I'm here to help you. The child grabbed his hand and managed to say, "Dar... mani... please... you... must... please... you... must... stop..." before his body went limp and he moved no more. Tears (of grief and anger) welled up in Sonic's eyes as the Goron tribe came out of their hiding spaces to retrieve the bodies of their leader and his son. Burning With anger and justice, Sonic turned and pointed to the mechanical beast and yelled, "YOU BASTARD! YOU SHALL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE TONE TO THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE!" Goht snorted in contempt as if to say, "Kiss my shiny metal ass, dude!" Sonic got the message, however. Filled With rage, he started to transform/mutate. When it was all over, he was now a werewolf like creature (a "Werehog"). He yelled at the Gorons, "Get Out Of Here RIGHT NOW!" So With that, they split. He turned to face Goht and said, "It's just you and me now, mother_ _ _ _er!" Goht roared and charged at Sonic. He then sneered, "sshole, is that all you've got?" Then he started tearing the beast apart, literally. He fainted then from sheer exhaustion. He eventually came to in the arms of a very beautiful woman With long green hair. He said, "Who are you? What are you? Where am I now?" The woman then replied to him, "I am the Great Fairy of the North. By defeating that monster, you broke the curse on this land and freed me! I knew you could do it!" She then kissed Sonic and somehow she "accidentally" touched him (in a place that will not be revealed here). Sonic then said, "Hey... you touched my junk!" The Great Fairy then replied, "My apologies, hero... I do hope you and your friends can help my sisters that are trapped all over the world!" Sonic then said, "You got it lady. I will help them!" So With that, she sent him back to Termina Field where Shadow and Link were waiting for him With the Chaos Emeralds they found.
Prologue/Chapter One: Chaos Control Gone Wrong?
This story starts off with Super Sonic and Super Shadow engaged in battle with the Final Hazard (the Prototype of the Ultimate Life Form). As the ARK was about to slam into the Earth (Sonic and Shadow had since destroyed the monster), Sonic and Shadow attempted to teleport the ARK away using Chaos Control. They were successful, but they yelled, "WHAT THE–?" as they were sucked into the warp. The Space Colony ARK reappeared, but Sonic and Shadow didn't. Why?
*Meanwhile aboard the ARK*
Everyone aboard the ARK was wondering where Sonic and Shadow may have gone. Both Miles and Rouge looked out the windows trying to search for them, while Dr. Eggman was standing here as if he did not care (which he didn't). Amy, not being able to stand the wait anymore, rushed up to Knuckles and yelled at him while shaking him violently, "WHERE IS SONIC? TELL ME NOW!" Knuckles backed off while saying, "Cool your jets, you crazy ass bitch! I can't hope to find them!" Amy then replied more calmly, "You can try! That Master Emerald of yours controls those Chaos Emeralds, don't they?" Knuckles replied in the affirmative. Rouge then began, "So you can use the Master Emerald-" Then Tails finished, "– to track the Chaos Emeralds!" Knuckles then said to them, "Okay then. Let me see what I can do." He then took out the Master Emerald and said the ancient "prayer" that had been passed down to him throughout the generations: "The Servers are the Seven Chaos... Chaos is power... Power that is enriched by the heart. The Controller serves to unify the (Seven) Chaos." With that, the Master Emerald started spinning very fast then it shone With a very bright white light then an image (not unlike a live stream video) appeared of Super Sonic and Super Shadow falling through a dimensional rift at high speed. Knuckles whispered to himself, "This cannot be... !" Tails walked up and asked, "What cannot-" then he saw what was happening and summoned everyone present to watch what was going on. Dr. Eggman watched With disdain and muttered to himself, "Serves those two filthy rodents right for trying to foil my plans for world domination!" Unfortunately, everyone heard him and Eggman was immediately set upon by everyone that was aboard the ARK.
South Clock Town, Termina- Link has just begun a new three day cycle after conquering the Stone Tower Temple and its guardian monster, Twinmold (while obtaining its "remains"). He has left South Clock Town to tie up some loose ends. As soon as he left outside the Southern Gate, a brilliant golden light flashed...
*The Arrival of Sonic and Shadow*
After this golden light died down, Sonic and Shadow appeared, still in their Super forms. Shadow looked around and asked, "Where the hell are we? How did we get to this obviously primitive world?" To which Sonic replied, "Dude, I have no idea, but somehow it had to do With that joint (no pun intended) Chaos Control we performed when we stopped the ARK from slamming into the Earth! So let's try it again so we can get back home!" They tried it, but they did not get past "CHAOS-" before they reverted to their normal states. Sonic was like, "What the...!" as he and Shadow looked up and saw the 7 Chaos Emeralds floating in the air in a circle under some kind of evil scary looking moon. Three of the Emeralds shot off to the south and landed somewhere outside the gate, then the remaining 4 spread out to the north, south, east, and west. Then they flew off, seemingly to the 4 (far) corners of Termina. Sonic asked, "Why are the Emeralds behaving like that?" All Shadow could do was shake his head in amazement...
*Back aboard the ARK*
Everyone on board the Space Colony ARK has just witnessed the odd behavior of the Chaos Emeralds. Knuckles explained their behavior: "Even though I have never personally heard of or seen a case like this, ancient stories of this scenario have been passed down to me from my ancestors and through other ancient writings: When/If the Chaos Emeralds are ever sent to another dimension, The Master Emerald will try to do something to control the Emeralds. What we have just witnessed is the last attempt by the Master Emerald to control the Chaos Emeralds before the dimensional connection is severed." Dr. Eggman then said, "Well, while I do mourn the loss of the Chaos Emeralds, what the hell? There's still the Master Emerald, and the fact that Sonic no longer stands in my way because he might be stuck there forever!" Amy heard that and then proceeded to beat Eggman down.
*Meanwhile back in Termina*
Sonic and Shadow are looking up at the moon and wondering what they were going to do about it. Sonic looked at Shadow and said, "That thing looks like it's gonna crash into this town in about 3 days. If this moon crashes-" then Shadow finished, "-then this whole world goes! We have to stop this!" Shadow then proceeded to take off his wrist and ankle Rings, them he powered up into Maximum Chaos Boost. He threw multiple Chaos Lances at it, only to have them dissipate close to the moon's surface. He and Sonic then Spin Dashed toward the moon in hopes of busting it up. Unfortunately, as soon as they came close to the surface, it was like they were swatted away by a giant invisible hand. They fell to the ground and Shadow put back on his ankle and wrist Rings. Sonic then said, "That moon must have some sort of magical barrier around it." Shadow then said in response, "So the only way we can bust it down is to find the Chaos Emeralds. Ain't that some ****, Sonic? Not only do we have to find the Emeralds to destroy that rock, we have to find them to get the hell home! Damn it, I knew this was gonna be a bad day!" With that, Sonic and Shadow proceeded to head toward the Southern Gate, but were stopped by the Gate Guard. The soldier told them, "I am sorry, but I absolutely can NOT let children outside these gates without an adult present!" Sonic then groaned, "Damn it! What now!" He turned around and was about to use his speed to bypass the guard when he heard the sound of a small scuffle, followed by the sounds of blows connecting, fists making contact With metal, and ending With a loud groan of pain. Sonic\ turned around and saw the guard in question keeled over holding his groin area while Shadow was walking outside of the gate while muttering to himself, "That bastard... Try to get in my way, will he?" Sonic rushed up and said, "Shadow! What the hell, dude!" Shadow turned around and said With a smirk on his face, "Hey, I got that ******* out ofthe way, didn't I? So don't complain!" Sonic turned around and looked at the guard, who was still moaning in pain and holding himself. Sonic then said, "He may not be having children anytime soon, if at all... Let's go Shadow!" So With that, they headed outside the gate in search of the Chaos Emeralds.
Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins
Sonic and Shadow have both just walked outside the gate of South Clock Town. As soon as they reached the outside, they noticed a male youth (about 10 or 11 years of age; no older than 12) clothed in green that was surrounded by a gang of wolf monsters and blob monsters (some were colored green while others were colored red and a few were colored yellow). Shadow also noticed that the kid was in possession of three of the Chaos Emeralds. Shadow then said to Sonic, "We have to get those Chaos Emeralds from that kid!" Sonic then said back to him, "Yeah, but let's help him first take care of those monsters." So With that they walked up to the monsters...
*Meanwhile up ahead*
Link was heading toward the Deku palace to take care of some last-minute business when he found these three glowing gems. Believing them to be the most valuable rare denominations of Rupees available, he picked them up and started heading toward the Southern Swamp when he found himself surrounded by a gang of Wolfos and Red, Green, and Yellow ChuChus. He tried to escape but they circled him; they outnumbered him about (at least) 40 to 1. Link looked around at them and said to himself as he drew his Gilded Sword, "You monsters may have me outnumbered and I may go down, but rest assured, I'm taking as many of you foul bastards down With me as I can!" As the monsters were closing in, everyone felt a strong tornado-like force, even Link. Link asked, "What is this... !" as he started to see a "blue wind" blowing, the source of what everyone felt, while the monsters behind him noticed a green light flash. The "blue wind" died down, and there stood a creature, the likes of which Link had never seen before: He was blue and he had big spikes on his head and his back that curved downwards With a flesh-colored muzzle (his chest area and his arms were the same color and he had green eyes). He had a short tail as well. He wore white gloves and some weird type of "boots" that were red With a white middle stripe and a golden buckle on the outward facing side of his shoes. Link then turned around and saw another creature that looked similar to the blue one, but he was black. He had spikes on his head as well, but only the middle two and the ones on his back curved downwards; the two side spikes on both sides of his head were curved upwards. Save for the "white patch" on his chest (that could possibly be chest hair of some sort), his entire body was black With some red markings, including his eyes, which were also red. His head spikes also had red markings on them. He asked, "What are you? Who are you?" The blue creature said in response, "Hey! That's no way to greet a stranger, especially if he's going to help you-" then looked around at the monsters and then back to Link "–With a problem you're having. And by the way, my name is Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog!" The black creature then said, "And I am Shadow the Hedgehog and we..." Then one of the Wolfos lunged at Shadow. A huge battle ensued (in which Sonic was bit by one of the Wolfos), but the monsters vastly outnumbered the three heroes. Shadow extended his hand and the three Emeralds in Link's possession started glowing. Link asked, "What are you doing?" Shadow then yelled, "CHAOS... CONTROL!" Then all of a sudden, except for them, time slowed down for everything and everyone else around them. Link asked Shadow, "What did you just do?" Shadow only smiled, and so did Sonic. With that, they started slaughtering the monsters until 3 Wolfos and 2 Green ChuChus remained. By then, the "Chaos Control" had worn off. The remaining monsters realized they were licked and tried to retreat, but Shadow swiftly disposed of him With his= Chaos Snap technique. Link then asked Sonic, "You run so fast... Are your boots magic?" Sonic said, "No my 'boots' aren't magic; my speed is something I was born With; these 'boots' are anti-friction and thus are what keep my feet from melting off my body at such high speeds. And that guy over there (Shadow), I don't know if his speed is natural..." He turned to Shadow and all Shadow told him was, "My 'boots' allow me to skate at speeds that rival Sonic's." Then Sonic asked Link if he seen any "Chaos Emeralds" around. Link then asked, "What's a 'Chaos Emerald'?" Shadow pointed to the pouch With those three glowing gems in it that was on Link's waist and said, "THOSE." Link pulled them out and said, "These are Rupees, and the most valuable denominations as well!" So With that, Shadow and Link got into a fire hose of a pissing match over the three gems. Sonic, getting frustrated yelled, "SHADOW! WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS CRAP! SHOW HIM SO WE CAN GET ON WITH OUR SEARCH!" So Shadow used his Chaos Control to teleport Link to the surface of the moon and back to the ground. Sonic then said, "Man, you two were arguing like you were on Maury Povich!"Link asked, "What's a 'Maury Povich'?" Shadow was laughing at what Sonic said then he replied to Link, "Maury Povich is some TV talk show we watch back on Earth. The host, Maury, does a show just about every other day about stupid ******* who can't keep their damn legs closed and they don't know who the father of their children are. These females are always arguing With guys that they think are the father of their children." That got a laugh out of Link. Link then said, "Wow... I didn't know..." Then he went to Sonic and (after Sonic explained what the Chaos Emeralds were and what they were capable of) said, "Besides those 3, I remember seeing 4 lights headed off to the north, south, east, and west." Shadow asked, "Do you possibly know where they are?" Link said, "Those lights must have been those 'Chaos Emeralds' you guys are talking about... Anyway, there is a high probability that those 'Chaos Emeralds' are located within the four temples of this land: Woodfall, which is further south from here; Snowhead, which is to the north, Great Bay, which is to the west, and Stone Tower, which is to the east. Now we are going to have to split up and try to locate the Emeralds since that will not take up as much time. And as for Stone Tower, we will work together." Sonic whispered to Shadow, "Did the Chaos Emeralds bring us here because this world is in trouble?" Shadow shook his head and asked Sonic, "Why did the Chaos Emeralds behave like that?" Sonic replied, "Knuckles told me (after the events of Sonic and Knuckles) that stories passed down to him through his ancestors and other ancient texts and writings point to... What you just saw was an attempt by the Master Emerald to interdimensionally control the Chaos Emeralds, but the effort was too much for the Master Emerald." Link then said, "Hey guys! Since two of the Emeralds are located in the Snowhead and Woodfall temples, you two work out who's gonna search what temple. I will search Great Bay because..." and he put on his Zora mask "... I am the only one who can swim, and Great Bay Temple is what in your world would be considered a cross between a "sewer" and a "water treatment plant". So Sonic broke off two blades of grass and snapped one of them in half and handed them both to Link. Sonic said, "Short straw gets Woodfall." Shadow drew the short blade of grass and asked Link, "How is this 'Woodfall' Temple?" Link said, "The way to the Woofall Temple is through the Southern Swamp, and both are filled With poisonous swamp water. You might want to watch yourself." Shadow handed a Chaos Emerald to both Link and Sonic and said, "Use these to track or locate the Chaos Emeralds." Link then handed the remains of Odolwa to Shadow and Goht's remains to Sonic. They asked, "What are these for?" Link then said, "You will know when the time comes. Let's go!" With that, they split up in search of the Chaos Emeralds.
Chapter 4: Woodfall Temple
Shadow the Hedgehog stepped into the Southern Swamp and was assaulted by the stench of the magically poisoned swamp water. It made him gag and say, "Holy-! It smells like someone freaking' died here!" So he took off his rings and blasted through the Southern Swamp until he got to the Woodfall Temple. He then walked into the Temple itself, which was mostly dark (in the entrance). He stepped onto this weird platform he saw and was enveloped by a bright pinkish-red light. He heard a feminine but disembodied voice ask him, <Do you wish to warp to the boss' dungeon?> Shadow then replied, "Who are you? What are you? Anyway, I am searching for something and I do not wish to go to the guardian's lair at this time." The voice then said, <I know where this "Chaos Emerald" is located. Would you like to warp to its location?> Shadow then said, "Thanks but no thanks. I would rather find it on my own." That voice finally said, Very well, Mr. Shadow. I will be here when you need me. With that, the light died down. Shadow said to himself, "Wow... I guess that's what these 'remains' are for... to warp to the boss dungeon cause that kid already beat the guardian of this temple and these 'remains' are like proof that he defeated them!" Then he dropped down onto the ground and was immediately swarmed by a gang of Black Boes. He swiftly disposed of those weak creatures. He proceeded to walk out of the room into another one where there were high platforms over some more magically poisoned swamp water. He saw a door at the end but it was blocked by a huge spiderweb. He went to the door and tried to get through, but the spiderweb was either too strong for Shadow or it had some kind of jinx or curse or hex on it. In any case, Shadow went to grab a stick he had seen and lit it With a nearby torch. He then went to set that spiderweb ablaze (while having to having to contend With butterflies that had become attracted to the fire). The spiderweb now out of the way, Shadow made his way to this huge room in which there was a huge flower looking contraption With a torch in the middle of it. However, the stench in this room was the worst; Shadow actually projectile-vomited after the stench brought him to his knees. It was so bad, he almost blacked out but not before using his last little bit of energy to throw a Chaos Lance at the contraption. It lit the torch, and the flower machine activated, therefore freshening the water not only in that room but across the whole temple. Shadow, very lightheaded, threw himself in the newly freshened water and drank some. His strength fully restored, he noticed that as he was getting closer to a certain room, the Chaos Emerald that he was holding was glowing brightly. He went to the top of the room by climbing a ladder that was on the wall. Then he walked inside.
Shadow walked into the room and the door slammed shut and iron bars came down over it. He saw the Chaos Emerald floating in the air. As he went to retrieve it, a lizard monster dropped down out of nowhere and swung its bladed weapon at him. Shadow jumped back and tried to get the Emerald again, but the monster breathed fire at him again. The monster finally caught Shadow With the flat of its bladed weapon, knocking him back to the wall. Shadow yelled, "NO!" as the monster absorbed the Chaos Emerald and its form and abilities changed: it held a saber in each of its hands With the blades not being composed of any kind of metal, but some kind of pink (magical) energy, and instead of breathing fire, now it could "breathe" thunder and electricity and could also control the wind. Its armor had become green and it grew two horns on its head that looked like wings. It also had wings that resembled a bird's. Shadow then said, "Sweet mother of Shigeru Miyamoto-" before the monster rushed at him With incredible speed and slashed upward With its sabers. This attack caught Shadow and tossed him into the air. The monster then caught him in midair then drove him to the ground with an Izuna Drop. Shadow recovered just as the monster began to charge its sabers With electricity. It crossed them over its head and lightning started striking everywhere in the room but not at the same time. One bolt of lightning came down where Shadow was. He got out of the way but another one came down just as soon. He then ran up the wall, kicked off of it at a certain point and went into a Spin Attack that smacked the monster in its chest. The monster started swinging its sabers and releasing little balls of electricity. All of them missed Shadow. The monster started dashing very fast at the top of the room while sending down shockwaves at Shadow. He realized that there was an easier way to beat that monster. He went into Chaos Boost and started fighting With the monster hand-to-hand. He yanked its sabers from it and rammed one into its temple, all the way to the hilt and the other into his chest, also all the way to the hilt. The monster started roaring and discharging electricity before it finally expired. Shadow then said, "Hmm... that monster seems familiar to me..." Shortly after, its corpse exploded and there lay the Chaos Emerald. Shadow retrieved it then used Chaos Control to warp himself back to the dungeon's entrance. He once again stepped on that weird platform he had encountered when he first stepped in the temple. That pinkish light engulfed him again and that female voice said, <I see that you found what you're looking for, Shadow.> Shadow then said, "Maybe I did. What's it to you? Who are you anyway? WHAT are you?" The voice responded, <I am the spirit of the Great Fairy of the South. I would gladly return you to Clock Town, but...>Shadow asked, "BUT... why not?" The Great Fairy continued, <There is a curse on this land, the source of which is the guardian of this temple. Shadow, you have to help me. PLEASE help me return to my natural form!> Shadow agreed to help restore her to her rightful body. The Great Fairy warped him to the boss chamber, sans the 2 Chaos Emeralds he was holding. Shadow yelled, "That damn thief took those Chaos Emeralds! When I get my hands on that piece of trash-"
As soon as Shadow took three steps forward, he heard drums beating and some sort of jangling. He looked around and up, then he saw a huge jungle warrior coming out of the sky, holding a big (razor-sharp) sword and a shield. It then looked at Shadow and swung its sword at Shadow, intending to decapitate him, but Shadow moved out of the way before that. Even so, the blade got a little too close. Shadow brought his hand to his face/neck area. It came away bloody. He then threw a Chaos Spear at it, but to no avail: Odolwa blocked it With his shield. It then went into a spin attack that caught Shadow and threw him against the wall.. While it was dancing around summoning insects and so forth like some sort of lunatic, Shadow threw a Chaos Lance at its head. It stunned Odolwa enough for him to drop his sword and shield. Shadow ran over and picked it up and jumped on its head from behind. Shadow then yanked its head back, raised the sword, and thus slit Odolwa's throat With its own sword. As Odolwa keeled over clutching feebly at its throat, Shadow brutally finished it off by ramming the sword up its backside after Shadow decided to "drain the lizard" in Odolwa's neck for good measure. The body exploded in a dazzling display of light. Shadow shielded his eyes. When the light died down, he found that he was surrounded by nothing but white. A real sounding female voice then said, "Thank you for freeing me! Now this land is freed from its curse as well!" Shadow then said, ,"Who said that? Where am I?" He turned around and saw a very beautiful woman With long red hair floating up to him. Shadow then said, "You must be the Great Fairy of the South, aren't you?" The Great Fairy handed the Emeralds back to Shadow and said, "I am terribly sorry that I took them from you but in the event that you were defeated, that monster would have tracked down the others and became all powerful and then destroyed the world!" She then kissed Shadow on the lips and then said, "Thank you again for freeing me. I do hope your friends help my sisters who are trapped in the same manner all over the world." She then transported Shadow back to Termina Field where both Sonic and Link were waiting for him With the Chaos Emeralds they had found...
Chapter 5: Snowhead Temple
At the same time that Shadow and Link departed to search for the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic departed for the Snowhead Temple through the north, but he had to pass through the Mountain Village, home of the Goron people. He eventually got to the long winding path that led to Snowhead Temple but he found himself being blown back by some gale force wind that seemingly came from nowhere.. Sonic just kicked up some speed and raced up to the entrance but he hit an " 'invisible' wall"; he raced up that path so fast, he caused the wind that was blowing to reverse course. Sonic then heard an "AAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHH!" then he saw a huge Goron appear where nothing was previously. Sonic then said, "Hey buddy can you move out of my way so I can enter?" The Goron said, "Yes, stranger, I will move out of the way-goro..." Then Sonic stepped inside...
Sonic stepped inside Snowhead Temple and saw a weird looking platform. He stepped on it and a bright green light enveloped him. Sonic asked, "Where am I?" Then a disembodied voice asked him, <Would you like to warp to the lair of this temple's guardian?> To which Sonic replied, "Thanks, but no thanks, because I have something to look for." The voice then said, <I can warp you to where the Chaos Emerald is located. Is that not what you're looking for?> Sonic then said in amazement, "Yes, that's what I'm looking for. How did you know that? In any case, I will find it on my own. Thanks for asking, though!" The voice said, <Very well. I will be here if/when you need me.> After which, Sonic stepped out of the platform into the first room, where he saw a lighthouse-like structure sitting in the center of a pool of molten lava. Then 3 Freezards came upon Sonic and Sonic yelled, "WHAT THE F-" then one of the Freezards blew a blast of cold air that froze Sonic's mouth shut. Another one then coated Sonic's legs in ice, which allowed the third one to ram him off the side of the wall... into the molten lava, or so they thought. Sonic then yelled, "NOT TODAY YOU FREAKS!" then kicked up a tornado that caused the lava to be sucked in and thrown everywhere, melting the Freezards and destroying a Bombchu that was lurking nearby. Sonic then walked through a door and into a room where there was a large stone pillar in the center of the room. Sonic then decided to run up this pillar and then the Emerald started resonating halfway up the pillar. Sonic kicked himself off the wall and landed in front of the room where the Chaos Emerald was obviously located. He opened the door and walked inside the room.
As soon as Sonic saw the Chaos Emerald floating in the air, he walked towards it. However, a Wizrobe (a female one) snatched it from out of the air and as she held it up in the air, a brilliant light flashed. When it died down, Sonic found himself underwater. However, he was still able to breathe. Panicked, he yelled, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He tried to go back to the door but there were strong iron bars over the door. Even though Sonic could breathe, he was still underwater- he could not move as fast as he normally did. He then turned around and the Wizrobe's appearance had changed: She (first and foremost) had the appearance of a human female, but With blue hair and turquoise-blue skin. She also sported a blue sleeveless dress and wielding a spear like halberd and had the ability to swim. Sonic then said, "Aw, this is some bulls-" then the Wizrobe shot a blast of ice energy which froze Sonic's mouth shut. Sonic managed to break the ice, turned around and yelled, "KAMERON! WHAT THE HELL, DUDE! EVERY TIME I TRY TO SWEAR, YOU ALWAYS CENSOR ME BUT NOT SHADOW! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT?" Then Sonic went into a Spin Dash and slammed into her chest, which knocked her back. She recovered and readied her halberd spear and launched several Homing Spearheads at Sonic; one of these Spearheads tagged him and sent him reeling. He recovered from this attack just as she thrust downward With her halberd spear coming down on Sonic's head. He sidestepped this moved and stunned the Wizrobe With a kick to her chest, after which Sonic somehow performed a successful Ancient Light attack on her. She then started spinning her weapon around real fast and created a Hail Wheel With it and threw it at Sonic. He avoided it and performed another Ancient Light attack just as she stared swimming around, creating some ice crystals that just floated down, an attack that was easily avoided. She then created a strong whirlpool that drew Sonic into it as she launched several Homing Spearheads at him. The whirlpool drew Sonic in as the Wizrobe performed a vicious downward stab that became a fan-pattern spray of ice shards when she made contact With the ground.. Sonic then got his hands on the weapon, after which a fierce struggle ensued. Sonic managed to rip the weapon out of the Wizrobe's hands. She realized she was screwed (not in that way, pervert) and she swam away in fear. Sonic hurled the spear at her and the spear caught her in the head and nailed her head to the wall, leaving the rest of her body behind. There was a loud voice that yelled, "Sonic the Hedgehog wins... FATALITY!" Sonic turned around and yelled, "Shao Kahn, this aint Mortal Kombat, you **********! Go home! Get out of here!" Before leaving, the voice boomed in return: "IT'S OFFICIAL... YOU SUCK!!!" Sonic then went to her body and sat down right where her head used to be. He whipped out a newspaper that was dubbed "The Station Square Times", opened it up to the center, and started reading an article that was titled, "BALLS THOROUGHLY LICKED, by Miss Le Senoue". Here is the article: "Just a month after the mad scientist Dr. Ivo Julian Robotnik (known to his foes as "Dr. Eggman") attempted to destroy our beloved city With a huge missile (which was fortunately deactivated and neutralized by Mr. Miles "Tails" Prower), this Dr. Robotnik broke out of federal prison (yes, he busted out of the slammer, folks) and sent an army of robots against the Mayor's office here that were the size and shape of basketballs and looked like they were made of polished silver. They had a visual aiming setup (a camera) and a laser weapon right below the camera. It seemed that the Mayor was done for, but fortunately, a friend of Mr. Prower came up and swiftly defeated the robots, named Knuckles the Echidna. 'That Eggman is always trying some stupid (censored), Miss Senoue. When the (censored) will he learn his lesson? Anyways, I am more than happy to have done my part to keep this lovely city safe from those who would try to do it any harm. I mean, Tails whipped his (censored) last month when he sent that missile against this city. He's always trying some stupid (censored), but he always gets his (censored) kicked, but I'm not complaining. The more stupid (censored) he does, the more me and my friends get to kick his fat (censored). When the (censored) is that fat (censored) gonna lose some weight anyway? And by the way, you're super hot. I know you're 53, but I'd still... I'm not gonna say it because I know it can't be put in the newspaper, but you get my drift *wink wink*.' Well, I sincerely hope that Knuckles continues to help With protecting this city."
-Miss Le Senoue
of the Station Square Times
Sonic then said, "Knuckles, you dirty dog... hahaha." Then he suddenly said, "Oh... there it is... I'm done." Then he ripped a section of the newspaper off that had Dr. Eggman's picture on it, wiped himself With it, and tossed it into the neck of the Wizrobe he just defeated. The body then exploded and there lay the Chaos Emerald. Sonic grabbed it and then the magical water disappeared. With the two Chaos Emeralds in hand, Sonic warped back to the entrance of the dungeon using Chaos Control. He stepped onto that platform once more and that bright green light surrounded him. That voice that had previously communicated With Sonic now said, Now that you have found what you're looking for, would you like to warp to the dungeon of the temple guardian? Sonic then asked, "Who are you? What are you?" The voce then replied, I am the spirit of the Great Fairy of the North, and there is a curse on this land that has rendered me powerless and only able to exist in this state. Sonic then said, "A fairy? I thought those things only existed in children's stories and such... However, I won't turn my back on someone in need." The Great Fairy then said, Oh thank you, hero! You shall have to defeat the guardian of this temple to remove the curse on this land and restore me to my natural state.? So With that, the Great Fairy warped Sonic to the lair of the temple's guardian...
Sonic turned around and saw what appeared to be a large mechanical bull With a human face-like mask, frozen in ice. Sonic then said, "Is this the boss? This is way too easy!" He jumped up into the air and kicked the machine in its face, but that only served to activate it. Goht started straining and broke all of the ice as well as causing debris to rain down from the ceiling. Goht then started rampaging across the room. Sonic then said, "Now we're talking!" After which, he charged up a Spin Dash (on the ground) then let loose. He reached the monster attacking its feet while in the Spin Dash state. Goht tripped up and Sonic repeatedly attacked it using Homing Attacks. Goht then rose again and started running across the room again. Sonic then said, "What a mindless robot... Whoever created this thing should be publicly beaten!" He rounded a corner then was tagged by a bolt of electricity; Goht had shot it With such speed and accuracy that Sonic did not have a chance to get out of the way. He then recovered and charged the beast full speed but it turned and viciously kicked out its hind legs and sent Sonic flying through the air, through the wall, through the entrance of the Temple, and all the way off of Snowhead Mountain...
Sonic landed on the outskirts of Mountain Village after being kicked out of Snowhead Temple. He walked back to Mountain Village to try to get back to Snowhead. He was then surrounded by a group of Gorons. One of them asked, "Outworlder (readers, I should inform you that the usage of this term has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do With Mortal Kombat and/or the Realm of Outworld), what happened to you?" Sonic then replied, "Back on Snowhead, I was fighting this mechanical beast and eventually, it kicked me out and I ended up back here!" They parted and an elderly Goron walked up, accompanied by a young Goron and a ghost. Sonic looked at the ghost and yelled, "Oh HELL no!" and tried to attack it, but to no avail: it was immaterial and could not be harmed. The older Goron introduced himself as the elder of the Goron tribe and the little one was introduced as his son. The ghost introduced himself as Darmani, the deceased spirit of a great hero of the Goron tribe. Darmani then said, "You are fighting the same monster that took my life, foreigner. Its name is Goht." Sonic then asked, "What's a 'Goht'?" The Goron Elder replied, "Goht is the mechanical beast you were just fighting. It is because of Goht that our land is stuck in this state of eternal winter!" Sonic asked, "Wow..." Darmani then continued, "I was killed by Goht while I was on a quest to free this land from the curse of eternal winter and free my people from it as well... I regret that I was not strong enough to stop him. Hero, I beg you... We beg you... Please stop that monster and restore our land to us!" Gorons started screaming and pointing up towards Snowhead. Sonic turned around and he saw Goht soaring through the air towards their position. He landed in Mountain Village and all kinds of hell ensued due to Gorons trying to get out of the way. When the dust settled, the Gorons managed to successfully evacuate Mountain Village, except the Goron Elder and his young son. Sonic rushed up to the young Goron child; the Elder had already died. Sonic reached out to him and said, "Hey little buddy, don't worry; I'm here to help you. The child grabbed his hand and managed to say, "Dar... mani... please... you... must... please... you... must... stop..." before his body went limp and he moved no more. Tears (of grief and anger) welled up in Sonic's eyes as the Goron tribe came out of their hiding spaces to retrieve the bodies of their leader and his son. Burning With anger and justice, Sonic turned and pointed to the mechanical beast and yelled, "YOU BASTARD! YOU SHALL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE TONE TO THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE!" Goht snorted in contempt as if to say, "Kiss my shiny metal ass, dude!" Sonic got the message, however. Filled With rage, he started to transform/mutate. When it was all over, he was now a werewolf like creature (a "Werehog"). He yelled at the Gorons, "Get Out Of Here RIGHT NOW!" So With that, they split. He turned to face Goht and said, "It's just you and me now, mother_ _ _ _er!" Goht roared and charged at Sonic. He then sneered, "sshole, is that all you've got?" Then he started tearing the beast apart, literally. He fainted then from sheer exhaustion. He eventually came to in the arms of a very beautiful woman With long green hair. He said, "Who are you? What are you? Where am I now?" The woman then replied to him, "I am the Great Fairy of the North. By defeating that monster, you broke the curse on this land and freed me! I knew you could do it!" She then kissed Sonic and somehow she "accidentally" touched him (in a place that will not be revealed here). Sonic then said, "Hey... you touched my junk!" The Great Fairy then replied, "My apologies, hero... I do hope you and your friends can help my sisters that are trapped all over the world!" Sonic then said, "You got it lady. I will help them!" So With that, she sent him back to Termina Field where Shadow and Link were waiting for him With the Chaos Emeralds they found.