Staying single?

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Sep 6, 2011
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Whenever my friends and I speak about relationships, they refuse to believe me whenever I say that I plan to remain single and don't have any intention of getting married or settling down. I like having people in my life, but I don't think I'd like to live with someone forever.
Are any of you willingly single? Or did any of you change your minds about relationships later in life?
Sounds like your friends might be a bit too conservative.

As for me, I'd like to settle down, with two weman :)

Anyway, I don't see why this shuld be an issue for you, if they don't believe you well, that's their problem!
The longest I lived without being in a relationship or atcually living alone..alone
as in having my own roomates, GF or dating.
6-8 weeks.....I cant remember.

It was OK...Idk I actually hated it.
It made me depressed as ****** which feeds into my depression even more.

Yeah, yeah....getting to know myself.
I found out I was ok and wasnt that hard to live with.
I also found alone by myself totally sucked ass.

I have this desire to loved and be loved...Living alone wasnt natural or going against the grain of life. (for me)
I'm sure I would rather stay single for the rest of my life. I'm not going to be the kind of guy who buckles and gives way to desperation and marries a woman he doesn't feel for, that wouldn't be fair for anyone.
I wouldn't mind living with women from time to time.

I'm not sure I believe in marriage, though.
roses6 said:
Whenever my friends and I speak about relationships, they refuse to believe me whenever I say that I plan to remain single and don't have any intention of getting married or settling down. I like having people in my life, but I don't think I'd like to live with someone forever.
Are any of you willingly single? Or did any of you change your minds about relationships later in life?

I am willingly single when I used to very much want to be married. I doubt I'll change back.

I'm curious, do you people actually believe what you wrote or are you trying to make yourself feel better? I have been single for most of my life and let me tell you it sucks balls. I hate every minute of it. I hate the fact I dream of a nameless girl who is suppose to fill the void I feel in my life at least once a week. I hate the fact that sometimes that girl takes the form of one of my exes, that really depresses me. I hate the fact that my parents are constantly bugging me about when I will get married. I hate the fact, I have to tell them never. I hate the fact that I feel so broken about relationships, that I always find excuses on why I shouldn't try. I hate the fact that even though I know what I have to do to make myself happy, I am so complacent about being miserable that I do nothing about it.

I am not shy, or ugly, or have social problems. But my desire to have my own space, and the fact I am not very outgoing has resulted in 35 years of lonlieness. Also the fact that my heart has been shattered recently (no one to blame but me on that one) compounds the situation ten fold. Also the advice of "your young, it will happen to you before you know it" is such bull. I used to believe that when I was in my teens and younger 20's. Well guess what, I am 5 years removed from 40, and I have no option on filling that void in my life anytime soon. In my case, it has been sort of a self served exile from dating, so I fall into this category. I should have gotten advice on how to create the situation on meeting woman, not believing in some miracle that never will happen.

It's not like I haven't tried in the past. The biggest waste of time and money for dating are online dating websites. If you are a woman, it works pretty well. You only represent about 25% of the people who actually try online dating. The rest of the 75% of people better be gay, because if you're not, the chances of meeting someone online is slim to none. I have met a total of 1 person the entire time I tried online dating. I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her.
dorky76 said:
I'm curious, do you people actually believe what you wrote or are you trying to make yourself feel better? I have been single for most of my life and let me tell you it sucks balls. I hate every minute of it. I hate the fact I dream of a nameless girl who is suppose to fill the void I feel in my life at least once a week. I hate the fact that sometimes that girl takes the form of one of my exes, that really depresses me. I hate the fact that my parents are constantly bugging me about when I will get married. I hate the fact, I have to tell them never. I hate the fact that I feel so broken about relationships, that I always find excuses on why I shouldn't try. I hate the fact that even though I know what I have to do to make myself happy, I am so complacent about being miserable that I do nothing about it.

I am not shy, or ugly, or have social problems. But my desire to have my own space, and the fact I am not very outgoing has resulted in 35 years of lonlieness. Also the fact that my heart has been shattered recently (no one to blame but me on that one) compounds the situation ten fold. Also the advice of "your young, it will happen to you before you know it" is such bull. I used to believe that when I was in my teens and younger 20's. Well guess what, I am 5 years removed from 40, and I have no option on filling that void in my life anytime soon. In my case, it has been sort of a self served exile from dating, so I fall into this category. I should have gotten advice on how to create the situation on meeting woman, not believing in some miracle that never will happen.

It's not like I haven't tried in the past. The biggest waste of time and money for dating are online dating websites. If you are a woman, it works pretty well. You only represent about 25% of the people who actually try online dating. The rest of the 75% of people better be gay, because if you're not, the chances of meeting someone online is slim to none. I have met a total of 1 person the entire time I tried online dating. I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her.

Actually believe what I wrote. Relationships do not work for me. They make me miserable, so why should I want one? I'm much happier and peaceful staying single.

I followed your post until the end when I read "I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her."

30 min? attracted to her? ....

Now that I think more about this, I don't even want to know.

Sprint said:
dorky76 said:
I'm curious, do you people actually believe what you wrote or are you trying to make yourself feel better? I have been single for most of my life and let me tell you it sucks balls. I hate every minute of it. I hate the fact I dream of a nameless girl who is suppose to fill the void I feel in my life at least once a week. I hate the fact that sometimes that girl takes the form of one of my exes, that really depresses me. I hate the fact that my parents are constantly bugging me about when I will get married. I hate the fact, I have to tell them never. I hate the fact that I feel so broken about relationships, that I always find excuses on why I shouldn't try. I hate the fact that even though I know what I have to do to make myself happy, I am so complacent about being miserable that I do nothing about it.

I am not shy, or ugly, or have social problems. But my desire to have my own space, and the fact I am not very outgoing has resulted in 35 years of lonlieness. Also the fact that my heart has been shattered recently (no one to blame but me on that one) compounds the situation ten fold. Also the advice of "your young, it will happen to you before you know it" is such bull. I used to believe that when I was in my teens and younger 20's. Well guess what, I am 5 years removed from 40, and I have no option on filling that void in my life anytime soon. In my case, it has been sort of a self served exile from dating, so I fall into this category. I should have gotten advice on how to create the situation on meeting woman, not believing in some miracle that never will happen.

It's not like I haven't tried in the past. The biggest waste of time and money for dating are online dating websites. If you are a woman, it works pretty well. You only represent about 25% of the people who actually try online dating. The rest of the 75% of people better be gay, because if you're not, the chances of meeting someone online is slim to none. I have met a total of 1 person the entire time I tried online dating. I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her.

Actually believe what I wrote. Relationships do not work for me. They make me miserable, so why should I want one? I'm much happier and peaceful staying single.

I followed your post until the end when I read "I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her."

30 min? attracted to her? ....

Now that I think more about this, I don't even want to know.

I think you're reading more into it. We met for coffee, 30 min later we parted ways. I made it clear to her in a very nice manner that I had no interest in pursuing it any farther. I'm a decent enough person where I am not going to make another person feel bad about themselves for no reason. She was a nice girl, but there was no attraction from me. I think I can make a decision within 10 seconds when I meet someone if I am attracted to them or not, so 30 min is plenty of time to come to a conclusion.

Also, you're a much stronger person that I am if you are happier being alone.
dorky76 said:
Sprint said:
dorky76 said:
I'm curious, do you people actually believe what you wrote or are you trying to make yourself feel better? I have been single for most of my life and let me tell you it sucks balls. I hate every minute of it. I hate the fact I dream of a nameless girl who is suppose to fill the void I feel in my life at least once a week. I hate the fact that sometimes that girl takes the form of one of my exes, that really depresses me. I hate the fact that my parents are constantly bugging me about when I will get married. I hate the fact, I have to tell them never. I hate the fact that I feel so broken about relationships, that I always find excuses on why I shouldn't try. I hate the fact that even though I know what I have to do to make myself happy, I am so complacent about being miserable that I do nothing about it.

I am not shy, or ugly, or have social problems. But my desire to have my own space, and the fact I am not very outgoing has resulted in 35 years of lonlieness. Also the fact that my heart has been shattered recently (no one to blame but me on that one) compounds the situation ten fold. Also the advice of "your young, it will happen to you before you know it" is such bull. I used to believe that when I was in my teens and younger 20's. Well guess what, I am 5 years removed from 40, and I have no option on filling that void in my life anytime soon. In my case, it has been sort of a self served exile from dating, so I fall into this category. I should have gotten advice on how to create the situation on meeting woman, not believing in some miracle that never will happen.

It's not like I haven't tried in the past. The biggest waste of time and money for dating are online dating websites. If you are a woman, it works pretty well. You only represent about 25% of the people who actually try online dating. The rest of the 75% of people better be gay, because if you're not, the chances of meeting someone online is slim to none. I have met a total of 1 person the entire time I tried online dating. I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her.

Actually believe what I wrote. Relationships do not work for me. They make me miserable, so why should I want one? I'm much happier and peaceful staying single.

I followed your post until the end when I read "I met that 1 person for about 30 min and left because I was not attracted to her."

30 min? attracted to her? ....

Now that I think more about this, I don't even want to know.

I think you're reading more into it. We met for coffee, 30 min later we parted ways. I made it clear to her in a very nice manner that I had no interest in pursuing it any farther.

I don't see anything wrong with not getting married or settling down. It's all about personal choice. I thought the same until recently. Still, I'm not really sure I'd actually get married. I do want children, but I don't have to be married to make that happen.
Lmao....Just a couple of years
I honelty share my experince of what
it was like to be single in ur 40s

This is after coming off a 12 yrs relationship and then had a nice one died on me....

I found alone SUCKED ASS..

Heck I even remember the dumb ass chick I met on line the kept leading me on for coffee or a date. That was totally retarded man...Then again I rememher the stupid games that happens in the dating world.

Then of course Chelle...had to go and make empty promises to me again.

Somewhere alone the line I totally snapp LOL

I went and ****** the living **** out of
every women that wanted to play their games with me.
Of course ...that Threesome thing with a couple sets of different women..
Only a single person and get away with that without repacusions..
ANd of course...I was content with that..

Then life has a way of throwing anoher curve balls @ me. I nevered thought I could feel so muich love again..

Then people in their 20s wanna give me advice about being single or what a relationship should be...

Ill just say Im over 40...without going into details..
Ive palyed the field.serval rounds. Ive been married. Ive in LT relationship.

Some people few 3-6 months as a realtionship...while I see that as a fling.

When I say single and dating...I mean date different women then narrow down my chioces..but some people see that as Im be a player..but what I was doing is actaully a healthy thing to do.
Your suppost to date different people before you settle down.Yeah it was money consuming and time comsuming.

but it was healthier than sitting @ home stairing @ the four fucken walls...
I'm sorry, LC, but from what you've posted, your relationships are a hair short of being insanely unstable for any age. I wouldn't listen to advice you have to give on anything.
As a man...I would never ever take dating advice from a chick...
Especailly from young people that's never actaully wipe a babies
***** nights and days. Getting up in the middle of the night to feed
a baby for months and months. Thats just the tip of the iceburge.
Making Judgements about me is simply piontless and retarded.
People dont know me enough. Just thier own fucken perceptions or filters
thier wearing Living in a bubble or delusions.

12 years...that's pretty damn stable to me. And 6 years before that.
I date for 6 months in between. Techniquelly these women were my wife
by law even though we didnt do the ceremony.
I was married for 2 years before that..
BTW CHELLE is my ex-wf.. that's who I was referring to as someone making empty promisses.

I also raised other people's children and love them as they are my own.
My step duaghters still talks to me.
But what the **** would I daugthers are in thier 20's..older than some of ya.
Plus they're all drop dead gorgeous. All have men chasing after them. But they're
still human and having living challenges like everyone else.

Thats a pretty stable life I lived and I'm pretty stable as a person and father.
Its a lot more than I can say for thier dead beat fathers.

Lots of people get deviorces. Its a fact of life.
It wasnt my decision to break up with Sherry. I stood by her side through thick and thin

Dating again when I was 40. It was duanting for me. I nevered imagine being
single at 40...But there I was. Life gose on with or without me.
I threw myself out there...participating with life again.
I believe I did a pretty great job. I had lots of fun dating beautiful women
under 30. The women I dated liked me. No dramma..We were asll mature adults.
It wasnt was FUN, and FULL OF GOOD TIMES.
Different things I never tired before. I had lots of fun and nothing bad happened.
I didnt date those women to seek approval or to be a fucken saint

I sure as hell wasnt giving dating advice to women...
Telling you're Sorry up front is insulting and very immature of ya.

**** when Renae and i got back together. You didnt like that either.
yeah...she's a very beautiful woman with big ass titays.
Yeah our daughter is drop dead gorgeouse and super sexy...
here's another picture of her...She looks just like her mom (RENAE)
Lots of young beautiful women on covers of mags or postures everywhere. This too is a fact of life.

I'm standing by Renae's side now...through thick and thin.
I love Kimmie unconditionally...
I'm a stable, loving, and understanding person.
Actually LC, I value you're opinion. I do also value the opinion of others, but I am really curious as to what your mindset holds. I believe since you are closer to my age than these early and mid 20's posters on here you can actually give me some insight to what might come ahead for me. You and I have had vastly different experiences, sort of. I too have filled the emptiness in my with the passing girl to fill my bed at night. I've been with many women in my past, but my bed is still lonely most nights. As a matter of fact, I have been with so many that I realize that I only want one to be there with me constantly. However, to this day I can only name 2 women whom I wanted to have a LTR with. The problem with them was that one move away from me, and the other didn't harbor the same feelings for me. The last one shattered my hopes and dreams to little pieces, and I am still trying to put them back together. I made a couple of recent decisions that hopefully can put me back on the right track, we shall see.

PS Your daughter is really drop dead gorgeous dude.
i was actually talking to a co-worker about this earlier today.

i'm single by choice, and i no longer believe in marriage/long-term relationships or any of that crap. i used to want to marry some day and have a family and move in with someone and all those things that my family and the rest of society expects me to do, but not anymore. after a few too many run-ins with heartbreak and relationship disaster, i've decided to just stay single and not settle down after all.

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