Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
You are a better man than most ArdourAssuming that's a woman...ew, no, I wouldn't want anyone who'd pair up with him.

You are a better man than most ArdourAssuming that's a woman...ew, no, I wouldn't want anyone who'd pair up with him.
No. I would say thank you and good riddens another mess avoided early on! Woohoo!You are a better man than most ArdourI used to think stealing someones partner was the best revenge… not forever but just long enough to make them understand the tables have turned. To make them understand the hierarchy has shifted
but thats an easier game to play with women, a man might beat you up
I was sexually abused by my P.E. teacher in highschool, in junior school my deputy head teacher caused the most profound mistrust between my parents and myself, after being accused and then blamed for a vandalization to school property that meant at 7 years old I was suspended, beat up by my dad (he was publically shamed about my wrongly attributed behaviour) and was shamed by many other teachers. I grew up fearful of adults and grew up never trusting my parents after that, strange thing was how my brother got to know I was innocent as a chance event put him on a work position with the guy who did the vandalization and that vindicated my innocence, but school damaged me big time. Im 45 and still have negative memory flashbacks of those experiences. So I know to some degree how you feel.I'm in my 40s and still think about this daily. Bullying is misleading as it rarely got physical - more continual rejection, mocking and frequent humiliations over having "no mates" and generally not being liked.
I don't hate those people, as bad as some of them were. I hate myself. I want to punch that idiot in the face. Being needy with bad social skills was asking for it at a NZ secondary school in the '90s.
In the final 2 years I forced myself into a group of less popular individuals, but this was nothing like a nerdy group of friends who have each other's backs, as portrayed in the media. We had nothing much in common. I was tolerated.
Because of these experiences nothing seems real now or counts for much. There's few opportunities to prove to myself that I've changed, and the politeness of older adults seems fake. Teens or early twenty somethings might be obnoxious but at least there's honesty there. That felt like reality, this doesn't.