I'm waiting.....[video=youtube] [/video]
Badjedidude said:Yeah... except that's not how logic works.
If logic is a subjective thing open to interpretation and personal belief, then it isn't valid logic.
I don't care if a guy makes wild claims about his ability to fly if he jumps off a building. Once he jumps, he might think he can fly, and he can call that "truth" all he wants... but he can't fly. No matter how hard he wishes to fly, he's just not going to. Because that's not how the universe works. There is an objective reality that isn't open to interpretation and opinion. He's going to hit the ground and most likely die.
In the same vein, a person can call their wild claims, "logic" all they want. But that doesn't make it logic or true.
If this makes me "closed-minded," then so be it.
9006 said:I think this is all specifics and misconceptions, but if a guy jumps off a building, his logic could be that if he flaps his arms like an idiot, then (steering clear of the physics) he will fly; you're right, this isn't how this would work, but that doesn't mean it's not his logic.
9006 said:It's not like he's going to conduct all the tests first
Badjedidude said:perfanoff said:The brain creates the thought process and emotions but these do not and cannot explain consciousness.
Why not?
perfanoff said:The soul is a funny thing, there is no physical explanation for it
Who says a specific construct like a soul even exists?
I don't know why people have such a hard time believing that consciousness is simply a result of humans having the most advanced brains on the planet. I see no proof for a soul. I see no proof to assume that consciousness stems from anything other than physical processes. It's quite a leap to assume that there's some separate aspect of us that exists beyond the physical. Why is such a leap even necessary? Because you feel it must be so? That's just not good enough of a reason for me to believe in a soul. Or religion, for that matter.
What's so horrible about the thought that we're just physical beings, our consciousness the result of physical phenomenon? Does that invalidate our existence?
I don't think so.
perfanoff said:If one is to assume that the physical is all there is to it, e.g. a person's consciousness is a direct result of the physical world and no external factors, one has to immediately assume that there is an infinite number of consciousnesses that have/are/will arise in the world. Which brings me back to the model theory my friend has.. and the conclusion we made about the grand fallacy of distinction of anything, or otherwise dividing a unity.
perfanoff said:I agree that the brain may be the sole cause of it, but the consciousness is a metaphysical phenomenon on its own.
Badjedidude said:That's incorrect, though... this is what I'm trying to argue. There is no personal logic. There is only logic correctly or incorrectly applied. It could be the guy's opinion or belief that he would fly, and he could even call it logic, but he wouldn't actually be applying valid logic (no matter how much he calls it such) to his thought process when engaging in that activity.
Maybe I am making too big a deal of semantics here.
9006 said:It's not like he's going to conduct all the tests first
Making tests first would be a damn good idea if you're going to be jumping off of a building, wouldn't you say?
Making tests first would be a damn good idea if you're going to be jumping off of a building, wouldn't you say?
9006 said:You say there's no personal logic, but who says what logic is in the first place? And wouldn't that be personal logic? Everyone has a different perspective of logic.
9006 said:I understand what you're saying, you throw a ball, gravity's gonna drag it back down (providing the energy input doesn't exceed gravitys pull!), that's logic, but what if I had never experienced gravity? Would I still think it's logical that I'd get my ball back after I lashed it towards the sky?
perfanoff said:What is consciousness? Consciousness is another name for existence. Existence is an
abstract concept that is true of itself.
perfanoff said:Since the universe contains all models, each model exists and is a conscious one in itself.
perfanoff said:2. Is there a God? Yes. God is the name we give to the transcendent, atemporal,
unchanging aspect of existence. Existence is an abstract concept, but it is a conscious
being. In fact, existence and consciousness are the same concept. The transcendent aspect
of existence (one of the two ways to look at existence) is outside of time and creates time
and the temporal universe. We are existence observing itself inside of time. The former is
God. We are not God.
FocusedIntent said:I am saying it is thought that is creating the world. People are living in their own bubbles of perception projecting their experiences onto their walls of perception. They are all connected by something called a collective consciousness and because of this they cooperatively create the world. It is because of this collective consciousness which science has measured that things like telepathy are possible. You are pure consciousness energy.
Here is the most accurate way I can think of to try and explain what we call life:
If you are standing in the center of your room imagine that everything is being projected outward from your body. Understand that your body is also just a part of the projection. When people look up at the night sky they think they are looking out toward the universe. This is not true. The universe is inside of you and that is why when you go inward through meditation you find everything. Scientists will never understand the universe by studying its reflection. If you held a phone in front of a mirror could you figure out how the phone works internally by looking at its reflection? No, you could only make some obscure observations.
Focused_Intent said:Since this threads topic has taken a turn I will share something I wrote on a different forum with you all.
FocusedIntent said:I am saying it is thought that is creating the world. People are living in their own bubbles of perception projecting their experiences onto their walls of perception. They are all connected by something called a collective consciousness and because of this they cooperatively create the world. It is because of this collective consciousness which science has measured that things like telepathy are possible. You are pure consciousness energy.
Here is the most accurate way I can think of to try and explain what we call life:
If you are standing in the center of your room imagine that everything is being projected outward from your body. Understand that your body is also just a part of the projection. When people look up at the night sky they think they are looking out toward the universe. This is not true. The universe is inside of you and that is why when you go inward through meditation you find everything. Scientists will never understand the universe by studying its reflection. If you held a phone in front of a mirror could you figure out how the phone works internally by looking at its reflection? No, you could only make some obscure observations.
Focused_Intent said:Since this threads topic has taken a turn I will share something I wrote on a different forum with you all.
It was never disproven. Many people practice telepathy successfully, everything is connected. Consider that they have split particles and separated them by distances and the particles still act as if they are connected. If they change the charge of one the other also changes its charge ect.. The global consciousness project showed a spike in tension among people days before the 9 11 terrorist attacks. The list goes on and on, but this is something you can experience personally. Find a partner and practice sending each other thoughts.perfanoff said:The notion of telepathy is NOT possible because it is disproven and unlikely to exist.
Do you really think they would tell you about it's success? They still have all those programs going secretly. You have forgotten what you knew when you were a child and more in tune with your true nature. That the world is a magical mysterious place where anything is possible. People have told you NO so many times you don't think you can do anything except be a slave to the society that forces you to run around trying to acquire worthless money. Thought alone can alter this physical matter as Dr. Emoto proved with his demonstration on water molecules. The placebo effect is further proof. My suggestion is that you meditate and all these truths will be revealed to you. Get back to nature!perfanoff said:CIA and KGB have both funded paranormal programs, and none have had ANY success. Some things in the physical world that WE live in HAVE TO obey rules. YOU as a manifestation of the type HUMAN BEING are subjected to stringent rules. Don't insinuate immaterial possibilities to people, please tell that stuff to the immaterial people instead (the ghosts or whatever)
TropicalStarfish said:Interesting thread.
if you had to draw a distinctive line between what is you and what is not you, where exactly would you draw it?
I've also found it funny that we often refer to our brains and the inner workings of such as something that is not our self. We objectify things into synapses, neuro-transmitters, and the like, when what we are really talking about is the very stuff that is consciousness itself.
Edward W said:This thread hurts my energy.