I'm Bisexual
angelus said:Elaeagnus said:I'm going to weigh in here and say that I think that both men and women are equally likely to be shallow or make decisions based on physical appearance. However, I would say that about 95% of the people I know (both men and women) do not consider looks to be a top priority when they are choosing friends, dates, or romantic partners. While physical looks can be important in forming an initial attraction, I know almost no one who acts on purely physical attraction. Most people I know form feelings for someone and then become physically attracted to them.
I think you make an excellent point Elaeagnus,I wonder if some of what everyone here is experiencing isn't a symptom of a much bigger issue.It seems to me that people in general can be terribly shallow,I don't know it just seems sometimes as if selfishness in general has become some sort of modern day religion or something.Personally I am a strait male,I tend to be very realtionship oriented,I don't like having flings or as they use to say when I was a teenger playing the field,even as a teenager I didn't want to.I've always been a bit guarded about that side of my life because I will admit it matters alot,when I care for a woman what she thinks of me,what she does matters,she matters.I don't like the idea of getting involved with someone that will play fast and loose with my heart.I am not like overly dependant on realtionships but I won't pretend like they don't mean a great deal to me.I think its harder to find that speical someone nowdays no matter your orientation cause its people that are different,all across the board not one particular group.One last thing,corny as this may sound I hope everyone here that wants to finds that speical someone at some point no matter your orientation,good luck and best wishes to all![]()
lonelygirl said:Tim,
I think you made an excellent point. In my experience as a straight woman, lol, a lot of the gay male friends I've had have focused a lot on looks. That's something that makes me feel really bad for gay men--that if they are overweight, or just plain, not in great shape, or not a sharp dresser, or any of the above combined--that they would be passed by. Even if they are super awesome, funny, and nice people inside! I really don't like that aspect of 'gay culture'--that physical attractiveness is number one. What about people who are pretty outside and ugly inside?
I have one sister like that. Outside, she's beautiful, fit, and sexy, but inside, she's very selfish and sometimes is mean!
Bull said:thanks for doing this poll. i feel more comfortable in here now
i had no idea there was so much of the community in here. i think my orientation has alot to do with my loneliness.
im les and really relate to what youre saying too sweetbaby about women being so into looks and have the same kind of things on my mind that you do. im only sexually attracted to women but ive been thinking about femming up and dating guys just because it would be so much easier than keeping on trying to handle women. i just dont know if i can take the stress anymore. dont worry about what other people say to you besides by your nick it looks like youre already making your own decisions. good
timdjohn said:I guess just my general curiosity. But wondering the percentage what sexual orientation others posting in here are. Also do you think that your particular orientation has any bearing on your general feeling of loneliness?
I do hope all feel free to post.
BTW I myself am a gay male, and feel I would be lonely no matter what orientation I would have been.
I noticed I forgot Bisexual, Sorry to all that may be Bisexual. There are so many different groups anymore. ;-)
lonelygirl said:Lonely2bee, wanna hear something funny? When I imagine a handsome young gay guy, I SOOOO wanna convert him. lol. There are so many very handsome gay men and somehow, I feel it's such a tragedy and such a waste!![]()