I didn't want to read the 23 pages so I'm sorry if this has already been suggested, BUT:
This place is da bomb! Heart and Soul! The guy (Coach Joseph Kozak!) is so damned chilled. He's a fantastic motivator. You listen to what he's saying. He's so motivational - the real deal. Its compltely free (I think the app is £1.69 or something, and its worth every penny.)
The real beauty of it is, its an all in one package. Nothing through the post, the guy genuinely wants to reach out and wants to make people around the world fitter in body and mind.
There are various programs. Got an injury and want to ease back into fitness or you're an absolute newcomer to it (like me, at the age of 33) then hit the beginners course. Its there simply to condition your body for 30 day challenge course which is obviously harder. Then there's a 90 day Warrior cause which targets muscle gain. Then there's stuff like a Spartan course or something, which probably has you doing pull ups with your toes, and a Jason Strathom one which probably involves doing push ups with your d*ck!
Point is, there's plenty of courses no matter what your physique is. He pushes you but doesn't want to break you. He often says, "drop out if you need to, not if you want to" during the exercises.
Best part is, there's a a dietary guide for YOUR motives behind the course. For example, for losing weight he suggests one diet, for muscle gain hes got another guide. He won't give you a list of what to eat, but he'll give you a selection of examples, and recommends your protein and carb intake. He approaches the fitness from a very scientific angle and its as awesome as it is refreshing.
For those who are still a bit weary of it, he breaks you in real gently. I didn't think much of it when i started... First session was only five minutes. The second was ten (this is beginner course btw) but it is just to break your body into it gently.
Also, very rarely do you need equipment. I bought some dumbells but more often than not, certainly for the fat-burning workouts, you anything in your hands will do. Its just to create some resistance so he suggests tinned food etc...
Please, if you're want to tackle problems of self-esteem or confidence and look at fitness as a means to do so, this guy is definitely worth a look. I promise. Mentally I feel much better than I have done for a long time, and I think this has a lot to do with it, and I'm still going through the beginners course, but I did spend a few days sampling the various courses before deciding I just wanted to start from the very bottom and work my way up.
Oh, and so far, for the beginner (and probably the challenge!) you don't even need to leave your home, so if your gym-shy like me, don't worry about it. Just be careful hopping about if you got people living below, but that's not as difficult as it sounds... thus far anyway...
Here's a sample of the Beginners Programme. i want to lose some weight first. Then I'm going to do the 30 day challenge on a weight loss diet, then considering doing it again for a muscle gain diet, but i'm not all that fussed about getting ripped. Would just ben nice to see where I'm aiming