If it's raining, walking up and down the stairs makes for good cardio exercise.
Rosie007 said:If it's raining, walking up and down the stairs makes for good cardio exercise.
windsley said:hey i have a bit of trace of six packs abs on me, what exercise should i do to make it more visible?
TheSkaFish said:I've been running a 5K (a little over 3 miles) every other day at an up-tempo pace, trying to go faster each time than the time before. I also walk on the in-between days, and sometimes on the run days as well. I've done this routine since about late 2019 now, and I've gotten better at consistency with each passing month, for the most part.
Also, since this year, I've been incorporating:
- pushups (to max),
- situps (to max, alternating between rollups and crunches each day),
and ab exercises (on a cycle of medium, hard, easy, hard, medium, once per workout - then restart the cycle with medium the next time):
- planks - center, right, center, left, center - (medium 30 seconds/position, hard 40 seconds/position, easy 20 seconds/position),
- whichever situp I DIDN'T do earlier (30 medium, 40 hard, 20 easy),
- scoops - lay on the ground, hold legs above the ground horizontally for about 5 seconds, "scoop" legs up and back down into plank position (15 medium, 20 hard, 10 easy),
- obliques - lay on the ground, touch elbow to opposite knee, and kick out with other leg at the same time - each set of both legs counts as one rep (30 medium, 40 hard, 20 medium).
When I started, I was at 39.5 inches for my waist, and about 196 pounds.
So far, I've lost almost 9 minutes off my 5K time (from 33 minutes or so at the slowest, to 24:13 at the fastest), and 4 inches off my waist (39.5 inches at the start, to about 35.5 inches today).
I don't know what I weigh, as I don't own a working scale. But I'm pretty sure I weigh less. My shirts fit better, I look better in the mirror, my stomach sticks out less and I even see a little bit of definition in my ab muscles. And when I met up with my friend last week, I actually fit comfortably into an old pair of shorts from high school, that I'd had trouble fitting into at all when I tried them on last.
Also I've been trying to drink water regularly every day, and trying to be more conscious of overeating, trying to just eat what I need to be full instead of stuffed. And as of now, I've only drank alcohol once this past year and a half, and when I met up with my friend, not alone. Also, it almost goes without saying but I've been totally smoke-free.
I used to run cross country and track in high school, and I wish I'd never let myself get out of shape and out of the habit of exercise. However, I'm open to other ideas, and I'd like to switch more to lifting when I have the money for a gym membership and a more protein-based diet, and when COVID is more under control, because I'd really like to have a more muscular body, both for my physical health and mental health/self-image/self-esteem/confidence. I've always wished I could have more power, and I feel if I was more muscular I could be more assertive with people. And looking better wouldn't hurt, eitherBut as of lately, this has been working for me.