Surviving attack of the zombies

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My answer has always been that I shall be following around one or another of these very well prepared gentlemen and get hands on training.
Speaking of the zombie-retardant clothing- what about chainmail? I doubt they would be biting through that! and for a vehicle- one of them armoured bank vans- bullet proof to stop the roaming theives, big space in the back to live in and is made to withstand people breaking in- problem is finding one after the world has turned and getting it started...

Like all the well prepared people i have made plans, which i will also share for the benefit of mankind-

For the slow, shuffling George A Romero-style zombie: Base: this shall be a tall building- living in the city as i do there are plenty to choose from- I may take the penthouse suit seen as i can- there i shall destroy the lifts and barricade the stairways from the 1st floor- idea is zombies cant climb a rope-and i can. Also, i may be able to make a retractable ladder to get in and out and stop the zombies from following.
Weapons: I have the benefit of having a museum of weaponry in my city- which will come in handy. As im in the UK- guns are not really the best option-unless you know how to use a musket and have plenty of time to reload! I also know where the gun shops are and can shoot- so i can maybe thin out the numbers if i get bored. there are a few proper guns around, so id have to see about getting hold of some. Main weapons would be sharp or blunt objects-fire is a no go- whats scarier than a zombie? A zombie thats on fire.
Clothing/armour: The museum and gun shops have plenty of chain mail and metal armour to choose from. It may be heavy but my plan revolves around staying put most of the time. there is also a police station- so chances are there is some riot gear in there! Clothes- well i live in a big shopping city- i shall look fasionable as well as formidable. i will also use some sort of eye protection- dont want none of that icky undead blood in my eyes. JUst because the world has gone to **** doesnt mean you have an excuse not to be presentable.
Transport: one of them armoured bank vans would be preferable- like i said before they are made to stop people getting in and have space in the back to live in. Failing that- a tank. Im sure there will be one someplace. a store of pertol/diesel would also be kept. A boat may also be a good idea- although hiding at sea does bring a few big problems with it...
Survivors/comrades: A strict policy of Find Your Own ******* Place (FYOFP) would be in use. If films have shown us anything is that others slow you down or may stab you in the back. I will also stay away from resistance groups- 28 days later shows a clear example of soldiers turning bad.
Exploration: Only during bright times. night time is a no go, so are any areas of low visibility- basements, sewers, underground car parks, woodland, tunnels etc

It would be just a matter of destroying as many zombies as possible and hoping there is a solution created before i die-it would have to be a large scale solution- im not joining no lil group!
well, I plan to stick to a group. Safety in numbers as long as no one has been bitten. Perhaps a tank or an armoured vehicle to move about. As for weapon, I was thinking a flame thrower maybe... :p
By the time "The Walking Dead" series end, i should have some idea.
i could ezily nail this
wouldnt b 2 diffrnt from where i already live
in fact by then i would evn have an advantage i dont have now
nt havng 2 stop 4 traffic lights

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